View Full Version : Hiring a couple of Kayaks

17-03-2011, 08:35 PM
SO me and the Mrs are hiring a couple of Kayaks from Anaconda for the weekend to see if we like this kind of fishing.

Does anyone have any suggestions on where to go on the Gold Coast, preferably where there is not too much boat traffic, etc. as we are novices.

Is there any where else that hire Kayaks besides Anaconda?

Thanks for any info i can get.

26-03-2011, 08:25 PM
i know there is great bass spots up there and as far as i know the nerang river is good. but other then that just get in the yaks in a quite river and fish the snags on the banks and snags like weed beds and fallen trees, exspecially over hanging trees because as soon as the lure hits the water it will be taken. sometimes you dont even get time to pull over the bale arm and set the hook before there back in to the snags, so watch out and have fun. on average session with my canoe i catch 7 to 8 fish

01-04-2011, 03:36 PM

Sorry for the late response. Hinze Dam would be the spot to go. Get a fishing permit from the camping disposal store at Nerang first though. It's a pretty dam and has some good Bass in it. Main launching spot is from the south-west side.

Otherwise I believe Clear Island Waters is another spot - it is brackish water that holds bass as well as bream.

Not sure who down the GC hire kayaks/canoes. Adventure Outlet at Southport maybe an option?

