View Full Version : Skirmish Point

04-02-2011, 10:20 PM
Any one know where Skirmish Point is on Bribie?

Have Fun Haji-Baba.::) ::) ::) ::)

05-02-2011, 04:39 AM
Skirmish Point is the south-east corner of Bribie Island. Head across the island to Woorim and take the last road on the right (Boyd street) and follow it until you come to a dirt road which ends at a car park. From there it's about a hundred metre walk out onto the beach. There's not much of a point there anymore, just a gentle curve of beach. The main things you will catch there are -
whiting in the summer, start about late September and early summer often the best. They bite best during a strong south-easterly breeze, not so good in calm conditions. Live yabbies pumped at Whitepatch are my preferred bait for them.
Tailor through the winter, June - August probably the best months. Best fishing with a high tide just after dawn, fish the first of the run out - pillies or metal slugs.
Dart - heaps of them there through the summer, will destroy your whiting baits all the time but very few of any quality. Great stuff for kids to catch their first fish though. Yabbies again.
Mackerel - good land based location for mackerel in the late summer. Fish the run out tide casting a pillie, pike or garfish under a float out into the run and let the tide take it out wide. Mackerel prefer a bit of bright sunlight so try for tailor early and switch to mackerel when the sun gets up a bit.
You'll also get the odd bream, flathead but not many as there's no underwater structure at the point. I've also caught a couple of stargazers there.
Cheers Freeeedom

05-02-2011, 05:12 PM
do the pros still net that area?

06-02-2011, 08:30 AM
do the pros still net that area?

Yes they do, right down to Red Beach I have seen the vehicles and boats.

06-02-2011, 11:04 AM
Freeedom nailed it I used to ride my pushy from Caboolture to Skirmish when I was still too young to drive and apart from the mackerel which I never targeted the rest sounds spot on.

later I used to park the boat offshore in the flow when it was not too strong and float baits as well as weightless hooks down current for palegics and the larger taylor/whatever..some days where great fun some where very slow.