View Full Version : putting hurt on big fish (kayaking)

22-04-2011, 11:10 AM
the brother managed to land a 10kg longtail on the yak today but after an hour of getting towed (and 4km) he jumped in some blokes boat to finish the job...my question is do any of you yak fishers out there have any methods of putting more hurt on fish (other than upping the reels drag), cause in a yak they just keep towing you?

also not so keen with putting the legs in the water for extra drag..considering the amount of sharkies hanging about



22-04-2011, 11:36 AM
small para anchor?

22-04-2011, 03:04 PM
thats a not a bad idea but theres normally heaps of ropes involved with those and if the fish double back or turn things could get messy with tangles...might just have to sack up and stick the legs over the side haha...just talking to a mate an he suggested a bucket with a hole cut out the bottom..anyone tried this? I'm assuming it would work the same as a para anchor but less ropes...?

thanks for the reply trueblue

22-04-2011, 03:31 PM
thats a not a bad idea but theres normally heaps of ropes involved with those and if the fish double back or turn things could get messy with tangles...might just have to sack up and stick the legs over the side haha...just talking to a mate an he suggested a bucket with a hole cut out the bottom..anyone tried this? I'm assuming it would work the same as a para anchor but less ropes...?

thanks for the reply trueblue

The bucket will do the same trick just on a smaller scale. This is an old flathead fishermans trick when drifting.

Will be worth a go to see how much more hurt is needed.


23-04-2011, 05:13 PM
Wind up the drag and turn the kayak sideways to the fish. Don't really see the issue I have landed a 14kg and 25kg GT in under an hour each. Gave me a workout though :)

23-04-2011, 06:29 PM
Pump and wind, the closer they get to the surface the quicker they will tire, nothing like the fear factor of seeing the boat or kayak to wear a fish out fast.

03-05-2011, 02:43 PM
thanks for the replys..will put some of theses ideas to the test when the seas calm down a bit again

Greg P
03-05-2011, 02:57 PM
Just grab one of these


03-05-2011, 03:15 PM
concrete cinder block on a bit of rope? cheap and effective