View Full Version : learner

09-12-2010, 07:45 PM
Well had another practice today , I'm reading a lot on casting............
It all just goes round in your head till you get out there.
i got some good casts, shooting line out, using my new home made basket.
Got a 45 ft cast at some mullet, hooked one, but lost it soon after due to dickie knot and leader.....
Anyway, made a new leader, so I'm ready for the next lesson.............

09-12-2010, 07:56 PM

If you can, video yourself casting. You will be shocked and will allow your to self analysis. Soon you will smoking out accurate 70 footers then more and more.


13-12-2010, 09:05 PM
a few more casting sessions, and throwing some bread in to keep some mullet feeding......
There was a wind today , managed to get some good side casts and some roll casts.
A couple of of hits....
Just getting the knots , and twisted leaders, bodgie mullet flys.
I think i should use the old cotton wool and dough.............


16-01-2012, 07:29 PM
hi Radndell i am Ross i have got into fly fishing so nice to see yo are a local in M ooloolaba