View Full Version : Pottsville Surf Bream

28-12-2010, 06:10 PM
Once again with current weather being far less than average, I decided that it was time for another fishing adventure. The night before I checked the following forecast, in short no mystery here it was going too be crap.

So I called a friend who lives on the river. His advice was to give it a miss. The river was in a mild flood. Logs and all sorts were flowing out to sea.

My outside fishing buddy was in the know about the threatening change which was on the cards. So there goes spotty and mack chaseing.

There was only one last place where I could go, and that's the surf....Pottsville.

Like always, jumped back on line and checked out Pottsville's forecast. It looked ok for a while, but by late afternoon here we go again Rain and heaps of it.
I only had a window of a few hours, so I had to make the most of it.

Early that next morning here I was walking the beach before first light. There's always something magical about that time of day. As the first rays of light opened up the ocean I could see the water formations. With nicely formed gutters and water movement, I knew then that I've got half a chance of getting a feed. Just a few fish in bucket and I'd be a happy man. I say bucket and not an esky for the reason that I carn't drive on the beach I'm not a local resident. It's all backpacking it from here.

The first couple of hours were gold, No wind nor rain, two nice bream in the bucket all's fine........Time goes by and the weather starts to change. Firstly hours of relentless rain then the wind picks up. The lads that did manage a trip outside were heading home. It's not a good sighn when you see a floatilla of vessels racing for Santuary. Somethings about to give. When you look at the horizon it was a wall of deep blue. I'm already getting smashed by the rain. Have done for hours, and by the looks of it I haven't seen anthing yet. Funny thing is that just before the change well and truely set in, the fish went fully on the chew.

It was unreal, here I was being pounded and I'm getting good fish. This gave me the extra drive too dig in and weather out the weather. I only decided to cut the trip short when casting out became a dangerous occupation. You'd cast out and then you'd duck your own bait. That's what I call windy, not this 10 to 15 knots bizz that's nothing.

By the time I'd finished and it was home time , I've managed my feed. The long walk to my truck seemed longer than the first time, a head on scwall was letting me know that I'm alive. It's all part of it I suppose. That's what makes fishing addictive. Anyway here's some pics.


28-12-2010, 06:23 PM
Good to see another mad bugger out in it. good on you. Fished down that way the last two days from the beach myself and scored some good tailor on slugs, bronze whalers and lost a good meter plus jew in the shore dump. got a nice little jewy today 70-80 on a nilsie off the rocks. Bloody wild weather though. Ben

28-12-2010, 06:32 PM
Ben during the day I was the only mad bugger on that strip of beach. I kind've felt like Tom Hanks from castaway......, all I needed was wilson.....Willllllsonnnnnn!

But seriously have you noticed how well the fish come on when the barometer drops or a storm front is just about to bust loose.

Those gutters just south of blackrock seem to be a permanent formation. I guess it's got something to do with the water currents that drag of from blackrock itself.


28-12-2010, 06:38 PM
Haha, Wiiilson.ha. Yeah mate definately notice the fish come on just before the weather and just after the south easterly hits. yeah the sand buils up behind black rocks on the beach and scours out nice gutters either side of it. Ben

28-12-2010, 06:48 PM
Yeah I thought that something like that would play a big part in those gutter come trench formations. I was surprised at just how deep some of them were. No wonder why whalers and jew lurk around these parts. Because when you stand back on the dunes and study the water, These monsters have an easy entry and an even better exit, straight out for the blue abis

28-12-2010, 06:57 PM
Yeah mate. Haven't fished them for an age i generally fish the smaller formations on the beach where there is less water between the fish. Ben

28-12-2010, 07:01 PM
Well I might see you around those parts some day. Take care.


28-12-2010, 07:31 PM
More than likely already have crossed paths at some stage Gav . Fished down that way for the last 25 years since i was a boy. Ben

28-12-2010, 08:46 PM
Hey Ben stay tuned. Your local knowledge might well come in handy. If you've ever sighted an all black Hilux SSRX with a guy carrying two buckets, loaded up with a backpack and a blue healer by his side that'll be me.

28-12-2010, 11:44 PM
Im looking at heading down that way later this week, are the black rocks on the north side of the river mouth?

Thanks in advance for any help

29-12-2010, 08:45 PM
Welcome on. Blackrock is south of Cabarita and the main township of Pottsville. Just head towards Wooyong that's if I spelt it correctly? And you should be right. Plenty of beach to fish from and No real crowds mostly beach walkers and the odd nudie or two in the dunes, all part of the scenery I suppose!
Hope the weather plays the game for you.

Ah there are a few older threads on pottsville if you wanted to go for a search.


Mullet Musketeer
31-12-2010, 06:51 AM
Nice work - always good to know I am not the only mad bugger wh just has to keep fishing!

31-12-2010, 08:40 PM
Nice work - always good to know I am not the only mad bugger wh just has to keep fishing!

Going out again on the 1st of january 2011. there's no better way to open up a new year, other than watching the sun rise over the ocean. If you've gotten into fish, well that's just a bonus.

Happy New one Take care


01-01-2011, 07:20 PM
But seriously have you noticed how well the fish come on when the barometer drops or a storm front is just about to bust loose.

Know exactly what you're talking about there mate. As soon as the baro starts dropping I race to the beach/ wall and usually if you can time it right with the tide you wont be disapointed.
I've spent many an afternoon/ evening wondering why the bloody hell I'm alone on the beach being hammered by the weather when that sweet, beautiful sounds hits your ears.... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!
Good on ya and that's some healthy stud bream you got into.
Good work,

01-01-2011, 08:52 PM
Jimbo that more than beautifull sound of a ratchet going into meltdown zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz is the best adrenalin kick, your on red alert and for that instant your reflexes sharpen to cat like edge. Nothing better and nothing quite like it!!

The other good side too surf fishing, is that first initial strike....., it's more than positive it's a serious belt. And more often than not your fish that you've just stung is going to be quality.

You know of the question of Why are we doing this, in this sort of weather I'd reckon that's a que for a new thread. What goe's through your mind while your holding your rod? We could well get some good laughs from this one. Get ready take cover and switch to General Chat.


02-01-2011, 06:50 PM
Well, tomorrow morning is the day!!! 8:46am High Tide, going to fish a few hours before and a few hours after this time.

Thanks for your advice Viper, lets see if I can bring home a feed.

First mission will be to get the wife out of bed early enough :P

Where can I get a fishing permit at that time of the morning?

03-01-2011, 08:09 PM
Ah if your after your permit and you have a PC handy go online at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au (http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au) and you should be able too pay on line. Or there is a baitshop near Chindera that can help, or even the larger local servo's can assist.

If your wife has trouble getting out of bed in the wee early hour's just whisper in her ear that there might be some nice Nudies on the beach for you too have a look at. That'll get things moving.. she'll want to keep an eye on you from here.::)
