View Full Version : Tuggerah Lakes at xmas/new year

03-01-2011, 08:29 AM
Went out a couple of times in the xmas/new year gap week and The Entrance channel has finally scoured itself a much better outlet to the ocean.

I haven't seen this many tourists out fishing the lake for years, I estimated 200+ people lining the shores of the channel from the ocean to the bridge and the evening I took a friend out it was hard to find a spot to drop anchor.

What's with these rods with the glowing tips this year? Every man and his dog had one (or three) waving about... it looks like an invasion of green glowing bugs swooping all over the place :)

We still took some nice fish (bream, whiting and flatties) but I didn't see too much action from those on the shore or from many of the boats near us.

Lastly... it only takes one or two ar*eholes to ruin things for a lot of people. I am convinced bogans and boats are a bad, yet all too common combination.

Nothing like enjoying the peace and quiet of a late night on the water and nexrt moment being tossed 45 degrees side to side as someone rockets past 2-3 metres away at 15-20kts. Usually followed by the scream of a two stroke kicking out as they hit the numerous obscured sandbars.

Its 8 kts for a reason people and those funny flashing white, yellow, green and red lights are not put up by Waterways as xmas decorations!!

Happy new year and tight lines.


03-01-2011, 09:18 AM
Having grown up on the Tuggerah lakes iam glad to hear that the entrance has opened back up hopefully a bit of tidal influence can help clean the system up.
I was back down there around xmas visiting family and got to do a bit of fishing i was also suprised at the amount of poeple fishing there.
Toukley Bridge would have had easily 50 poeple fishing off it on both sides each day i drove past.
Unfortanatly like any system theres always going to be poeple that have no idea on the water its just worse at the Entrance then most other places ive been.