View Full Version : rod to match trynos 10

20-04-2011, 05:37 PM
gday fellas. with the dollar so good at the moment im looking for a rod to suit this reel http://cgi.ebay.com/SHIMANO-TYRNOS-10-CONVENTIONAL-SALTWATER-REEL-/310277670428?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item483dfd861c.

it will be used for a little bit of everything from trolling for macs to bottom bashing in 20m.

budget is about 300

21-04-2011, 09:17 AM
I would look at a Shimano Triton Sportfishing Series either 8 - 10kg or 10 - 15kg models for around $50 each or a Wilson live fibre overhead for around $210. I've got a few of these rods and have had no dramas with them.

26-04-2011, 05:36 PM
Without going to custom made...

a good rod in so much as , strong, reliable, fast taper etc....

Ugly Stik BWS1609 6'9" 6 - 10kg. they go for under $100.00.

cheers LP