View Full Version : Big Swimbaits from USA for barra

29-10-2010, 07:31 AM
Hi All
I will be in USA in November and wonder if anyone could give me a heads up on any good Barra lures to pick up over there. Both locations I am in have Bass Pro Shop.
I will be looking at Spros as well, any suggestions which ones etc. or any that have been used with success. They have some exciting looking lures in their Swimbaits section on the website.

29-10-2010, 08:23 AM
Lucky you :P .... speaking of Lucky

Lucky craft real californias , live pointers and live sammys would be good value.


PS - If you can find them and dont mind spending a little coin - the Mattlures baby bass ...... it is a big swimbait and so realistic - apparently they catch barra too

29-10-2010, 11:17 AM
Hey Thanks Chris
Are the Spros worth getting, I see they are pretty expensive, and if so any particular type?
I will chase down the others you mention for a look as well.
Tryin to give these fish something they havent seen before!

29-10-2010, 12:00 PM
Hey Thanks Chris
Are the Spros worth getting, I see they are pretty expensive, and if so any particular type?
I will chase down the others you mention for a look as well.
Tryin to give these fish something they havent seen before!

Those BBZ ? would be worth a look - the yanks are right into those jointed swimbaits ........ check out the jerry rangos too - mind you they cost like a gazillionbucks each


Boomi Boy
29-10-2010, 02:13 PM
Seems silly to waste all that money. Imagine how many Classic barra 150 bleeding mullet S/R,s you could get for the same dosh. They are all you need, evidently.

29-10-2010, 08:44 PM
might even be better off with a pkt of slick rigs :D


29-10-2010, 08:59 PM
Maybe the Barra are getting a little used to Classics and Slick Rigs?

29-10-2010, 09:45 PM
Maybe the Barra are getting a little used to Classics and Slick Rigs?
maybe .... maybe not -- who knows?

30-10-2010, 07:56 AM
Interesting though that one always tries to have an arsenal of lures to choose from, I think Im guilty of always dropping back to what worked before, you know its a confidence thing as well.
But to spend a few bucks to land even one of these fish is the name of the game, its pretty priceless to see a huge barra beside the boat and then get to pic it and release it.
I note JM as a guide saying how we need to keep changing with the dam, conditions etc, and I am starting to get a train of thought that with the overwhelming amount of bumps, hits, near misses coming up in reports that the fish maybe a bit wary, maybe chasing the thing away rather than trying to eat it?
Haha, trying to think like a barra now!
I mean I couldnt go wrong casting and working B52s, now its hard to get a fish on one, then Power Mullets, which have secured loads of fish, not so hot.
I know there are times when you just get them climbing all over lures, but maybe the intro of something completely new will trigger more action.
What do you think.
Those Spros look so much like a Boney Bream!
On the cost of lures, funny how people will spend enormous amounts of dosh on boats, fuel, food. rods and reels and then think a $24 is a silly waste of money? Beats me.
The lure is the meeting point of you and the barra, thats where I want to have put my money!
PS Chris I have never caught a fish on a Squidgy! just have hardly used them but I know they work!

30-10-2010, 08:55 AM
Interesting though that one always tries to have an arsenal of lures to choose from, I think Im guilty of always dropping back to what worked before, you know its a confidence thing as well.
But to spend a few bucks to land even one of these fish is the name of the game, its pretty priceless to see a huge barra beside the boat and then get to pic it and release it.
I note JM as a guide saying how we need to keep changing with the dam, conditions etc, and I am starting to get a train of thought that with the overwhelming amount of bumps, hits, near misses coming up in reports that the fish maybe a bit wary, maybe chasing the thing away rather than trying to eat it?
Haha, trying to think like a barra now!
I mean I couldnt go wrong casting and working B52s, now its hard to get a fish on one, then Power Mullets, which have secured loads of fish, not so hot.
I know there are times when you just get them climbing all over lures, but maybe the intro of something completely new will trigger more action.
What do you think.
Those Spros look so much like a Boney Bream!
On the cost of lures, funny how people will spend enormous amounts of dosh on boats, fuel, food. rods and reels and then think a $24 is a silly waste of money? Beats me.
The lure is the meeting point of you and the barra, thats where I want to have put my money!
PS Chris I have never caught a fish on a Squidgy! just have hardly used them but I know they work!

Couldn't agree more - you certainly need to give yourself the best chance possible .... and if that means having lures that have a different action / swim characteristics when compared what gets thrown on a regular basis.... awesome! ..... - Just maybe these realistic bass type swimbaits might just do it ;)- I've actually got a couple new ones on the way - not meant to be a silver bullet but will behave differently to what I have in the box atm.

As for those squidgeys - well they clearly polarise the barra fishing community . While my ones dont resemble what comes out of the packet with hook changes , rattles , belly flap slits , hole punched tail wrist after being boiled ....... I still see plenty of barra caught on ones straight out of the pack..... and recently too.
Mind you ..... they are not my first port of call - but they do end up being tied on..... that is for sure:)

I'm sure you'll enjoy swimming those new lures


30-10-2010, 09:33 AM
mate have a look at the basstrix range in paddle tail fatgrubs i have done real well with them in mondy and lenthalls they are only 90mm long but swim well and have a good color range not too exy either cheers AL

Steve B
30-10-2010, 02:04 PM

If your near a Cabelas, try getting some 'cabelas flat tires' they are a plastic sort of like hollowbellys etc...they go pretty good I have found. About $5 US per pack of 5.

I reckon you will find plenty of lures in the shops over there that will scream out to you 'barra would smash this'!!! Good luck..I am jealous!;)


30-10-2010, 04:13 PM
Hey thanks Steve, I got some of those Cabelas flat tyres last time I was in the US they are pretty good, havent got a fish on one yet tho.
There is a whole range og Muskie lures which would probably go well too!

02-11-2010, 04:16 PM
Hey flatzie,
The jackall deka hama-ku-ru are a sensational swimbait and are well priced. I also like the size there about 90mm and dont require a XXL rod to throw them. They come in a surface a shallow suspending and a sinking.

I cast one around on sunday and the cod were all over it.
I'll post a pick for reference as you can see it is makes a excellant mullet immatation.
Cheers Kyle.

Steve B
02-11-2010, 08:04 PM
Hey flatzie,
The jackall deka hama-ku-ru are a sensational swimbait and are well priced. I also like the size there about 90mm and dont require a XXL rod to throw them. They come in a surface a shallow suspending and a sinking.

I cast one around on sunday and the cod were all over it.
I'll post a pick for reference as you can see it is makes a excellant mullet immatation.
Cheers Kyle.

Nice looking lure Kyle, what sort of $$ are they???...very worth while lure by the looks. I reckon salt water barra would climb all over them in the shallows, like the cod. very mullet like.

Cheers Steve

02-11-2010, 08:17 PM
Ive just been on Cabela's website lookin at their swimbaits, cant wait to get ther in the Fort Worth store! I will need to rob a bank I think!

02-11-2010, 08:50 PM
Check out Tackle Warehouse in the US for a lot of great swimbaits. I've often wondered why the Barra fishos were not getting onto them earlier. Some look a dead ringer for a Boney Bream

03-11-2010, 03:45 PM
Nice looking lure Kyle, what sort of $$ are they???...very worth while lure by the looks. I reckon salt water barra would climb all over them in the shallows, like the cod. very mullet like.

Cheers Steve

G'day steve,
You can get them landed for about $20 from shimreels i think that is good value for a quality japanese swimbait or any jackall. I think you are spot on about the saltwater barra, i had them in mind for a trip to gove i did in august but silly me left them in my cod lure box::) .

03-11-2010, 04:56 PM
Check out Tackle Warehouse in the US for a lot of great swimbaits. I've often wondered why the Barra fishos were not getting onto them earlier. Some look a dead ringer for a Boney Bream

You'll be surprised at what the impoundment guys have tried :D - Exactly what you thought ..... look like boney bream - some like gar!
Funnily - most guys that I've spoken to - who have used them all report inconsistent to poor results - I'm the same
Yet - heaps fish X Raps or slick rigs , storm shads etc etc and have good results.
I dont know what is is about them ....... maybe we dont fish them well


03-11-2010, 04:57 PM
Your not wrong there horse. Can't wait to get up to mondy and throw this little beauty around. An Izumi shad alive. Hook upgrade is definately in order though. Ben

03-11-2010, 06:15 PM
Which Xraps are people fishing, shallow divers?

03-11-2010, 06:32 PM
Which Xraps are people fishing, shallow divers?

XR12s/SXR12s 8-)


03-11-2010, 09:11 PM
Thanks Chris

03-11-2010, 09:43 PM
Hey Flatzie whilst you are over there stock up on a heap of owner trebles and split rings as they are so cheap.



Steve B
04-11-2010, 08:54 AM

If you think the yanks have lure, google up some jap fishing websites, like the one Kyle suggeted shimreel, sushilures and I found another last night, but the name escapes me...samuri something..they blow the yank lures out of the water for quality and finish (like all the jap gear)..I have bought a couple of normal prices swimbaits from US, and rate them on par with our stuff for the same price.

There is plenty of fellas here that experiment with lures for USA and Japan etc, so far I only have a few, but the ones I do are pretty sweet. I am a bit of a tight ass, and bork at spending the $$$ without seeing and feeling a lure sometimes.!!;D ;D ..but I am going to shout myself a few jap topwater and swimbaits over the next few months for a trip to NT next year.

Cheers Steve

04-11-2010, 09:36 AM
Hey Flatzie whilst you are over there stock up on a heap of owner trebles and split rings as they are so cheap.



Good tip!!!

& Braid

04-11-2010, 10:45 AM
Thanks heaps for all the advice! Im in Orlando next Thursday and then in Fort Worth Texas following week.
Bass pro in both locations and Cabelas in Ft Worth.
Ive been to both on afew occasions they are pretty amazing places, massive, makes the old BCF look like a tiny corner store no exaggeration!
Oh and if you really want to cry, you go and check out the boat section, you cannot believe how much cheaper awesome new boats are over there, make a grown man weep!
Last time at Cabelas, 17ft double plate Aluminium boats decked right out with 90 hp Fourstrokes, $17,000. Ouch!


18-11-2010, 11:51 PM
Have hit Bass Pro in Orlando, stocked up with Spros, Xraps, and other great suspending lures, Scum frogs,(an arsenal for Robersl as well) Storm Suspending Swimshads etc some Luckycraft Chris recod. Well made lures!
Am also excited about a system which they use over here for big Redfish, more on that later, very novel!
Hit Cabelas at Dallas tomorrow, there are not a lot of big muskie lures down here as those fish are up north in USA.
Got some great downsized Power Mullets which I think will be killers in saltwater.
Miles of big SP swim shads here as well, they all look yummy!
So far so good.