View Full Version : Launching at pacific harbour bribie

20-02-2011, 09:13 AM
Can anyone help me with a launch location that will get me into the pacific harbour area in my hobie kayak . I dont particularly want to launch from the passage if i can help it but somewhere in the canal system would be great ,or am i just better of launching from some ones vacant lot ...Thanks matt

21-02-2011, 02:46 PM
,or am i just better of launching from some ones vacant lot

If you don't want to travel in from the passage then that is exactlly what I would be doing if it was possible. There looks to be plenty of vacant blocks to launch from on Google earth, a few of them have probably been built out by now though....


08-03-2011, 12:27 PM
there is a public pontoon in tradewinds drive

09-03-2011, 08:08 AM
Or the new marina, there should be something in there. Most of the blocks have fair drop down to the water. I used to put in on the bridge side of the channel entrance to PH. Turn left as you come off the bridge and follow the water as far as you can. I think there is a sales office for PH there at the end. There is a little walkway down to a small beach. Put in there and you are about 100m from the entrance in. There is quite often fish around the front there....

09-03-2011, 06:23 PM
Thanks guys , I found it's a bit high to launch from the blocks and the mariner has no facilities that would let me also . I will have a look at tradewind drive for somewhere to launch but I think l. N. Bribe is onto it and I have been there for a look but a 20 knot southerly put me of launching as I wANt to fish late afternoon , thanks again guys matt

15-03-2011, 04:56 PM
The new mariner has a pontoon, I have launched from there several times