View Full Version : Wanting to blood it... cure time?

20-10-2010, 04:53 PM
Alright, thanks to everyone's help, I've finally finished one of the two rods. And I'm about to put the final coat of Classic Rod Coat epoxy on the second rod right now!

Anyway, I have a charter booked for tomorrow (Thursday), and it would be the perfect opportunity to break in the new rod.
The final coat of epoxy was put on Monday afternoon, and yesterday afternoon (Tuesday) I dabbed in some epoxy under the guide feet.
Is bright and early Thursday going to be enough cure time?


trout head
20-10-2010, 05:17 PM
It might pay to wait 2 or 3 days , you have gone to all that work you do not want to bugger it , I like to leave it for at least 5 days . but that is up on Cape York , might be diffrent where you are .

20-10-2010, 06:14 PM
If you're saying Monday to Thursday..
Go for it!

I like to wait a week, but that's not based on any scientific research.

If you're saying Wednesday to Thursday?
I'd still go for it if the epoxy felt dry and I had no other option.

What's the worst that can happen?
If it shits itself you can just strip it and start again after the trip.

20-10-2010, 06:15 PM
Personally I like to wait at least a week. It's difficult, but worth it. A few hours in the sunlight is good too.
Owens' worse case is not one I would like to deal with!

20-10-2010, 06:32 PM
Having worked many years with 2 part self curing products, be they epoxy or acrylic based. Humidity and relative heat does help the curing and lack of can retard the curing, even thought you can't detect it. You don't want failure at the most inopportune times. I'd give them a few days more. you must be like a kid at xmas waiting to be able to open pressie though.:'(

20-10-2010, 06:59 PM
you must be like a kid at xmas waiting to be able to open pressie though.:'(

Worse. My son's 16th Birthday tomorrow. This, the first rod I've completed, is for him. the charter, weather permitting, is tomorrow and the absolutely perfect time for him to blood his rod. We normally fish Harry's, and a 6-10kg rod like this will rarely get challenged out there.

Of course, he's probably reading this, so the surprise will be ruined anyway.

Tristan, get back to your homework.

21-10-2010, 08:30 PM
Hey Damned67, if the rods finished where are the pics??? I'm sure everyone following your posts is keen to see the result of your first build. I'm sure your son will love it. My boy's nearly one and I was going to build one for him (or was that an excuse to make another one for me?)


23-10-2010, 10:59 PM
Hey Damned67, if the rods finished where are the pics??? I'm sure everyone following your posts is keen to see the result of your first build. I'm sure your son will love it. My boy's nearly one and I was going to build one for him (or was that an excuse to make another one for me?)


Very good point. I've received much support from this site, I'll post some pics tomorrow (including an action shot!)