View Full Version : Pine River Fish Diversity

29-04-2011, 11:30 AM
Looking at some reports lately coming from the pine and seeing more threadfin caught, a brown morwong, moses perch and more jacks. plus some of my catches of legal snapper, cobia and big eye trevally i just am really surprised at what the piney is producing. Has anyone else caught many big eye trevally or other trevally in the pine as it's not normally a big trevally producer. why i dont know. maybe its me?

I ask because i have fished the pine since i was a really little. I remember catching the usual estuarine species plus many trumpeter of which i havent seen on the river for years but never species like cobia, trevally and threadies. I've even heard of a barra been caught. Not too sure if thats true but.......Are Brisbane fish assemblages changing over time? Different fishing technique i.e switch from bait to placcies making a difference??, global warming?? Just interested to hear other peoples persepctives and opinions.


29-04-2011, 12:56 PM
Certainly more tropical species are appearing in SE Qld (and in the Pine) over the last few years. I've fished SE Qld (including the Pine) for the last 50 years and have noticed the change. In just the last 5 years I've caught jacks, estuary cod, giant herring, squire (quite a few of legal size), the brown sweetlip and a school mackerel IN the Pine. Prior to this I'd never caught any of these species in the river. I've yet to catch a legal giant threadfin in the Pine, but I get quite a few juveniles in the cast net, plus lots of juvenile trevally - not sure what species. Yet to catch a barra in the Pine - but I'm still hoping!
Cheers Freeeedom

Captain Incredible
29-04-2011, 03:30 PM
I normally fish a fair way upstream of the Highway bridge where it is quieter. Add Golden, Big Eye & GT Trevally to the Trevally pile as well as Triple Tail, Freshwater Eel, Tortoise (in a mud crab pot at Bald Hills) and Mulloway. Last trip I added Australian Bass and Javelin Fish to the pile as well. I love the Pine. I do catch plenty of Pine River Barra (catfish) as well.

29-04-2011, 04:44 PM
Prob less filth coming out of the APM.

29-04-2011, 10:39 PM
probably more fresh pouring out of NPD and the floods to wash all the crud from the papermill exhaust that constantly flows into the pine. I`v fished the area for years and a lot of the banks that have been silty mud for years are now nice yellow/white sand after the big flush so this is hopefully the reason so many more species are calling it home for now ! lets hope it stays clean and they hang around.

30-04-2011, 08:44 AM
trevally have always been an option in the pine, best at dawn around the suken barges near the pine river bridge. chug bugs work well, just upgrade the trebles. been ages since ive seen a putty nose perch come from there. I have seen small cobia round the hornibrook, but never landed one, it may well be that the mill is pumping less shit into the river, and the castle hill sewrage plant has lifted its act.
global warming? dunno, but if this is the result I like it!!!!

30-04-2011, 05:00 PM
I get a few putty nose perch (which I always release) fishing the bream using prawns , and quite a few recently in the cast net, but I'm also getting juvenile giant threadfin regularly in the cast net now. They are a very bright yellow and have the distinctive big tail that distinguishes them from the putty nose perch. As Captain Incredible mentioned the javelin fish is another tropical species which has turned up in numbers locally in the last few years. Jew have always been in the Pine as we are at the upper end of a more southerly distribution. Interestingly I've never caught a decent size trevally in the Pine. I must be doing something wrong!
Cheers Freeeedom

03-05-2011, 09:19 AM
yeah i get the putty nose perch and also the Giant Threadfin juveniles in the cast net too but only recently. Be nice to nail even a small threadie in the piney.

03-05-2011, 09:24 AM
well i must be doing something wrong ive fished the pine for about 5 years now and still all ive caught are bream, flathead and bullys, you guys mentioned the sunken barge? im normally out near the mouth of blad hills creek or on under the hornibrook.. quite shallow in parts sadly