View Full Version : Wet weather muddies revisited

20-12-2010, 05:22 PM
Once again the rain had well and truely set in. last sundays report was for favourable wind condtions but with a mother load of rain. let's say 25 to 50mil. And here I was set too be house bound for a day.

With a quick trip down to the local butcher shop I managed too get my hands on some more chicken frames this brightened me up alittle. ( some may say what ever makes you happy?) Raced home and preped up my river rat being the Rosco Barra canoe fueled up the motor and early sunday morning, one hour before first light all the pots were down. And by 7.30 I was well soaked through. Same as last time ,.....wait untill your in ankle deep water and hit the bilge pump. That little 450ghp pump was running nearly half hour.

The catfish were out in force, so with that I had a feeling that I'm a chance for another feed. I don't mind weathering out the weather. When the summer rain has that certain mild temp It's really not all that bad. Anyway here's some pic's of last sunday's catch.
More blackbean and chilli mudcrab for next couple of night's, speaking of this isn't it funny how your next door neighbour's and family suddenly start too make their presence known....! I wonder why?

20-12-2010, 06:06 PM
PHOOOAR what a feed VF!!! Well done mate :D

Mrs Benno1

20-12-2010, 06:22 PM
Well worth the effort. I'd say you'd have enough to spread around the family and neighbour there. I caught 3 about 2 weeks ago and was eating crab for about 4 days. Big and full they were. Got over 4 inch thick sandwiches on high tin loaf off the first bloke.

Do you ever freeze them?

20-12-2010, 07:16 PM
Hey that's an idea Muddie sangar's for smoko. Trouble is I'd have too eat them well away from my work mates because I'd more than likely get rolled :D

Speaking of quality,the shell thickness is as hard as. and the meat yield is tops too.
All the makings of a huge sandwich. Carn't wait!
Nice one sandbank magnet.

20-12-2010, 07:28 PM
Ah, you did ask if I freeze them.?
Only for large family or guest functions, Most of the time I preferr too keep the crabs stored in my tricky fish fridge. I've had the thermo amped up so that I can drop the temp a little more than usual, I like to keep crab's or fish hovering around a semi frozen state. Just a little trick I learn't from working in the seafood trade.
If however you do totally freeze the crabs, it's best to then let the them slow thaw in fridge and stay away from the rush thaw as this will sap the flesh of it's flavour.

timor 2
20-12-2010, 10:58 PM
Well done gav great report you are certainly the crab man.

Cheers Sean

20-12-2010, 11:47 PM
Ah go on, the pic was photo shopped ( LOL)
Nice feed

Scott Ashe
21-12-2010, 07:55 AM
Well done mate, you gotta be happy with a feed like that.


21-12-2010, 08:35 AM
well done mate