View Full Version : Brisbane River yesterday

27-04-2011, 12:25 PM
Had a session in the river yesterday, from around 11 - 5.

No troubles finding plenty of herring at luggage point & around boggy creek, with a few gar and big mullet. No decent prawns though, which was suprising.

We anchored up along the sunken wall in about 11ft, not too far from the end. Patience didn't pay off, with nothing caught in a few hours. The wind was pretty fierce, so we moved to the southern side of the river in search of some protection. We drifted along in around 3 foot of water for a while, near the coal terminal, flicking plastics & with a live herring out the back - for no hits. There were plenty of mullet jumping around though.

We had one last try about 50m towards the mouth from the sunken wall, in about 14ft. We've caught a few snapper here in the past few weeks (ranging 20-40cm), but all we managed was a few small shovelnose and a heap of blue swimmers which were chewing everything we threw at them. Ended up keeping 8 crabs, and throwing back about the same.

That was probably the 7th or 8th trip I've had in the brissy now, and I'm slowly learning the river. Have caught a few flatty's & bream, and one keeper squire (all on live prawns), and had plenty of fun exploring. Anyone got any tips on where to try for jew & threadys at the moment?

28-04-2011, 06:54 AM
if you have a sounder try along the drop offs or out the front of the southern side whalfs. you really need to find the bait to get onto a hot session and you will learn spots where the bait hang out at different stages of the tide as you fish the river more. live bait or decent sized plastics (5" +) will bring you up tight on jew or threadies

28-04-2011, 08:12 PM
In May 3 to 5 days before the full moon over the high tide and onwards float pillies or Mullet Fillets down on a ball sinker Drift 30+ metres from the wharf and throw towards the wharf
If you can get some small live mullet or live herring is a bonus
There are some good Jew and Snapper and Threadies that come out there

Cheers Mark

29-04-2011, 01:10 PM
Cheers Neckrofish & Mark

I'll definitely get back out there for another go - is there a particular wharf are you talking about Mark?

29-04-2011, 02:14 PM
Quick question, and I do not want to hijack the thread, are you allowed on the river at night? May sound like a silly q but with all the channel traffic I am not sure if there are restrictions.

29-04-2011, 02:17 PM
Quick question, and I do not want to hijack the thread, are you allowed on the river at night? May sound like a silly q but with all the channel traffic I am not sure if there are restrictions.

Only the 30 meter rule. Your not allowed at night if you don't have the proper navigational lights. White light needs to be 1 meter above nav lights when anchored.

29-04-2011, 07:01 PM
watch the white light. Although they say it must be at least a meter above the nav lights, it also states that there should be nothing obstructing the 'all round light' at any time-this includes your body when fishing. I hooked up my boat for night fishing and was advised of this as people were being booked-so i forked out the extra $30 for a led light that is adjustable to above my head.....

was wondering what warf you were talkking about too ragingbull???

01-05-2011, 04:33 PM
is it safe to eat out of the river yet