View Full Version : Shorncliffe on Fri 17/12/2010

20-12-2010, 03:44 PM
Hi all Decided to give a spot i used to fish when i lived on the northside a go again after a few years not fishing the area. Arrived at 730AM to discover my usual crabbin spot is now a green zone!!! :-? So on to the backup spot. Once again the water was fresh as a lake and full of debri, however i did manage 1 flattie at 52cm and a few just undersize cod and lost 2 bigguns in the same area as i got the cod. Also got a jenny on my line with a buck goin for gold on her back while she was eatin my bait!! drive thru :) no keepers from the pots though. got back to the ramp as the skies opened up again.... LOVE THE NEW RAMP AT SHORNCLIFFE TOO!!! destroys the old one.
thanks for readin
sorry no pics- camera and phone were left in the car :P with the brolly!!! ;D

21-12-2010, 12:38 PM
thats good news, a flattie and some cod in all this fresh. how far out past the brown water did you have to go to find the fish?

21-12-2010, 02:50 PM
headed upstream into the fresh but just fished the deeper pockets of the river.
Around time creek area if ya know it.

21-12-2010, 03:23 PM
lucky you. last time i went down there a few weeks ago i could barely get a line in with all the people putting out 5 rods each. maybe just a wrong day

21-12-2010, 04:06 PM
Hi there gyarados, where do you fish? i did not see another boat in the river for the whhole day.... and no shorefishers either.
Will try the logan this week hopefully the dam dump has nopt stuffed it like last time!!!
Anybody started gettin prawns yet?
got bout 15 little ones in the net at SC
Thanks again