View Full Version : what is more important to you???

30-10-2010, 01:57 PM
hi there everyone, what i would like to know is, what is more important to everyone that is out there fishing, so what i am getting at is that we all know there a lack of fish being caught, weather its out offshore or back in the creeks and estuaries, i would like to hear how you other fishermen/women think this problem can be solved?

personally myself i would like to see people on there own account take less, yer you have spent the money to get out there and go fishing but just because you have caught your bag limit doesn't mean you have to keep it all, over the last 2yrs my brother and myself have done all catch and realise, only every now and then we will bring home a few fish only just enough for dinner that night, i never bring fish home and freeze it, it defeats the purpose of fresh fish,

i love my fishing and i bet you do to, so if u had the power to change fishing rules for the better what would you change?


30-10-2010, 02:17 PM
hi there everyone, what i would like to know is, what is more important to everyone that is out there fishing, so what i am getting at is that we all know there a lack of fish being caught, weather its out offshore or back in the creeks and estuaries, i would like to hear how you other fishermen/women think this problem can be solved?

personally myself i would like to see people on there own account take less, yer you have spent the money to get out there and go fishing but just because you have caught your bag limit doesn't mean you have to keep it all, over the last 2yrs my brother and myself have done all catch and realise, only every now and then we will bring home a few fish only just enough for dinner that night, i never bring fish home and freeze it, it defeats the purpose of fresh fish,

i love my fishing and i bet you do to, so if u had the power to change fishing rules for the better what would you change?


Hi Brenno

In my opinion I don't necessarily think the rules need to change. If bag sizes and limits were drastically reduced it wouldn't worry me in the slightest because I am a Sportsfisherman and 100% of the fish I catch are released. On the other hand, I understand there are people out there that love to catch and eat fresh fish and I don't hold a grudge against these people as long as they are abiding by the rules.

I agree with you though that I can't see the point in going out and catching your limit then sticking 10 fish in the freezer when you get home. By the time they are eaten those 10 fish could have bred/spawned more fish. I don't understand.

I'm sure some people will respond quite abruptly and say that as long as they are within bag limits etc they can do as they please, which is true, but if eveyone had this attitude then fish stocks would be even worse off.

I think nowadays it is becoming more acceptable/the done thing to only keep a feed and practice more catch and release. Some people find it strange that I go fishing, catch lots of fish, but don't keep any. I am proud of the fact that I am a catch and release fisho and hope that one day in about 40 years I will get to see my grandkids pulling in a fish and also pass on to them the same respect for fish that I have. Enjoy the sport and only take what you need.

30-10-2010, 02:27 PM
i love my fishing and i bet you do to, so if u had the power to change fishing rules for the better what would you change?
Good on ya young fella for having a worthwhile pastime.

About the only thing I'd like to see changed is better policing of the existing laws.
No point in changing rules, or adding new rules, if there's nobody there to enforce them.

30-10-2010, 02:38 PM
good to see that your all catch and realise, i also get the same question asked all the time, usually they will say why do u spend so much on goin fishing just to realise all your fish, and well i love it and wish to do my bit to try and keep fish stocks up,

also your right bout needing to police fishers more, i think i have only ever been pulled up twice n been check by fisho's,

so both very good points, :)

30-10-2010, 02:52 PM
hi there everyone, what i would like to know is, what is more important to everyone that is out there fishing, so what i am getting at is that we all know there a lack of fish being caught, I disagree with that weather its out offshore or back in the creeks and estuaries, i would like to hear how you other fishermen/women think this problem what problem ?can be solved?

personally myself i would like to see people on there own account take less, yer you have spent the money to get out there and go fishing but just because you have caught your bag limit doesn't mean you have to keep it all, over the last 2yrs my brother and myself have done all catch and realise, c& r is a fine attribute but I wonder how long it will last before it is banned..but also remember that not every fish you release will survive. only every now and then we will bring home a few fish only just enough for dinner that night, i never bring fish home and freeze it, it defeats the purpose of fresh fish,

i love my fishing and i bet you do to, so if u had the power to change fishing rules for the better what would you change?


I would leave everything just as it is and not change a thing without defintive research before any decisions are made.

30-10-2010, 03:47 PM
the fishing rules are a joke, i will ever only take one fish per trip as i will not touch frozen fish, i love to catch fish and then let them go so that they can be caught again, i have never been checked by any one and have never seen any one being checked and it is easier for me to count they weekends that i am not on the water than on, who does the checking and why are they not doing it, i mainly launch from deep water bend as it is close to home but from there i can still go out of moreton bay and back, the pine on an average weekend if full of boats so i would assume that the body's responsible for checking are more busy else where.

30-10-2010, 03:52 PM
There are plenty of fish out there, I know I often find a few glum faces at the ramp but that's mostly because people havent invested the same amount of effort and (money in proportion) to learn how to catch fish.
The idea of catch and release is OK. i do that with some fish as well, but I also like bringing home a good feed, and yes I do put fish in the freezer, dont tell me they dont taste as good as I regard that as untrue.
There are a lot of regulations, green zones, size and catch limits already.
Leave it as it is I say.
But I in no way believe in taking too much, flogging areas, and greed.
But we humans are not foreign to the Environment, the fish are there for us to eat in my opinion, they are part of our food source.

30-10-2010, 04:05 PM
One idea I have been thinking about a lot in the past decade is not to have greenzones permanently locking people out, but to have rotational protection zones. Simply every 4th river or creek system, right around the country gets a total break from fishing in all forms for 12 months. The next 12 months goes to the very next system clockwise around the country and so forth, so every single system gets one break every 5 yrs.

As far as bag limits goes, I am in no need to alter them. I seldom take more than one feed for the family unless the one fish will serve two meals.

In saying that though, there is one exception I can think of, Sand Crabs should be limited to 5 / person / session.

30-10-2010, 04:14 PM
PinHead ""c&r is a fine attribute but I wonder how long it will last before it is banned..but also remember that not every fish you release will survive.

Can you clarify for me please. Are you suggesting that c & r could some time in the future be banned, therefore I will have to keep all fish I catch? Or am I completely misunderstanding your comment? :-?

Fish handled quickly and correctly and released with minimal fuss have a good chance of survival. Certainly a higher chance of survival than on someone's frying pan ;D


Ben D
30-10-2010, 04:34 PM



This is what happens when "feelings" based approaches to animal welfare impinge on fishing, thus it is important for anglers to insist on a scientific approach to these things. Same for bag and size limits, a scientific approach to their development is preferred, though for recreational fishers there can be an argument for a more conservative approach to bag and size limits (precautionary is another word some use), as there are no controls on the number of people who are allowed to fish (and the number of people in the population continue to increase dramatically). Put the two together and you'll find an increasing (regulated by legislation) need for catch and release, and all the more reason to avoid application of the feelings based approach to animal welfare to fishes, as this results in an inability to manage the fishery properly because that feelings based approach is anti catch and release. BTW, feelings based approach is OK with commercial fishing because the fish are used as food. Go figure.

30-10-2010, 05:04 PM
About the only thing I'd like to see changed is better policing of the existing laws.
No point in changing rules, or adding new rules, if there's nobody there to enforce them.

Yeah I agree. I've been thinking for a while, there should be a fisheries officer for every major jetty around the place (SPJ, Shornecliffe, etc.) Probably not cost effective though.

I don't reckon there's a lack of fish in our estuaries. A lot of anglers nowadays focus on catch and release and only taking as many fish as you need for immediate consumption.

No matter how many rules there are written, not everybody is going to stick by them. If you don't believe me, take a walk down the Sand Pumping Jetty when the tailor are on. Every fish gets chucked in a bucket, regardless of size or bag limits.


Derek Bullock
30-10-2010, 05:15 PM
PinHead ""c&r is a fine attribute but I wonder how long it will last before it is banned..but also remember that not every fish you release will survive.

Can you clarify for me please. Are you suggesting that c & r could some time in the future be banned, therefore I will have to keep all fish I catch? Or am I completely misunderstanding your comment? :-?

Fish handled quickly and correctly and released with minimal fuss have a good chance of survival. Certainly a higher chance of survival than on someone's frying pan ;D


C&R has already been banned in some European Countries as has catching fish for sport. Several years ago the Democrats drafted Legislation that could have seen it introduced in Australia.

Didn't happen but I bet it's still floating around somewhere ready for one of the "green" parties to resurrect it.

30-10-2010, 05:28 PM
PinHead ""c&r is a fine attribute but I wonder how long it will last before it is banned..but also remember that not every fish you release will survive.

Can you clarify for me please. Are you suggesting that c & r could some time in the future be banned, therefore I will have to keep all fish I catch? Or am I completely misunderstanding your comment? :-?

Fish handled quickly and correctly and released with minimal fuss have a good chance of survival. Certainly a higher chance of survival than on someone's frying pan ;D


c& r is already totally banned in Switzerland and there is pressure mounting from green groups in other countries. Fishing with barbed hooks is also a no no in some places..so..the green groups class c&r as a blood sport the same as fox hunting etc.

There is another onethat annoys me..and this is not aimed at you but in general..fish handled correctly do have a good chance..but have a look at a lot of fishing lagazines and also various forums and tell emthat the fish in the pics have avery good chance.
There is a lot written and produced..even by ANSA about correct handling..and little is beng done correctly..especially with one species...I could show dozens of pics where the fis hhas been photographed..and then stated it has been released..the fish has bugger all chance based on the way it was handled.
C&r is fine but please do it correctly.

30-10-2010, 06:02 PM
c& r is already totally banned in Switzerland and there is pressure mounting from green groups in other countries. Fishing with barbed hooks is also a no no in some places..so..the green groups class c&r as a blood sport the same as fox hunting etc.

There is another onethat annoys me..and this is not aimed at you but in general..fish handled correctly do have a good chance..but have a look at a lot of fishing lagazines and also various forums and tell emthat the fish in the pics have avery good chance.
There is a lot written and produced..even by ANSA about correct handling..and little is beng done correctly..especially with one species...I could show dozens of pics where the fis hhas been photographed..and then stated it has been released..the fish has bugger all chance based on the way it was handled.
C&r is fine but please do it correctly.

I'm guessing that species is either flathead or barra, regarding the lack of belly support when landing and holding them?


30-10-2010, 06:41 PM
Good on ya young fella for having a worthwhile pastime.

About the only thing I'd like to see changed is better policing of the existing laws.
No point in changing rules, or adding new rules, if there's nobody there to enforce them.
finga that is so right i see a lot of people doing the wrong thing , because they no that they can get away with it

30-10-2010, 06:54 PM
I've been thinking for a while, there should be a fisheries officer for every major jetty around the place (SPJ, Shornecliffe, etc.) Probably not cost effective though.

Who cares if it's cost effective or not (but I can see what your thinking and it sucks). It's policing of the laws of the lands.
These laws should be policed the same as they police drug or stealing laws.
Oh, just remembered...they don't police those laws either.

Maybe they should have undersized bream camera's to make it worth their while and cost effective as headbanger has mentioned??

Imagine a bream cam on the sandpumping jetty??
Yellow raincoats pulled over everyone's heads whilst they're bringing in the tiny tailor :-?

30-10-2010, 07:11 PM
Just remember that not every fisho gets the opportunity to go out as frequently as others. I put myself in that class. If I catch a few, I don't want to be given grief about putting a couple in the freezer to feed my family over the next few weeks. Some fish don't freeze well, but some are perfectly fine. I fish for fun and relaxation, but I love eating fish, as do my family. Nothing better for young kids growing up.

I agree that current laws should be policed and abided by more thoroughly. I also agree that C&R is not without consequences for the fish and people need to check their own back yards before they inspect others.

30-10-2010, 07:59 PM
Who cares if it's cost effective or not (but I can see what your thinking and it sucks). It's policing of the laws of the lands.
These laws should be policed the same as they police drug or stealing laws.
Oh, just remembered...they don't police those laws either.

Maybe they should have undersized bream camera's to make it worth their while and cost effective as headbanger has mentioned??

Imagine a bream cam on the sandpumping jetty??
Yellow raincoats pulled over everyone's heads whilst they're bringing in the tiny tailor :-?

Money is power, but I guess both money and power can be corrupt. I don't care if it's cost effective or not, but I'm sure the DPI does. They're not going to go out of their way to employ officers in new areas if it means losing money. Especially as QLD fishers don't put any money towards DPI (ie- no rec fishing license.) Not that I'm supporting a QLD rec fishing license.

Anyway, I'm not very learned on topics like this (I normally refrain from posting in such threads), but I guess the more I ask and converse, the more I'll learn.


30-10-2010, 08:12 PM
PinHead ""c&r is a fine attribute but I wonder how long it will last before it is banned..but also remember that not every fish you release will survive.

Can you clarify for me please. Are you suggesting that c & r could some time in the future be banned, therefore I will have to keep all fish I catch? Or am I completely misunderstanding your comment? :-?

Fish handled quickly and correctly and released with minimal fuss have a good chance of survival. Certainly a higher chance of survival than on someone's frying pan ;D


I take it that you are a dedicated soft plastic fisho and that you probably go through a few plastics every trip? Have you ever wondered how well those fish fair swimming around with those bits and peices of plastic in their stomachs? Not to well I would think.

Have a read of this:

For every tailess squidgy or gulp you have lost you have more then likely condemmed another fish to a fate that is a lot worse then a quick death and a frying pan.

IMO plastic fishos should be banned not people who want to go out and catch a feed of fish.

A bit more light reading:

30-10-2010, 09:03 PM
I take it that you are a dedicated soft plastic fisho and that you probably go through a few plastics every trip? Have you ever wondered how well those fish fair swimming around with those bits and peices of plastic in their stomachs? Not to well I would think.

Have a read of this:

For every tailess squidgy or gulp you have lost you have more then likely condemmed another fish to a fate that is a lot worse then a quick death and a frying pan.

IMO plastic fishos should be banned not people who want to go out and catch a feed of fish.

A bit more light reading:

Plastic fisherman should be banned? You're kidding right? I'm guessing you don't fish plastics. Ever had an undersized fish swallow a hook? I'm sure that condemned a fish 'to a fate a lot worse than a quick death in a frypan'.

What if a plastic fisherman is a person who wants to go out and catch a feed of fish? How does your argument hold up then?

Just my opinion....

EDIT: I seem to remember reading a study (might have been on here) that talked about biodegradable plastics dissolving in bream's stomach and having no adverse effect on the bream's health. I'll see if I can find it.

On second thought, I might not hijack this thread much more, and start my own thread if I find it.

30-10-2010, 09:10 PM
this thread [same thing different wording]comes up every year. Mate i go fishing to catch fish. i release if there small or i have my bag limit. i get to go out once every month or two so the fish i catch my give us a couple of good feeds for tea.
i play by the rules and don't think fish stocks have dropped.

30-10-2010, 09:11 PM
am cracking out the popcorn and beer and sitting on the couch in anticipation of the comments that are about to come on this one!!!!!

30-10-2010, 09:34 PM
I went out today and caught some fish but unfortunately were not big enough.So it was a donut for us.Too much current out wide,the fish were there though.As for c&r if that is your bag good for you.Plenty of fish out there to take home or c&r.Things are fine as they are.Jim

30-10-2010, 09:42 PM
For God's sake, don't ban soft plastics. The people that use them think they are smarter than everyone else and think they out fish (live?) bait. Let them be.

There you go SleepyGreg.....

30-10-2010, 09:48 PM
BAG LIMIT .....http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/Original%20Smilies/undecided.gif Turns my stomach when I hear that combination of words.

Yes - maximum bag limits are in place for many species ...... and hell you really do need them because some fishoes would continue to fill their ice boxes till they are chockers given half a chance.
The amount of times that I have heard "I got my bag" makes me think that there is still a mindset that is about getting as much as they can ------ specially when they calculate out how many trout / sweetlip / and emperor they could have on the boat ..... based on the people on board. - fair dinkum.

fishing will only get tougher while ever that mindset exists .....
while I have nothing against those that want to take a feed ..... as we really do have some great table fish available - I do feel a bit so so about those that think that they can take whatever they like as long as it is within the rules .... their focus is the limit ....... rather than what they really require . Hearing that someone goes out a bags out on trout , lippers and emperor ..... 17 legals can be a hell of a lot of fish. ......


30-10-2010, 10:00 PM
I just get enjoyment out of catching fish ,not how many or how big

30-10-2010, 10:01 PM
Yeah I agree. I've been thinking for a while, there should be a fisheries officer for every major jetty around the place (SPJ, Shornecliffe, etc.) Probably not cost effective though.

I don't reckon there's a lack of fish in our estuaries. A lot of anglers nowadays focus on catch and release and only taking as many fish as you need for immediate consumption.

No matter how many rules there are written, not everybody is going to stick by them. If you don't believe me, take a walk down the Sand Pumping Jetty when the tailor are on. Every fish gets chucked in a bucket, regardless of size or bag limits.


Some fisheries officers out there would be nice. MArk Robinson sent out an email recently about this. I think the after hours thing got quizzed in parliament.

Answer was basically Fisheries have done so many hours of operations, and so many were done out side of hours. But, ask any fisheries officer how much time is spent in moreton bay outside of 9-5 at the moment, and the answer will be almost none.

30-10-2010, 10:25 PM
I take it that you are a dedicated soft plastic fisho and that you probably go through a few plastics every trip? Have you ever wondered how well those fish fair swimming around with those bits and peices of plastic in their stomachs? Not to well I would think.

Have a read of this:

For every tailess squidgy or gulp you have lost you have more then likely condemmed another fish to a fate that is a lot worse then a quick death and a frying pan.

IMO plastic fishos should be banned not people who want to go out and catch a feed of fish.

A bit more light reading:

Point taken Marto78. Interesting reading.

Since changing to exclusively plastics (and some hard bodies) the quality of fish I catch has increased as well as the quantity. Also, in the last two years of solid plastics fishing (about 3 out of every 4 weekends) I have only had one fish swallow my plastic. Back when I was using bait I was forever catching undersize fish and they were swallowing the hooks and ending up dead or near dead as a result. As for leaving the hook in the fish's gut, what is there survival rate like? With a bit of experience and the right set up now I don't get busted off anywhere near as often as I used to. So I don't think there is a hundred fish swimming around with my plastic in there gut.

Also, when I have more time (leaving at 5am to go fishing), I will track down footage that I have seen that shows fish regurgitating the plastic shortly after digesting it as once they realise it is not a natural substance they get rid of it. Plastics are good enough to fool them to take it, but it doesn't mean that the fish are stupid enough to think it's food once it is in their gut. I also use biodegradable plastics.

30-10-2010, 10:32 PM
"Also, in the last two years of solid plastics fishing (about 3 out of every 4 weekends) I have only had one fish swallow my plastic"

there's my point about quantity of fishing rather than quality. No way I'm ever able to get out that often to fish.

Given the rough estimates that get thrown around for % of fish that survive a catch and release, how many fish do you think you'd catch in a weekend?

31-10-2010, 06:10 AM
My personal take - I love fishing but I go to catch a feed.
A perfect session would be one where I catch only the best available eating fish at the best eating size, no undersize fish or odd-bods unless they can be used for bait, ie bonito, mack tuna etc.
Being fairly keen and tuned-in to my local fishery I know pretty much what is about and when. I am concerned with efficient husbandry of my local resources; I have no interest in taking more than I need and sportfishing/c&r doesn't interest me.
So, I can fish a tide change at night and pick up either 1 greenback, or maybe a schoolie if I'm lucky and walk home very satisfied. 2 or 3 greenbacks or schoolies, yep I'm grinnin' and they ain't going back as long as they are legal.
At sea, 1/2 a dozen snapper or mixed will all be eaten, maybe a mac tuna or bonny or two on a floater for bait all kept as well.
I limit my catch of undersize fish as best I can by using no smaller than 8/0 hooks on bottom rigs, and 6/0s on the floaters. This methodology is thankfully quite effective.
As well, I absolutely hate cleaning fish, no way am I interested in taking a bag limit! 5 schoolies around 4-6kg would be an exception, although it is very rare and generally I'll take them spearfishing, I'd prefer 5 x 5kg fish to 1 x 25kg fish but that is just my preference.
Apart from that, yes most definitely more Fisheries Officers on duty at the appropriate times and locations!

31-10-2010, 06:51 AM
OK I'll bite.

So damn fed up with people saying what we should and shouldn't do, and smart ar$e remarks about waiting for someone to say "It's within the Law so I'll do it."

Well it IS within the Law, so I bloody well WILL do it. Anyone who comes up to me ad tells me otherwise will cop a smack in the gob.

My last trip was to Agnes in mid September for the M&G. The fish is all gone. Had we caught a bag, I might still have some in the freezer, and still be eating fish. I don't mind if it's been frozen, can't tell the difference.

Self righteous, overly precious little jerks carrying on about what other people should and shouldn't do need to start thinking about getting things right themselves. Stick your nose into my life? I will reward you the best way I know how.


31-10-2010, 11:32 AM
BAG LIMIT .....http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/Original%20Smilies/undecided.gif Turns my stomach when I hear that combination of words.

Yes - maximum bag limits are in place for many species ...... and hell you really do need them because some fishoes would continue to fill their ice boxes till they are chockers given half a chance.
The amount of times that I have heard "I got my bag" makes me think that there is still a mindset that is about getting as much as they can ------ specially when they calculate out how many trout / sweetlip / and emperor they could have on the boat ..... based on the people on board. - fair dinkum.

fishing will only get tougher while ever that mindset exists .....
while I have nothing against those that want to take a feed ..... as we really do have some great table fish available - I do feel a bit so so about those that think that they can take whatever they like as long as it is within the rules .... their focus is the limit ....... rather than what they really require . Hearing that someone goes out a bags out on trout , lippers and emperor ..... 17 legals can be a hell of a lot of fish. ......

ChrisHi NAGG , SPEED limits & ALCOHOL limits probably sends you into "convulsions" too.... :2vrolijk_08:
Mate , Fishing to catch Fish is fine , I prefer to eat them , or I wouldn't go in the first place.

C&R will be banned/LIMITED !! :2vrolijk_08: in the future , FISHING to EAT will never be banned , restrictions will increase , but that's the Vegan Wankers 4 U :end:

refocus your mindset...."WITHIN size-LIMITS , WITHIN allowed bag-LIMITS".....works 4 me :-*

31-10-2010, 01:18 PM
Hi NAGG , SPEED limits & ALCOHOL limits probably sends you into "convulsions" too.... :2vrolijk_08:
Mate , Fishing to catch Fish is fine , I prefer to eat them , or I wouldn't go in the first place.

C&R will be banned/LIMITED !! :2vrolijk_08: in the future , FISHING to EAT will never be banned , restrictions will increase , but that's the Vegan Wankers 4 U :end:

refocus your mindset...."WITHIN size-LIMITS , WITHIN allowed bag-LIMITS".....works 4 me :-*

you know what i mean ;) ....... what's the saying "limit your catch not catch your limit" ....... now that works for me 8-)


31-10-2010, 02:17 PM
OK I'll bite.

So damn fed up with people saying what we should and shouldn't do, and smart ar$e remarks about waiting for someone to say "It's within the Law so I'll do it."

Well it IS within the Law, so I bloody well WILL do it. Anyone who comes up to me ad tells me otherwise will cop a smack in the gob.

My last trip was to Agnes in mid September for the M&G. The fish is all gone. Had we caught a bag, I might still have some in the freezer, and still be eating fish. I don't mind if it's been frozen, can't tell the difference.

Self righteous, overly precious little jerks carrying on about what other people should and shouldn't do need to start thinking about getting things right themselves. Stick your nose into my life? I will reward you the best way I know how.


Amen brother

31-10-2010, 06:18 PM
Point taken Marto78. Interesting reading.

Also, when I have more time (leaving at 5am to go fishing), I will track down footage that I have seen that shows fish regurgitating the plastic shortly after digesting it as once they realise it is not a natural substance they get rid of it. Plastics are good enough to fool them to take it, but it doesn't mean that the fish are stupid enough to think it's food once it is in their gut. I also use biodegradable plastics.

plastix4me your right the fish do regurgitate soft plastics and hooks after they have been gut hooked, alot of fish do survive after a gut hook, the ones that mainly die r the ones that have wankers trying to reef there hooks back out, but other than that the suvivel rate is alot higher than some people think,

also just to point out no where in any of these posts have any one been told wat to or wat not to do, i posted this to find out wat other peoples thoughts r, everyone can do wat they belive in, if u want to take a full bag well thats up to u given its within the laws, and i know there r alot of people out there that cant get out all to often and they will take there bag limit which is fine too,

as for people saying catch and release and sports fishing should be banned, well thats a load of... if u want that banned why not just go all out and bar people from fishing all together, now its been said that way sounds a little stupid dont u think??? oh and just to add on the soft plastics i havent ever gut hooked a fish while fishing with plastics,

at the end of the day we all do it because we enjoy fishing and having a feed of fish, i for one would like the fishing to always be there for everyone to enjoy,

one last thing to think about, what happens to all the sea food at the fish markets and other sea food stores after a day or too of having the fish out on display???

31-10-2010, 06:24 PM
OK I'll bite.

So damn fed up with people saying what we should and shouldn't do, and smart ar$e remarks about waiting for someone to say "It's within the Law so I'll do it."

Well it IS within the Law, so I bloody well WILL do it. Anyone who comes up to me ad tells me otherwise will cop a smack in the gob.

My last trip was to Agnes in mid September for the M&G. The fish is all gone. Had we caught a bag, I might still have some in the freezer, and still be eating fish. I don't mind if it's been frozen, can't tell the difference.

Self righteous, overly precious little jerks carrying on about what other people should and shouldn't do need to start thinking about getting things right themselves. Stick your nose into my life? I will reward you the best way I know how.


Timmy, you just wish someone could have a go at your for taking your bag, but alas, it will never happen:P

31-10-2010, 08:08 PM
plastix4me your right the fish do regurgitate soft plastics and hooks after they have been gut hooked, alot of fish do survive after a gut hook, the ones that mainly die r the ones that have wankers trying to reef there hooks back out, but other than that the suvivel rate is alot higher than some people think,

also just to point out no where in any of these posts have any one been told wat to or wat not to do, i posted this to find out wat other peoples thoughts r, everyone can do wat they belive in, if u want to take a full bag well thats up to u given its within the laws, and i know there r alot of people out there that cant get out all to often and they will take there bag limit which is fine too,

as for people saying catch and release and sports fishing should be banned, well thats a load of... if u want that banned why not just go all out and bar people from fishing all together, now its been said that way sounds a little stupid dont u think??? oh and just to add on the soft plastics i havent ever gut hooked a fish while fishing with plastics,

at the end of the day we all do it because we enjoy fishing and having a feed of fish, i for one would like the fishing to always be there for everyone to enjoy,

one last thing to think about, what happens to all the sea food at the fish markets and other sea food stores after a day or too of having the fish out on display???

I suggest you do some reading and see what some groups are aiming for:

"Catch-and-release fishing (http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-food/fish.aspx) is cruelty disguised as "sport." Studies show that fish who are caught and then returned to the water suffer such severe physiological stress that they often die of shock. Fish often swallow hooks, and anglers may try to retrieve a hook by shoving their fingers or pliers down the fish's throat, ripping out not just the hook but some of the fish's throat and guts as well. When fish are handled, the protective coating on their bodies is disturbed. These and other injuries make fish easy targets for predators once they are returned to the water.
Fish feel pain (http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-food/fish-feel-pain.aspx) because, like all animals, they have nerves. Hooked fish struggle out of fear and physical pain, desperate to breathe. Once fish are hauled out of their aqueous environment and into ours, they begin to suffocate, and their gills often collapse. In commercial fishing (http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-food/commercial-fishing.aspx), fish's swim bladders can rupture because of the sudden change in pressure.
Angling (http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-food/fish.aspx)hurts other animals too. Every year, anglers leave behind a trail of tackle victims that includes millions of birds, turtles, and other animals who suffer debilitating injuries after they swallow fishhooks or become entangled in fishing line. Wildlife rehabilitators say that discarded fishing tackle is one of the greatest threats to aquatic animals.
Fishing is far from a harmless pastime. Please encourage anglers to ditch their poles and try alternative activities, such as hiking, camping, and canoeing."


This mob is well organised, well funded and are fanatical..discount them at your own peril. They want fishing banned totally and they are not stupid.

31-10-2010, 08:16 PM
Thamks PH ...... Peta certainly need to be watched - how vocal they will be in places like Australia and the US only time will tell ........
Besides Timiboy will sort them out ;);D ..... sorry Timi:D


31-10-2010, 09:55 PM
Timmy, you just wish someone could have a go at your for taking your bag, but alas, it will never happen:P

As the man from Infofish says, a bag out happens every 500 or so trips, on average. I do MUCH better than that, so up yours, you big poof!



31-10-2010, 10:12 PM
"one last thing to think about, what happens to all the sea food at the fish markets and other sea food stores after a day or too of having the fish out on display???"

This is still hinting at the same old yarn that comes up over and over. Other people pushing their own mentality on others. That is such a blanket statement but as usual it seems another slug on the idea that anyone should bring a fish home.
Typical environmental crap that shapes humans as not part of the environment. Its like, dont touch this you will damage the environment, dont walk there or you will damage the environment, dont take that or you will damage the environment. Dont burn that dead wood or you will damage the environment.
I am personally so sick of this stupid talk that shapes human beings as not part of the environment, what are we, aliens or something?
The vast majority of people on here are hunter gatherers, ie they fish smart and eat fish. Yes there are some who C an R, and I dont have aproblem with that, but to ask such a silly question that infers that taking fish is wrong, well give me a break.
Personally I think its crazy to go out and stress fish just for fun, without taking fish to eat.
Can you get it into your head, its OK AND WITHIN THE LAW TO EAT FISH!
The fish are there for us to EAT!
I am so over this mentality being pushed out on here in the "shape of a question"
Everyone knows exactly the agenda here.

31-10-2010, 11:18 PM
"one last thing to think about, what happens to all the sea food at the fish markets and other sea food stores after a day or too of having the fish out on display???"

This is still hinting at the same old yarn that comes up over and over. Other people pushing their own mentality on others. That is such a blanket statement but as usual it seems another slug on the idea that anyone should bring a fish home.
Typical environmental crap that shapes humans as not part of the environment. Its like, dont touch this you will damage the environment, dont walk there or you will damage the environment, dont take that or you will damage the environment. Dont burn that dead wood or you will damage the environment.
I am personally so sick of this stupid talk that shapes human beings as not part of the environment, what are we, aliens or something?
The vast majority of people on here are hunter gatherers, ie they fish smart and eat fish. Yes there are some who C an R, and I dont have aproblem with that, but to ask such a silly question that infers that taking fish is wrong, well give me a break.
Personally I think its crazy to go out and stress fish just for fun, without taking fish to eat.
Can you get it into your head, its OK AND WITHIN THE LAW TO EAT FISH!
The fish are there for us to EAT!
I am so over this mentality being pushed out on here in the "shape of a question"
Everyone knows exactly the agenda here.

I dont think that it is a case of taking a feed - I really dont think that too many have a problem with it - However , there are way too many think that the limit is the target. :(
strangely - you hear plenty of whinging about the "yellow raincoat brigade" who get as many members of the family on the jetties / rocks & beaches and take as much as they can, :(

I have actually heard it straight from guys mouths that they will catch more trout than their limit - because their mates in another boat will either not get there before the bite ends or not have the ability to get their bag ......... no crap!

We talk of bag limits ...... but how many go out & one member is a competent fishoe and gets his bag while the rest struggle............ funnily they come back with A BOAT LIMIT!:( ......... better still when part of the crew are their missus and kids.
Come on ..... get real

& please - dont try telling me that this is not common ..... because I've been asked to do it several times by family members and mates.
That is one thing that means jack - in catch & release


31-10-2010, 11:22 PM
Funny Funny If the C&R crowd eventually lose out as animal annoyers in the long run! LOL!!
Can I add this?

We sem to be happy that Poultry farmers restock to keep us a good feed of Red breasted yard warblers!! And they restock to keep us in eggs. Farmers are forever restocking fields with sheep , cattle and grunters so all of us can keep munchin meats! So whats going on with fisheries??

We are now restocking waterways. What for? So people can annoy fish?? Or so people can keep eating fish??

If you want to argue against people catchin their bag limits of fish you better also start picketing your local Leonards and a few butcher shops where I have noticed a lot of fat bums buying way over their neccesities of beef and pork chops!

We restock fields to eat we restock waterways to eat???
Start protesting against eating other animals as well if you are going to be consistant with your so called care of the envioroment?
Yep, pass me another piece of fillet boys.


C& R is possibly like bowhunting cows and releasing them because we cant eat that much.

01-11-2010, 04:58 AM
Catch and Release or Catch and fillet? I do both. Depends on the species, my freezer at home, my mood for the day, how many I have caught and finally the bag limit. Generally I C&R most freshwater fish, but have no issue of take one or two IF my freezer is empty at home. Saltwater is a mix of both. Still have some spanish left in the freezer at home, that I am enjoying with the family, so will not be targeting a feed for a while. I don't get to go out that much, so what is the difference between me going out once a month and catch a bag to be eaten over the month or going out several times a week and taking home a feed for the night? I stick to and support the rules.


01-11-2010, 05:35 AM
I must be a really bad fisherman as I have never caught a bag limit of anything, you guys are giving me a terrible inferiority complex.
While I do C&R sometimes depending on needs and mood I cant stand the C&R only guys who are trying to demonise us for taking a feed.

I will certainly be fighting for our rights to fish for fun while quietly sniggering when that superior crowd come under fire from the bunny huggers.

01-11-2010, 05:48 AM
I must be a really bad fisherman as I have never caught a bag limit of anything, you guys are giving me a terrible inferiority complex.
While I do C&R sometimes depending on needs and mood I cant stand the C&R only guys who are trying to demonise us for taking a feed.

I will certainly be fighting for our rights to fish for fun while quietly sniggering when that superior crowd come under fire from the bunny huggers.

fret not fishy..not many do catch a bag limit so you are in the majority.

I do not go out to fish c&r but obviously do when a fish is undersized etc..BUT..I will fight against any ridiculous attempts to prevent it by so called green groups.

01-11-2010, 07:05 AM
I dont think that it is a case of taking a feed - I really dont think that too many have a problem with it - However , there are way too many think that the limit is the target. :(
strangely - you hear plenty of whinging about the "yellow raincoat brigade" who get as many members of the family on the jetties / rocks & beaches and take as much as they can, :(

I have actually heard it straight from guys mouths that they will catch more trout than their limit - because their mates in another boat will either not get there before the bite ends or not have the ability to get their bag ......... no crap!

We talk of bag limits ...... but how many go out & one member is a competent fishoe and gets his bag while the rest struggle............ funnily they come back with A BOAT LIMIT!:( ......... better still when part of the crew are their missus and kids.
Come on ..... get real

& please - dont try telling me that this is not common ..... because I've been asked to do it several times by family members and mates.
That is one thing that means jack - in catch & release


The yellow raincoat brigade keep everything. They exceed bag limits and size limits without thought. They thumb their noses at the Authorities and everyone else. They should not only be whinged about, they should be reported, at every opportunity, for whatever good that does.

I absolutely disapprove of a boat catching over it's limit and sharing up later with other boats. It is illegal. Period.

There have been several occasions when my boat has carried the limit. One auspicious day at Rooneys we picked up 20 Snapper between 4 of us in about 90 minutes. Not a clue who caught the most, definitely not Mumsy, as she just watched.

Fisheries turned up and checked our fish and a few other bits and pieces. Guess what? NO PROBLEM! WE WERE WITHIN THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAW. And guess what also? All the fish were eaten, most of them frozen first. The bag is always shared. But I have to spend $150-$200 on fuel, get out there, and if I have 5 Snapper but no one else has a bite yet, I have to stop fishing and give the others a fish or two? What a peurile, unimaginative and self righteous remark.

My stars, what a horrible bunch we were, and I only hope to escape the judgement of our oh so superior self righteous ones.

I wish there was a smiley that did a two finger salute. \!!// will have to suffice.


01-11-2010, 07:10 AM
You should run for Parliament Tim..put on 20 or 30kgs and with your turn of phrase..you would be just like Russ Hinze reincarnated.

01-11-2010, 07:46 AM
I agree with Nagg. The raincoat brigade must be penalised, taking all and sundry and undersized etc is a crime. Ive seen it too, but not often. I think the great majority of fishos abide within the law.
There are some who are just ignorant and uneducated, for which these days there is little excuse.

What bothers me is the relentless attitude that insidiously infers that taking fish to eat is well, not so good. It is a self righteous attitude. It does assume a position that I must educate the masses.
Believe me if that thing keeps going there will be a ban on fishing in the future.

I also consider restraint, shying away from excess, but if a crew of people go fishing and the target is the "limit" there is nothing wrong with that, as Timi Boy says, and Fisheries will not have a qualm either.
Its the taking illegal and undersize, excessive slaughter of fish stocks etc that we all have to worry about, but lets have some balance, its ok to say, I bagged out! Hardly anyone does, but well done if you do!

01-11-2010, 07:53 AM
The yellow raincoat brigade keep everything. They exceed bag limits and size limits without thought. They thumb their noses at the Authorities and everyone else. They should not only be whinged about, they should be reported, at every opportunity, for whatever good that does.

I absolutely disapprove of a boat catching over it's limit and sharing up later with other boats. It is illegal. Period.

There have been several occasions when my boat has carried the limit. One auspicious day at Rooneys we picked up 20 Snapper between 4 of us in about 90 minutes. Not a clue who caught the most, definitely not Mumsy, as she just watched.

Fisheries turned up and checked our fish and a few other bits and pieces. Guess what? NO PROBLEM! WE WERE WITHIN THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAW. And guess what also? All the fish were eaten, most of them frozen first. The bag is always shared. But I have to spend $150-$200 on fuel, get out there, and if I have 5 Snapper but no one else has a bite yet, I have to stop fishing and give the others a fish or two? What a peurile, unimaginative and self righteous remark.

My stars, what a horrible bunch we were, and I only hope to escape the judgement of our oh so superior self righteous ones.

I wish there was a smiley that did a two finger salute. \!!// will have to suffice.


So - We follow the regulations ......... to an extent !!!! - Is that what you are trying to say ?.
I know it happens because I've seen it happen & been told by others over a beer it happens.
As I dont mind a feed of fish (I just dont fish for a feed very often ) its not a case of being self righteous ....... just pointing out a mindset that exists in the fishing community .



01-11-2010, 08:05 AM
So - We follow the regulations ......... to an extent !!!! - Is that what you are trying to say ?.
I know it happens because I've seen it happen & been told by others over a beer it happens.
As I dont mind a feed of fish (I just dont fish for a feed very often ) its not a case of being self righteous ....... just pointing out a mindset that exists in the fishing community .



Hey Nagg

Youre off the wall picking up on that point of Timi boy"s in red. Thats the point. I think Timi Boy has the right balance on the take issue for the boat.



01-11-2010, 08:09 AM
I must admit, we fish the same as Tim (only better!) and can't see how we are folowing the rules 'to an extent'. We are never in excess of our limit in possession. We fish for the day and share the catch at the end, so no one takes home (in possession) a catch exceeding the legal limit. The rules are able in possession and that is what we stick to. Like wise, if we get one fish and there is two of us, then it is a fillet each - so be it. Some days I have a good day and other day it is a mate - we share and stick to the rules.


01-11-2010, 08:10 AM
I wish there was a smiley that did a two finger salute. \!!// will have to suffice.


Anyways back to the story....
Something I've always wondered about with the pure catch and release people.
Where do they get their fish from to eat to have a healthy, balanced diet?

Don't the experts recommend 2 serves of fish a week??

Like hell am I going to release a fish (if I'm that lucky to get on in the 1st place) to then go and buy Basa from Woolies.

01-11-2010, 08:25 AM
Hey Nagg

Youre off the wall picking up on that point of Timi boy"s in red. Thats the point. I think Timi Boy has the right balance on the take issue for the boat.



Thats how I read it ........

Anyhow - no point going on with it - people can do what ever they feel like ......... take their limits , take what they need or catch n release:) -


01-11-2010, 09:37 AM
Thats how I read it ........

Anyhow - no point going on with it - people can do what ever they feel like ......... take their limits , take what they need or catch n release:) -


Huh. Talk about a back down.

Go read the regs, bud, pick up a dictionary, and figure out what "in possession" means. When you've figured that out, come back with a considered opinion instead of being a joke, eh?


01-11-2010, 10:26 AM

Anyways back to the story....
Something I've always wondered about with the pure catch and release people.
Where do they get their fish from to eat to have a healthy, balanced diet?

Don't the experts recommend 2 serves of fish a week??

Like hell am I going to release a fish (if I'm that lucky to get on in the 1st place) to then go and buy Basa from Woolies.

They are vegetarians ::) . It's seems there are too many nosey fisherman around. If it's legal and ur within ur limits. Whats the problem.

Bringing it back to another point about deckies and who catches the fish.

So if Deckie A catchess 6 snappers out of 10 total and decky A decides to keep 5 and give one to Deckie B. No i can't see a problem with that.

Poor old Deckie B is a soft plastic fisherman;D

01-11-2010, 10:30 AM
Huh. Talk about a back down.

Go read the regs, bud, pick up a dictionary, and figure out what "in possession" means. When you've figured that out, come back with a considered opinion instead of being a joke, eh?


No back down Tim ......

No need for a dictionary either atm

"In possession" - I think I know the meaning of that !

I just want to share this with you

"A bag limit is the number of fish that one person can legally take and keep". - this is taken from the DPI website.

Nothing about catching any more and dividing up with his/her crew . http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/Original%20Smilies/undecided.gif

Now I wonder how the fisheries inspectors would respond if you asked them ? ....... or if you told them that you caught all the fish! - Somehow , I think there might be a little problem !. ..... :uhoh:
Would you stand by your conviction then ?

Tim , oneday you will see boat limits of fish ....... set numbers, regardless of crew members .


PS - btw .... I'm just making a point here!
Individual bag limits can mean bugger all in reality.

01-11-2010, 11:26 AM
I just love watching an idiot go down with a sinking ship while he insists he's standing on a mountain.

I catch one. I give it to the bloke next to me. He is in possession of one. I am in possession of none. I'd love to see Fisheries argue with that. They wouldn't, because they know it's spurious (look that one up, too).

If you are seriously trying to mount a case that the above is not correct, then I'd suggest that you are making an outright fool of yourself.


01-11-2010, 11:57 AM
I just love watching an idiot go down with a sinking ship while he insists he's standing on a mountain.

I catch one. I give it to the bloke next to me. He is in possession of one. I am in possession of none. I'd love to see Fisheries argue with that. They wouldn't, because they know it's spurious (look that one up, too).

If you are seriously trying to mount a case that the above is not correct, then I'd suggest that you are making an outright fool of yourself.


No need to look spurious up Timi - and even though I think you used the word incorrectly (from my understanding) ....... it does describe your mindset / reasoning - very much inline with what I underlined.

No point going on with it any more

Have a nice day


01-11-2010, 12:12 PM
I love reading this stuff, just wish I had the literature proficiency of others on this site.

For what it's worth, if there are 3 people on my boat and I catch 15 snapper (its never happened yet) then we stop catching snapper and we target another species. At the end of the day we get 5 fish each. If however we only catch 1 fish, like happen on Saturday we got a 1/3 each ( a 1/3 of a tuskie an't much).

01-11-2010, 12:14 PM
Also that one fish cost $104 in fuel, plus bait, plus fishing gear lost hooks sinkers etc.........

01-11-2010, 12:34 PM
No need to look spurious up Timi - and even though I think you used the word incorrectly (from my understanding) ....... it does describe your mindset / reasoning - very much inline with what I underlined.

No point going on with it any more

Have a nice day



2. (of a line of reasoning) Apparently but not actually valid: "this spurious reasoning results in nonsense"

As in "At Square Patch today we went out in boat X together, he caught seven Snapper but I only got one, so technically, even though I have four and he has four, he broke the Law." Nonsense.

So now you don't know what you're talking about regarding the ol' lingo either. Very wise of you to back out.



01-11-2010, 12:38 PM
Would Like To See Size Limit On Bream Lifted To A Min 28mm & Introduce A Bag Limit.
Also Introduce "no Take " On Same Species During Spawning Times.
Sounds Drastic But After A Couple Of Years Snoger Bream Would Be The Norm!!!!!!!!

01-11-2010, 01:24 PM

2. (of a line of reasoning) Apparently but not actually valid: "this spurious reasoning results in nonsense"

As in "At Square Patch today we went out in boat X together, he caught seven Snapper but I only got one, so technically, even though I have four and he has four, he broke the Law." Nonsense.

So now you don't know what you're talking about regarding the ol' lingo either. Very wise of you to back out.



1. Plausible but false; "spurious inferences".[Wordnet (http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/credits/wordnet.html#)]
2. Born out of wedlock; "the dominions of both rulers passed away to their spurious or doubtful offspring".[Wordnet (http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/credits/wordnet.html#)]
3. Intended to deceive; "a spurious work of art".[Wordnet (http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/credits/wordnet.html#)]
4. Not proceeding from the true source, or from the source pretended; not genuine; false; adulterate.[Websters (http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/credits/websters1913.html#)]
5. Not legitimate; bastard; as, spurious issue.[Websters (http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/credits/websters1913.html#)]
6. Being false, counterfeit, bogus, fake or unauthentic. [Eve - graph theoretic (http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/credits/Eve.asp#)]
7. Being phony or snide. [Eve - graph theoretic (http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/credits/Eve.asp#)]
8. Being artificial, feigned, imitative or factitious. [Eve - graph theoretic (http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/credits/Eve.asp#)]
9. Being fictitious, apocryphal or unreal. [Eve - graph theoretic (http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/credits/Eve.asp#)]
10. Adjective base of the adverb spuriously.[Eve - graph theoretic (http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/credits/Eve.asp#)]

Oh hum ....... a bit like handing your catch to others on your boat - hey Timi ? .

quoting you

I catch one. I give it to the bloke next to me. He is in possession of one. I am in possession of none. I'd love to see Fisheries argue with that. They wouldn't, because they know it's spurious (look that one up, too).

ya make me laugh mate



01-11-2010, 01:59 PM
2. Born out of wedlock; "the dominions of both rulers passed away to their spurious or doubtful offspring".[Wordnet (http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/credits/wordnet.html#)]

I thought that was a bastard.
I know that because waaay too many people were calling me that so I looked it up in the Funk and Wagnall.
They were wrong. My dad is....well dad. And mum and dad were married about 3 kids before me.

01-11-2010, 02:05 PM
Bitch Fight, Bitch Fight......... yeah bring it on...............................;D :P ;) :o

Every now and then a thread comes along to brighten up the day................... :D ;D

Spurious.......furious............... who gives a $hyte really

01-11-2010, 02:07 PM
You both make me laugh, this is the best Monday's entertainment I have had for a long long time. Keep it coming, got another 3 hours of work yet.....;D

01-11-2010, 02:17 PM
i love my fishing and i bet you do to, so if u had the power to change fishing rules for the better what would you change?

Revoke all green zones and probibit any more without a sound scientific basis.

As for bag and size limits, there are too many changes too often. Revise the rules once every 4-5 years and then no changes until next revision.

01-11-2010, 02:31 PM
Always entertaining ...... gotta love Ausfish :D

01-11-2010, 03:18 PM
Would Like To See Size Limit On Bream Lifted To A Min 28mm & Introduce A Bag Limit.
Also Introduce "no Take " On Same Species During Spawning Times.
Sounds Drastic But After A Couple Of Years Snoger Bream Would Be The Norm!!!!!!!!

there is a bag limit on bream in Qld.

01-11-2010, 04:48 PM
No back down Tim ......

No need for a dictionary either atm

"In possession" - I think I know the meaning of that !

I just want to share this with you

"A bag limit is the number of fish that one person can legally take and keep".
- this is taken from the DPI website.

Nothing about catching any more and dividing up with his/her crew . http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/Original%20Smilies/undecided.gif

Now I wonder how the fisheries inspectors would respond if you asked them ? ....... or if you told them that you caught all the fish! - Somehow , I think there might be a little problem !. ..... :uhoh:
Would you stand by your conviction then ?

Tim , oneday you will see boat limits of fish ....... set numbers, regardless of crew members .


PS - btw .... I'm just making a point here!
Individual bag limits can mean bugger all in reality.


I have actually discussed this with some of the fisheries boys and their interpretation is the same as mine. I think your quoted section from the DPI confirms this by actually referring to both 'take' and 'keep' as defining a bag limit. For anyone to breach, they must take and keep, thus remain in possession. If someone catches a fish (take) and the intent is not to keep beyond the specified individual limit, then there is no breach. As has been said prior, if there is a distrbution of fish amoungst anglers, then the limit is the number fishing off a boat. I have been on a charter where each angler kept their own fish that they caught. As I was solo, once I was on my bag limit, I instantly was sportsfishing whenever I caught that species.

All good discussion and learning.


01-11-2010, 04:49 PM
Would Like To See Size Limit On Bream Lifted To A Min 28mm & Introduce A Bag Limit.
Also Introduce "no Take " On Same Species During Spawning Times.
Sounds Drastic But After A Couple Of Years Snoger Bream Would Be The Norm!!!!!!!!

now here is something i fully agree with, the bream should have a bigger legal limit, and 28 sounds bout right, maybe even 30, i think 25 is still way to small, and yes they do it for Tailor in spots so why not all other fish or selected fish like u say, i think that in doing this it would increase fish stokes immensely,

i also agree with alternating green zones every 12 months instead of just outlawing them all together,

as for the little tiff going on up above I'm not to sure but i think that if u have 4 people on board but one 3 rods and have the boat limit of fish for 4 people they can book u due to the 4Th person not participating? but im not 100% on that???

cheers brenno

01-11-2010, 05:11 PM
now here is something i fully agree with, the bream should have a bigger legal limit, and 28 sounds bout right, maybe even 30, i think 25 is still way to small, and yes they do it for Tailor in spots so why not all other fish or selected fish like u say, i think that in doing this it would increase fish stokes immensely,

i also agree with alternating green zones every 12 months instead of just outlawing them all together,

as for the little tiff going on up above I'm not to sure but i think that if u have 4 people on board but one 3 rods and have the boat limit of fish for 4 people they can book u due to the 4Th person not participating? but im not 100% on that???

cheers brenno

Brenno..please explain how you would "alternate" the green zones annually?
The areas were chosen as representing differing types of bio diversity...where would you find the same types in the Marine Park? Who would fund the relocation of signs..alterations to coordinates etc.

As for bream...nothing needs to change..there are squillions of them..they are the rodents of the sea..the buggers are everywhere.

01-11-2010, 05:32 PM
I just had a thought. It only happens once every now and again.

By the amount of bickering OVER THE EXISTING RULES amongst people who should know better (ie you lot) is a really good indication that no new rules need to be made BUT clarification and education of the existing laws should be a made a priority before new rules come into existence.

By the looks learning all the old ones is hard enough.

01-11-2010, 05:34 PM
Brenno..please explain how you would "alternate" the green zones annually?
The areas were chosen as representing differing types of bio diversity...where would you find the same types in the Marine Park? Who would fund the relocation of signs..alterations to coordinates etc.

As for bream...nothing needs to change..there are squillions of them..they are the rodents of the sea..the buggers are everywhere.

to tell the truth I'm not really to sure i haven't looked in to it all that much, it was mentioned earlier and sounded like a reasonable idea to keep everyone happy, being the greens would have there green zones and it wouldn't rule out someones favorite fishing spot for good just for a period of time, like i said i haven't looked in to this with much detail, so i don't know the finer points of it all,

as for bream, yer there are heaps of them most of which are smaller than 30, and taking then at 25 well there isn't the world most amount of flesh on them, those few extra centimeters would increase the general size of the population of bream, would it not?


01-11-2010, 06:01 PM
"one last thing to think about, what happens to all the sea food at the fish markets and other sea food stores after a day or too of having the fish out on display???"

This is still hinting at the same old yarn that comes up over and over. Other people pushing their own mentality on others. That is such a blanket statement but as usual it seems another slug on the idea that anyone should bring a fish home.
Typical environmental crap that shapes humans as not part of the environment. Its like, dont touch this you will damage the environment, dont walk there or you will damage the environment, dont take that or you will damage the environment. Dont burn that dead wood or you will damage the environment.
I am personally so sick of this stupid talk that shapes human beings as not part of the environment, what are we, aliens or something?
The vast majority of people on here are hunter gatherers, ie they fish smart and eat fish. Yes there are some who C an R, and I dont have aproblem with that, but to ask such a silly question that infers that taking fish is wrong, well give me a break.
Personally I think its crazy to go out and stress fish just for fun, without taking fish to eat.
Can you get it into your head, its OK AND WITHIN THE LAW TO EAT FISH!
The fish are there for us to EAT!
I am so over this mentality being pushed out on here in the "shape of a question"
Everyone knows exactly the agenda here.

Isn't everyone a c & r fisherman?

You go fishing and catch 15 fish. Out of those 15 fish you only keep 5 due to the other 10 being undersized/undesired etc. So you have just caught and released 10 fish. Out of those 10 a few more may or may not die.

I go fishing and catch the same 15 fish. I release all 15 fish. Out of those 15 fish a few may or may not die.

In other words, you've just done exactly the same thing as me, but you've kept 5 of them, which there is nothing wrong with whatsoever. So you have also just stressed out 15 fish, 10 unneccessarily and another 5 of which obviously doesn't matter.

Unless of course you are saying that you go fishing ONLY for the fish and get no enjoyment whatsoever out of fishing. Which in that case I assume if you catch your feed/bag 10 minutes after getting to your fishing destination you turn around and go home?

If you're anything like me I assume the things you enjoy most about fishing would be something along the lines of;

1. getting out on the water and forgetting about life for a few hours;
2. enjoying the surroundings and what nature has to offer;
3. getting smashed 8-) ie getting the fish to take your offering (bait or fake). if your a lure/plastics fisherman there is nothing better than knowing you've tricked a fish into taking your offering;
4. the fight of the fish. unless you use larger than required line and just drag it in;
5. the thrill of landing the fish. especially a pb or a species you have never caught before.

Am I wrong? The only difference being is that you would add to the list;

6. eating the fish.

The point I am trying to make is that there is no difference between you and I except that you like to eat your catch.

Before anyone goes misinterpreting what I am saying I will again say that I have no problem with bag limits etc as they are and I have no problem whatsoever with people keeping fish etc as long as they abide by the rules.

01-11-2010, 06:36 PM
to tell the truth I'm not really to sure i haven't looked in to it all that much, it was mentioned earlier and sounded like a reasonable idea to keep everyone happy, being the greens would have there green zones and it wouldn't rule out someones favorite fishing spot for good just for a period of time, like i said i haven't looked in to this with much detail, so i don't know the finer points of it all,

as for bream, yer there are heaps of them most of which are smaller than 30, and taking then at 25 well there isn't the world most amount of flesh on them, those few extra centimeters would increase the general size of the population of bream, would it not?


brenno..do yourself a favour mate and do some reading on the green zones. rest assured the greens are not happy with the current situation...they want more closures. You really should do some research o nthese things. You are a young bloke..yo uare the one facing the long term brawl with the greens..if you don;t learn now thay will beat you at every turn in future years.

once again..back to the bream..it has been proven that bream spawn twice (if i remember correctly) before reaching 23cm. If most are smaller than 30 ( there are still heaps over 30.), doesn't that show you that the juvenile fishery is good..and that those juveniles will grow..we cannot catch anywhere near the number of fish to make a dent on it.

The biggest danger is when there are no juveniles around..that is when the panic must set in.

01-11-2010, 06:58 PM
Sigh ...................... ::)

01-11-2010, 07:19 PM
Isn't everyone a c & r fisherman?

You go fishing and catch 15 fish. Out of those 15 fish you only keep 5 due to the other 10 being undersized/undesired etc. So you have just caught and released 10 fish. Out of those 10 a few more may or may not die.

I go fishing and catch the same 15 fish. I release all 15 fish. Out of those 15 fish a few may or may not die.

In other words, you've just done exactly the same thing as me, but you've kept 5 of them, which there is nothing wrong with whatsoever. So you have also just stressed out 15 fish, 10 unneccessarily and another 5 of which obviously doesn't matter.

Unless of course you are saying that you go fishing ONLY for the fish and get no enjoyment whatsoever out of fishing. Which in that case I assume if you catch your feed/bag 10 minutes after getting to your fishing destination you turn around and go home?

Hi Plastix, with C&R "only"....catch a hundred mate , release a 100....as Bag&size limits with yourself don't need to mean "anything" ,as they don't apply to you.

As Pinhead said "bream are in the squillions" ......probably Gaz-billions on full moon time June/July ;)

But if somebody doesn't want to keep a 26cm long bream.......just RELEASE the friggin' thing ::)

Back to your original example Plastix ,i.e. catch 15 ,but 10 are undersize....you and the C&K-types "must release them" it's the L.A.W.

Now "as an example" if some feelgood dumb-dumb raises the size of bream to 35cms / 5 "baglimit" similar to snapper:-X

Well bugger me dead , we'd probably have to catch a 100 and release 95+ :-[ ,and then some other idiot would say , the stocks are collapsing , let's raise it to 40cms and a bag of 2 :argue:

p.s. just using your point as the basis of my C&K post Plastix , you are your own man , do what you want to do ,within the law and makes you feelgood mate :-*

01-11-2010, 08:16 PM
SPORTFISHING!: Maximum Thrill Minimum Kill
CATCH PHOTOGRAPH RELEASE http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/Original%20Smilies/smiley.gif
Is that so?
Thats sportfishing to you mate, not too me.
Try Catch, Photograph, Kill, Fillet and Eat! I release as well, inedible, undersize etc.
What a dream world some people live in, how many things do you have in your house, and your life in general, that was once living thing?
See that's the point, Purist Cand R people cant help beating us over the head with their pet philosophy. But they are such hypocrites.
Do you wear leather shoes? Eat steak? it goes on, blood on your hands you Minimum Killers LOL

01-11-2010, 08:58 PM
Ah well ! I might go and fry up a nice batch of Large Mouth Nanny Gai fillets, You know, I love fish. Its great to eat and so so healthy.
I guess thats why people by the billions have since year dot been eating this marvelous gift to mankind. All over the world they crave it . Whether its whale or wahoo its all sought after cause its so nice to eat.

Thousands of different fish cooked in a myriad of different methods. Even had a great feed of deep fried Tilapia looking things in Thailand recently, tasted awesome.
Fishing . Eating a pile of my special smoked makerel fillets Ah ! Doesn't last long on the plate.

Anyone want the recipe?


01-11-2010, 09:38 PM
SPORTFISHING!: Maximum Thrill Minimum Kill
CATCH PHOTOGRAPH RELEASE http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/Original%20Smilies/smiley.gif
Is that so?
Thats sportfishing to you mate, not too me.
Try Catch, Photograph, Kill, Fillet and Eat! I release as well, inedible, undersize etc.
What a dream world some people live in, how many things do you have in your house, and your life in general, that was once living thing?
See that's the point, Purist Cand R people cant help beating us over the head with their pet philosophy. But they are such hypocrites.
Do you wear leather shoes? Eat steak? it goes on, blood on your hands you Minimum Killers LOL

::) You are obviously completely missing my point.

I was responding to you infering that c & r is crazy ("Personally I think its crazy to go out and stress fish just for fun, without taking fish to eat"), when in fact you are doing the exact same thing, but keeping fish to eat. So unless you keep every single fish you ever catch (which I assume you don't), then you are partly a c & r fisherman.

If I was some sort of greeny c & r purist I wouldn't fish at all would I. For the third time I will say it again and I will type it slowly this time. I have never said that everyone should be a c & r fisherman, I in fact said that I have no problems with people catching and keeping fish within regulations. My brother keeps his catches, my mates keep their catches, up until a couple of years ago I used to keep some myself. Is it really that hard to read or understand ? :wut:

I was simply suggesting that some peoples behaviours/habits etc could change for the better. Is it really so bad to encourage people to fish sustainably? And I'm not referring specifically to c & r, just fishing habits in general.

"See that's the point, Purist Cand R people cant help beating us over the head with their pet philosophy. But they are such hypocrites." I don't recall beating you over the head with any philosophy? I assume that as you had no comeback to my previous post you decided a personal attack would be the go. :disappointed: I guess I should be flattered.

02-11-2010, 01:50 AM
::) You are obviously completely missing my point.

I was responding to you infering that c & r is crazy ("Personally I think its crazy to go out and stress fish just for fun, without taking fish to eat"), when in fact you are doing the exact same thing, but keeping fish to eat. So unless you keep every single fish you ever catch (which I assume you don't), then you are partly a c & r fisherman.

If I was some sort of greeny c & r purist I wouldn't fish at all would I. For the third time I will say it again and I will type it slowly this time. I have never said that everyone should be a c & r fisherman, I in fact said that I have no problems with people catching and keeping fish within regulations. My brother keeps his catches, my mates keep their catches, up until a couple of years ago I used to keep some myself. Is it really that hard to read or understand ? :wut:

I was simply suggesting that some peoples behaviours/habits etc could change for the better. Is it really so bad to encourage people to fish sustainably? And I'm not referring specifically to c & r, just fishing habits in general.

"See that's the point, Purist Cand R people cant help beating us over the head with their pet philosophy. But they are such hypocrites." I don't recall beating you over the head with any philosophy? I assume that as you had no comeback to my previous post you decided a personal attack would be the go. :disappointed: I guess I should be flattered.

Nothing personal at all mate! Im not the one with huge bold pretty Font!
If you want to come out with big bold flashy block letters pounding your ideology of what Sportfishing is, every time you post and lecture on C and R, dont be surprised if people take their choice on a forum to disagree. Especially when you are lecturing someone personally about Cand R.
Encourage some people to fish sustainable? See this what I am simply saying, we already are fishing sustainably! With catch limits, size limits, Green Zones, No take species etc etc.
Your idea of sustainable is to take and eat no fish at all? Im bewildered by that as you seem to be contradicting yourself, one minute saying its Ok to take fish and then saying in big block letters all fish should be released.
I agree with you that yes I catch and release, almost every trip I release around 10 flatties alone, all caught on plastics as well! Never once stated Cand R is wrong, just dont like it when I am fishing sustainably already, to have this purist absolute jargon suggesting sportfishing perfection is when Im so "educated" that I will eat no fish. Sorry but I never intend to be get so "enlightened"

02-11-2010, 07:57 AM
I have watched this thread from the sidelines looking at everyone’s opinions, and it appears that when someone stands up for what they believe in to be either "just" or "right" then some other member shoots them down for their beliefs. No wonder the opposing factions "Greens" have no problems taking our waterways away from us, because we can't even agree to disagree :-(

Now what is important to me.

1. It is important for me to have to right to be able to go out and fish when I feel the need
2. It is important to me that fellow anglers have a good time whilst out fishing
3. It is important to me that we all get a say in how our fishery is managed
4. It is important to me that we should constantly review our size and bag limits to ensure the ones we currently have in place are doing the right thing and helping towards it actually being sustainable
5. It is important to me that fellow anglers respect each other and each others ideals and trains of thought
6. It is important to me that anglers respect their fishery and only take what they feel is justified, not what is earned nor rightly deemed to be "my fair share" if it is not needed
7. It is important to me that future generations can share the same enjoyment I get from wetting a line.
8. What is important to me is that people that illegally sell fish or partake in the action of catchig fish to be illeaglly sold, get as much karma as possible in return.

Also one thing I also did notice whilst reading is the attitudes that the cost of boats, plus fuel, plus fishing gear, plus cars etc all needs to be justified and re couped by taking as many legal fish as possible which is very disconcerning, because those ideals pretty much sound like the mentality of a pro fisherman trying to make and justify a living and before everyone shoots me down for this, yes I take fish, yes I release fish and yes I will refer to #5 mentioned above.



02-11-2010, 08:00 AM
Nothing personal at all mate! Im not the one with huge bold pretty Font!
If you want to come out with big bold flashy block letters pounding your ideology of what Sportfishing is, every time you post and lecture on C and R, dont be surprised if people take their choice on a forum to disagree. Especially when you are lecturing someone personally about Cand R.
Encourage some people to fish sustainable? See this what I am simply saying, we already are fishing sustainably! With catch limits, size limits, Green Zones, No take species etc etc.
Your idea of sustainable is to take and eat no fish at all? Im bewildered by that as you seem to be contradicting yourself, one minute saying its Ok to take fish and then saying in big block letters all fish should be released.
I agree with you that yes I catch and release, almost every trip I release around 10 flatties alone, all caught on plastics as well! Never once stated Cand R is wrong, just dont like it when I am fishing sustainably already, to have this purist absolute jargon suggesting sportfishing perfection is when Im so "educated" that I will eat no fish. Sorry but I never intend to be get so "enlightened"

Firstly, I am not lecturing you, or anyone else for that matter. I was clarifying what you (and some others) were saying about c & r in general. So I will try one last time, then I will just give up.

"Your idea of sustainable is to take and eat no fish at all? Im bewildered by that as you seem to be contradicting yourself, one minute saying its Ok to take fish and then saying in big block letters all fish should be released." - Taking no fish is my personal choice (mainly because I don't actually like the taste of fish, I would rather a fat juicy steak) and is not my definition of sustainable fishing. As previously stated several times now I personally don't take any fish, but I don't have any problem with people keeping fish within regulations. I'm not sure if I'm having problems with reading but I don't think my signature says "all fish should be released"? Different story if it said something like "release of fish you murderers >:( ". It's a simple reflection on my style of fishing, hence the :) .

Never once stated Cand R is wrong, just dont like it when I am fishing sustainably already, to have this purist absolute jargon suggesting sportfishing perfection is when Im so "educated" that I will eat no fish. Sorry but I never intend to be get so "enlightened" - Obviously if you are already fishing sustainably my comments are not applicable to you. Simple as that. I don't recall saying that you personally need to start fishing sustainably. My comment/s were based on things that I see or have seen or heard about over time.

we already are fishing sustainably! - In an ideal world if everyone followed all the rules all of the time then the answer to this would definitely be yes and we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

I hope you understand where I am coming from Flatzie. In the end we are both on this forum due to a mutal love for fishing and hopefully we can fish on until the day we die.

02-11-2010, 08:27 AM
5. It is important to me that fellow anglers respect each other and each others ideals and trains of though


I agree completely. It would be nice not to have people passing judgements about what others should and shouldn't do.

The only exception to that rule is when others tell me (or their peers) what they should or shouldn't do. Then it's pistols at dawn, because the ultimate extension to people who think it's ok to tell others how they should live/act/fish is the impingement of my freedom. I will fight for that until the day I die.


02-11-2010, 10:03 AM
Also one thing I also did notice whilst reading is the attitudes that the cost of boats, plus fuel, plus fishing gear, plus cars etc all needs to be justified and re couped by taking as many legal fish as possible which is very disconcerning, because those ideals pretty much sound like the mentality of a pro fisherman trying to make and justify a living and before everyone shoots me down for this, yes I take fish, yes I release fish and yes I will refer to #5 mentioned above.



Lee ....... Good reply to the topic -

The above paragraph is the one that is a standout - It's a very common theme. Justification for the cost of a trip........ payoff so to speak. Unfortunately it usually means that the boatowner needs to take the boat limit to get the lowest cost per kg - Eventually what it will mean that fishing grounds become decimated ....... and they will be required to travel further a field and the cost goes up yet again. Some will even upgrade their boats to make this possible.
Fishoes complain that they cant catch a bag ....... blame gets put on the pros or the government etc etc ....... however the fishoes are part of the problem.

I guess having experienced a decline in fishing results when I was interested in fishing for a feed - I realised that I was part of the problem - fishing a small reef and bagging out on jewfish time and time again could only have a negative impact over a time ......... :(

Maybe its why I see things a bit differently than some ..... having been there.


02-11-2010, 10:17 AM
I agree completely. It would be nice not to have people passing judgements about what others should and shouldn't do.

The only exception to that rule is when others tell me (or their peers) what they should or shouldn't do. Then it's pistols at dawn, because the ultimate extension to people who think it's ok to tell others how they should live/act/fish is the impingement of my freedom. I will fight for that until the day I die.


Totally agree but I think it is good to see anglers being passionate about what they believe in and not just accepting things for what they are.

Its great to see that we all don't agree with each other on all aspects of fishing because then how boring would things actually be.

The other thing to take into consideration is the fact that not every trip results in fish.

Personally when today’s sustainability is compared to the years gone by when freezers were filled for the sake of taking as much as possible, I think we were just a little to late and we missed the boat so to speak. The only positive thing is to ensure we never go down that path again as we are all still paying way to dearly, still today, for those days gone by.

Things can't be fixed overnight, but over time they can, but most importantly we need to stop foreign company's bringing their international needs to our shores and taking the stock we currently have here, as they money that is traded does not see my pocket, nor does it replace the fish that have just been taken.



02-11-2010, 09:44 PM
This thread is called whats more important to you? Well read on.

Leelee, you are fueling Nagg for another round! Got him started on another topic to sit in judgement about.!

There are issues you guys keep missing and keep fueling this thread with this constant preach that the moral high ground is to take less than the legal bag.

Now youve broardened it out to criticise those boaties who hope for a good return on their hard earned dollars spent on the trip as well. You are preaching tolerance of each others personal position while raising more issues to offer judgemental remarks about. You are so lofty !!

Lee Lee if you want to pine about anything, have a crack at the fact that the best of our fish are largely sold overseas for prices the average Australian cannot afford to buy. Our supermarkets sell trash fish back to us from Asia!

While you are chirping at us, the commercial fishery is taking huge tonnage to ship overseas for commercial gain. Ever stood on a jetty where a live trout boat is unloading live fish and seen how many trout go out in just one week off just one boat?
Its amazing. Go and have a crack at the Government if you want to complain about anything regarding fish stocks. as much as it pains me to see the above scenario I can still go off Cairns and catch the same amount of trout per year in my boat that we achieved in the early nineties. I dont personally judge the commercial fishos either. But its a crying shame that the average aussie does not get to enjoy it.

Ive got an idea for you. How about keeping for a while instead of releasing, and go and identify some single mums or pensioners in your neighbourhood and bless them with a feed of real good top quality aussie fish!

See, you get to keep what ever you want when you want a feed, so why not share that joy with someone else? You preach sharing the blessing of fishing to the next generation, how about sharing the blessings now by bringing home a decent bag and giving some away in random acts of kindness?? Theres some high ground you can take if you want.


03-11-2010, 06:07 AM
Interesting thought there Odes.
I have pensioners across the street from me and beside me as neighbours.
As i do bring home fish, I often get to give them a feed of Flathead, Bream and last week some Mackeral.
One old lady has been told she should eat fish twice a week for her eye condition by her doctor. But she cant afford that, so is always happy to get a feed of fresh aussie fish as against the who knows what from the shop.
Im sure a lot of people on here enjoy sharing fish with others particularly those in need.

03-11-2010, 09:10 AM
This thread is called whats more important to you? Well read on.

Leelee, you are fueling Nagg for another round! Got him started on another topic to sit in judgement about.!

There are issues you guys keep missing and keep fueling this thread with this constant preach that the moral high ground is to take less than the legal bag.

Sorry but Nagg is big enough to get involved himself, he has no need for anyone else to fuel the situation as you have so put it and he seem to be getting involved long before I posted. Also I have been reading this thread for a long while now, so was I supposed to not put in my 2 cents, just because it might fuel another member? I also never stated nor preached take less then the legal bag.

Now youve broardened it out to criticise those boaties who hope for a good return on their hard earned dollars spent on the trip as well. You are preaching tolerance of each others personal position while raising more issues to offer judgemental remarks about. You are so lofty !!

No need to be so condescending John as I was referring to the fact that the opinion I was referring to was that money outlaid had to be recouped by the fact of catching as many legal fish as possible. Just an observation. I never once critised boaties who “HOPE” for a return, it was more targeted at the ones who complain about commercial fisherman taking everything legal they catch, when in fact they are doing the same thing. Bagging out justify’s the outlay of the fishing trip.

Here is an example for you - If I was to fly up to Cairns, pay for accommodation, pay for fuel to go out on your boat, then I mentioned to you that I have to catch enough fish to pay for the expenses I have outlaid for the trip, you would be thinking how rude and what an @$$hle I was and would then most likely kick me off your boat and tell me where to go, wouldn’t you?

Lee Lee if you want to pine about anything, have a crack at the fact that the best of our fish are largely sold overseas for prices the average Australian cannot afford to buy. Our supermarkets sell trash fish back to us from Asia!

You are not telling me anything new here and I was not Pining, just sating the obvious.

While you are chirping at us, the commercial fishery is taking huge tonnage to ship overseas for commercial gain. Ever stood on a jetty where a live trout boat is unloading live fish and seen how many trout go out in just one week off just one boat?

Its amazing. Go and have a crack at the Government if you want to complain about anything regarding fish stocks. as much as it pains me to see the above scenario I can still go off Cairns and catch the same amount of trout per year in my boat that we achieved in the early nineties. I dont personally judge the commercial fishos either. But its a crying shame that the average aussie does not get to enjoy it.

Sorry John I have never been to Cairns so I have never seen the live trout trade with my own eyes, but whilst you might not judge commercial fisherman, that does not mean others cannot.

I agree with you that it is a shame the average aussies won’t get to enjoy it and that is me you are referring to, as the chances of me ever getting up there are very minimal indeed.

Ive got an idea for you. How about keeping for a while instead of releasing, and go and identify some single mums or pensioners in your neighbourhood and bless them with a feed of real good top quality aussie fish!

See, you get to keep what ever you want when you want a feed, so why not share that joy with someone else? You preach sharing the blessing of fishing to the next generation, how about sharing the blessings now by bringing home a decent bag and giving some away in random acts of kindness?? Theres some high ground you can take if you want.

Looks like you didn’t even read some of my post and assumed that I release all my fish. Ha ha ha read it again. I take what I need, when I need, for own consumption and then I also give away a few fish here and there to family and friends and as Flatzie has mentioned he also gives fish to people in need. Please don’t always assume I need “high ground” as you are referring that you assume I think I am better then most which is so not the case.

It seems John as though you did not read everything I wrote, which doesn’t really bother me and before you start I am not a 100% CNR person nor to I personally judge you or any others who choose to keep your legal catches and use them, not throw them away in the bin, or release them, as long as everyone is abiding by the law then we are all on the same page. Damn in winter time I bring home a few stinky pike here and there for my dog as she loves fish J

I guess when I posted “It is important to me that fellow anglers respect each other and each others ideals and trains of thought” people may have skipped over that one and fellow anglers don’t or may not have the same thoughts, but at least I do and John I respect you for what you do and how you do it, but I’m not trying to pass judgement either as that is not my place so there is no need to make me otu to be the enemy or the person that fuels other people.



03-11-2010, 10:30 AM
Leelee, you are fueling Nagg for another round! Got him started on another topic to sit in judgement about.!

There are issues you guys keep missing and keep fueling this thread with this constant preach that the moral high ground is to take less than the legal bag.

Now youve broardened it out to criticise those boaties who hope for a good return on their hard earned dollars spent on the trip as well. You are preaching tolerance of each others personal position while raising more issues to offer judgemental remarks about. You are so lofty !!

Hi Odes - Good fuel;D

Having an opinion or passing judgement - :-? I'll stay with having an opinion as quite a few of my friends fish for a feed - I certainly dont think any differently of them ..... they remain mates ! - Hell they have a shot at me for spending all that money on travel etc ...... just to catch what maybe 1 fish to take a photo of and release.
All that I am doing is expressing an opinion .... sure it might go against the grain for some , no differently than my barra fishing does for some. :) -

I'm going away jack fishing in a weeks time and I can tell you here and now that hopefully some will be eaten while away (along with some muddies) & a few fillets will be packed in the engel for the trip home ......... but I can tell you right now , It is not the reasoning for the trip or will I be counting the cost if I dont .

btw - when I was back in Sydney ... I did every now and then bring home some fish for a dear old digger that lived in my block of units ...... he asked me & I had no issue with doing it........... till it was expected!!!

Anyhow ...... I think more has been made out of this thread than there really is.


03-11-2010, 11:27 AM

There's nothing wrong with having an opinion, that whats makes us what we are (right or wrong). It's people who say nothing and then complain afterwards that get my danda up...
Good luck with the Jack fishing

25-08-2011, 10:11 AM
There a lot of merit in that Jack

One idea I have been thinking about a lot in the past decade is not to have greenzones permanently locking people out, but to have rotational protection zones. Simply every 4th river or creek system, right around the country gets a total break from fishing in all forms for 12 months. The next 12 months goes to the very next system clockwise around the country and so forth, so every single system gets one break every 5 yrs.

As far as bag limits goes, I am in no need to alter them. I seldom take more than one feed for the family unless the one fish will serve two meals.

In saying that though, there is one exception I can think of, Sand Crabs should be limited to 5 / person / session.

25-08-2011, 11:45 AM
I think nursery zones such as the upper reaches of rivers and tidal estuarys should be protected to some extent.
I believe certain reef species such as cod should be protected as they sustain an ecosystem.

Size and bag limits a must.

Not sure 100% but I could take a wild guess and say that primary production on the banks of rivers and estaurys hinders the primary production within the estuarine system and eventually the bay/sea. Turbidity, silt and shallowing, chemical and pollutant runoff, high nutrient export ,eutrophication (too many nutrients causing ecosystem problems such as weed and algal blooms) all contributors.

In a nutshell there are too many dickheads in the government.

Green zones are probably useful to a reef system or a river nursery area.
Because fish live on the reefs and they use the rivers/reefs to hatch/breed/grow young.

Green zones do not really address the issues of cultural pollution.

One main one being pollutant and suspended solid runoff from urban developments and farming.
But I imagine farmers and developers have a greater political say than recreational fishos.

My 2c