View Full Version : upgrade sounder

31-10-2010, 09:00 PM
My lowrance x51 died on the weekend so I was after any recommendations on replacement my garmin 72 also looks like its dead as well so I looking at a combo, i would probably upgrade spending up to around $800 max, are color sounders worth the extra bucks? I mainly fish in the creeks and dams for barra, the sounder is a 4m hornet trophy, I was also wondering if the side scan is worthwile? thanks for any advice Yamp

31-10-2010, 09:21 PM
sidescan is great i think its the best fish finder on the market at the moment. Only problem is its above your budget. Your looking at around $1800 for a 5' screen. Good luck with your decision matey..

01-11-2010, 08:20 AM
Lowrance HDS5 combo on special at the moment - BCF and probbaly other places, for around the $ as per your budget. Std 83/200 transducer will be excellent for the dams and rivers.

Re colour vs B&W - no contest!

After you get used to the colour, you can then save up and add the sidescan to the HDS later on for around $700. Do it in 2 steps, that way the Chancellor of the Exchecker wont notice!



01-11-2010, 10:47 AM
Or you could grab a Humminbird 798ci SI Combo from the US for around $US850 + $US80 postage & have side image/down scan straight away.

01-11-2010, 01:42 PM
Agree with ML about the Lowrance. I installed a 5 inch combo and a fish finder and took them for a test on Sunday. Simply Brilliant.

As ML said they are on special at BCF which is where I got mine. It is in your price range.

01-11-2010, 02:19 PM
Stay away from H/bird,they should come standard with a demister.

01-11-2010, 10:19 PM
thanks for the advice fellas started to narrow it down i think

06-11-2010, 03:10 PM
Yamp, clear your PM's so I can PM you.

jason p
06-11-2010, 07:18 PM
i have to agree the hds is an awsome unit im not sure what the hum is like but i wouldnt go past the hds from what ive seen so far for the price.


06-11-2010, 08:35 PM
thanks for feedback fellas,stidoI have just cleared inbox