View Full Version : upgrading my sounder ...

28-02-2011, 08:24 PM
So my eagle cuda 168 crapped its self over the weekend. So i am in the market for a new sounder. I dont want to spend a bundle on a sounder as im only in the estuaries and only really read them for depth and the odd structure. I dont know if ive ever found fish on one.

I was thinking of getting a eagle cuda 300, About 103$ off ebay. Or wondering if should give a sounder a decent go and spend a little more. Though i think a bow mount would be a much more viable option.


28-02-2011, 08:32 PM
If it was me and the missus wouldnt find out I would spend more...lots more.

hummingbird side scan, lowrance side scan

28-02-2011, 08:36 PM
I have not been in a boat with a decent sounder so cant comment on how well they go. Specially when the deepest water on average my boat see's is 5m.

28-02-2011, 08:49 PM
cant beat a good sounder. You do have to see a good one to compare but side scan is the go in the shallows if you can afford it

04-03-2011, 07:43 AM
I just bought an Eagle 350c colour sounder from K-mart on a clearance for $200. They normally retail around the 380-420 dollar mark from what I have seen. You may be able to ring you local K-mart to see if they are also offering these as clearout sales. Fitting it to the tinnie today so I cant say what it goes like ýet. Couldn't justify an expensive sounder with the limited fish I caught last year according to the Minister of $$$.