View Full Version : New Arti Before Christmas

04-12-2010, 01:25 PM
It looks like the Peel Island artificial reef is to be built before Christmas

Maritime Safety Queensland
Queensland Notices to Mariners


(Temporary) of 2010

Brisbane pilotage area
Locality: Moreton Bay, west of Peel Island
Activity: artificial reef program
Mariners are advised that during the daylight hours from 7 to 17 December 2010, the ship
"Stradbroke Venture" 3823QE will deploy 117 reef balls as part of the artificial reef program in
an area to the west of The Spit, Peel Island.
The area is bounded by the following coordinates;
Latitude Longitude
27° 29.84' S 153° 18.64' E
27° 29.84' S 153° 18.94' E
27° 30.38' S 153° 18.64' E
27° 30.38' S 153° 18.64' E.
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution and proceed at slow speed, with no wash in the
vicinity of the work site, for the duration of the work.
AUS charts affected: 236
Maritime Safety Queensland charts affected: Redland Bay to Cabbage Tree Creek (MB8)
Maritime Safety Queensland Beacon to Beacon Directory 8

th edition map: 101

Note: latitude and longitude positions on WGS84 horizontal datum (compatible with GDA94 datum).
For further information about this notice, please contact:
The Brisbane Regional Harbour Master’s office on 07 3860 3500.
Authorised by: Director (Maritime Services)
Issued: Brisbane 3 December 2010

Please dont try to use the coordinates they have posted because the last one is obviously wrong and the proper one should be 27° 30.38' S 153° 18.94' E.:-[

It is OK for MSQ to make a major slipup like this but watch out if you make the same error and end up in a Green Zone::) :'( .
Getting the coordinate wrong along with the debacle of the sinking of the Tiwi Pearl seems to indicate a lack of concern for the whole process:P

The new spot should fish well but from my experience the area is quite nasty when tide is against wind so its not going to be hit hard in bad weather despite being close to land. It is also just quite close to the Peel Houseboat :-X and a few isolated reef structures that can produce good fish

It will be interesting to see how the reefballs cope with the strong currents in the area and hopefully the bottom will support them

04-12-2010, 05:30 PM
Thanks Neil,

My advice ( I am on the working group ) is that the deployment has been postponed, but only a week.

Deployment will start on the 13th December.

Cheers Phill

06-12-2010, 01:03 PM
I agree, that area will be a bugger to fish, the fishing window will be somewhat like Curtain

Obi _ Wan
06-12-2010, 01:31 PM
Thanks Neil, Say, have you recovered from the Jackoff yet??

Good to see these ati's going in but the locations have to be chosen very carefully.

Still trying to work out what we have to do to get a couple of arti's off the Redcliffe Penninsular.


08-12-2010, 06:26 PM
I tried plotting those co-ordinates onto Google earth just out of curiosity,but had no success. Perhaps I have the wrong settings ,or datum, but the reef looked to be in the green zone. I am sure that is not the case .

08-12-2010, 07:05 PM
I agree, that area will be a bugger to fish, the fishing window will be somewhat like Curtain

More like the traffic from boats travelling North/South from Cleveland Manly, Wello Pt down to Peel, Coochie, Straddie and the Rainbow to get to the bar. There will be so much traffic on good days it will be like anchoring in a sloppy swell and waves. IMHO I dont think it is as bad as Curtin Reef's flow.


Mrs Ronnie H
08-12-2010, 07:37 PM
Hi all
They could of put one on this side of moreton closer to Bribie and not the top end of it


09-12-2010, 03:21 PM
Hi all
They could of put one on this side of moreton closer to Bribie and not the top end of it


Why? no body high up in the political world live up that way.

Gotta hate crappy politics

09-12-2010, 04:03 PM
Still trying to work out what we have to do to get a couple of arti's off the Redcliffe Penninsular.


I am liking the sound of that idea! Great spot for an arti.


11-12-2010, 02:09 PM
We are working on that, Jack.

also there are 2 off Bribie. Deployment, next year, hopefully by June.

Cheers Phill

11-12-2010, 04:54 PM
Why in gods name do they have to pick harries and peel to regenerate arties, when there's many other areas in the bay, especially deeper waters, that would constitute a good place to start a new reef eco system.
You can imagine the crowds that will hit these areas.
Waste of bloody money in my mind, especially as both are close to green zones, where hopefully reproduction will be better off now, its like loading a gun and you stand off and wait for the species to come out of the green zones to these arties.:'(>:(

11-12-2010, 11:01 PM
Gday Phil.
Has anyone in the group managing these reef placements, suggested smaller clusters of balls or other reef material in multiple places.
These larger reefs are going to be heavily fished,and as we all know, lots of traffic makes for tougher fishing conditons.
Whereas smaller clusters will only allow a couple of boats, otherwise ,you are off the fish. Small stucture can still hold plenty of fish.
Just an idea that occurred to me ,,What do others think??

I also think there is a case for some reef in shallower water, 10 metre or less ,,, . Ive caught plenty of good fish in shallow reef. and it is much easier fishing .

12-12-2010, 11:35 AM

This process has been underway for a long time and there have been a few places where input from the fishing public was sought. That process and any input was taken into account by a very approachable DEEDI committee.

There were many obstacles to placement of reefs including, water depth, navigation hazards, current, substrate, accessibility and much more. Certainly budget constraints had a lot to do with this. We were extremely lucky to get a lot of ‘ materials of opportunity “ and make good use of that, allowing for extra arti’s in the MBMP.

In an ideal world, we would be deploying many, many reef structures at many, many places and in fact utilizing modern technology to undertake Seagrass re-generation and Wild Re-Stocking but we are confined by laws, budget, science and more.

There were initially only 4 Arti’s to be deployed, but with a bit of good fortune an extra 2 become available and those 2 were pushed for by me and others to be “ close to mainland “, for the small tinnie, kayak folks that have been displaced from their favourite close fishing grounds by the Green Zones of the MBMP. Trying to get it right for everyone will never happen, but making a start ( belated in my opinion ) is a step in the right direction. Let’s not forget that the Arti’s being deployed under this arrangement are “ recreational fishing only “ sites. Meaning we do not have to share these with commercial operators.

The other 4 are Harries….. extension to encompass a larger area and 3 “ offshore “ which did not exactly alleviate the issue of the majority of Green Zones within the confines of Moreton Bay proper, hence the push for “ inshore “ arti’s.

Talk about crowding does not sit well with me as of right now, we are restricted to areas outside the MBMP zonings and in fact, the areas where the artis are to be deployed are not exactly a hot spot for fishing, thus ensuring that we recreational fishermen can spread our footprint a little further than we currently do, simply put, it is providing a larger fishable area.

There is no scientific data to confirm that “ the spill-over effect “ from Green Zones exist. In fact, the opposite has been confirmed by Info_Fish in Central Queensland with their extensive research into movements of fish species in and around the Green Zones. The spill-over effect was completely de-bunked by this data and is continuing to be monitored in case of change.

“ lots of traffic makes for harder fishing conditions “….. The committee is not in the game of fishing regulation, policy or management, it is simply there to provide an opportunity for recreational fishermen to enhance their leisure time by deploying artificial reefs that are designed to assist in the displacement of fishing effort brought on by the MBMP zonings. It is up to the individual to decide when and where they fish. Wednesday nights have always been kind to me ;) ;D

In my opinion only ( and was noted at the working group ), reef balls are not the ideal structure to be placed at the vast majority of places within Moreton Bay, because of tidal flow. These reef balls have worked well in Lake Macquarie etc ( minimal tidal flow ) . These balls are designed for shallow water and do provide a great opportunity to develop a niche habitat, starting with the smallest of creatures and plants.

Providing artificial reefs within Moreton Bay Marine Park as a means of displacing the confined fishing effort due to zonings, is a win – win situation, no matter which way we look at it. Through the efforts of people within DEEDI, Fisheries and DERM, as well as people from stakeholder groups like Sunfish, ECOfishers, Qld Game fishing, Spearfishos, feedback from the Ausfish community and more, the recreational fishermen of Moreton Bay are better off than they were a little while ago and the future is looking OK. Certainly issues with water quality, run off, development, illegal commercial and recreational fishing etc still have to be addressed, but money talks and those in power answer to the dollar ( in my opinion ) and that dollar is sought by a Government Department called “ State Development “.

The deployment of these 6 Arti reefs may not be the last, hopefully. I am sure monitoring of the growth of the reefs and surrounding habitats will continue and provide good data to help make future decisions in regard to zonings, arti’s and reviewing current zones. Who knows, these arti’s may be the ideal place to start up a wild stocking program !!

The pylons from the old Hornibrook Bridge are still to be removed and deployed. Removal issues arose, thus postponing the time frame to relocate the pylons to their intended destination.

Cheers Phill
ECOfishers Qld

12-12-2010, 01:24 PM
I really dont think Harries and Peel are ideal places for kayaks and small tinnies, i"d hate to be in one crossing the bay even on relatively calm days in small vessels, as you no it doenst take long for a smooth bay to transform into something kayaks and small tinnies would find dangersous to cross.
What would have been better would have been areas like Mud, coochie, macleay or green. but i suppose its too late for that.
Doesnt seem to be much logic gone into the positioning of the revamped arties, you would call harries and peel quiet areas in the bay, when there.s a 1000 hooks a day dropped in these areas when the wx kind.

12-12-2010, 02:48 PM
Misunderstanding here.

The 2 ' close reefs " are west of Peel Island and East of Coochie in between Coochie and Macleay.


Mrs Ronnie H
13-12-2010, 11:51 AM
Hey Phill
So what if anything is planned for our side of Moreton closer to Redcliffe and Bribie???


13-12-2010, 01:00 PM
