View Full Version : Hinze Ramps?????????????

09-09-2010, 08:01 PM
Just had a look at Hinze Alliance website and the temporary ramp at the eastern arm is still closed.
Wonder what their excuse is this time? They must run out soon.
Anyone been at the temp ramp at western arm.
I am interested to see if they have removed the old armco to make it easier to launch there.

09-09-2010, 08:39 PM
Not moved last time i was there Ray. Rang alliance this week and they told me that the eastern temporary was open. I told them it wasn't. The guy actual drove out there to see for himself and sure enough it was closed. Apparently the clearing took longer than they expected and now the road is waiting to be regraded.

The new ramps were supposed to be open by now but as you can see on the website they are closed until stage 3 is complete and water levels have increased. New western ramp supposed to be opened on June 17th but was vandalised several times and then while it was unofficially opened people complained that it was to steep and only roadbase at the bottom so they closed it again and don't plan to reopen until water level reach stage3 levels.

They also only put 10 double carspaces at the new western ramp and no single spaces - Its been a bit of a balls up. - cheers Richard .

09-09-2010, 09:04 PM
Richard thanks for update.
They promised a fortnight ago that htey would improve the turn around area and remove the armco at the western ramp.
I have been across the stuff up for the new ramps. It would appear that it is a design stuff up that they are unwilling to fix or even acknowledge. One would hope that they have done a better design of the dam itself,

10-09-2010, 06:35 PM
Ray, got a phone call at lunchtime from the Alliance and apparantly the turnaround area was done this morning. - Richard

11-09-2010, 07:32 AM
Richard thanks for update.
They promised a fortnight ago that htey would improve the turn around area and remove the armco at the western ramp.
I have been across the stuff up for the new ramps. It would appear that it is a design stuff up that they are unwilling to fix or even acknowledge. One would hope that they have done a better design of the dam itself,

Imagine being on a dam when the wall broke!!!!!!

17-09-2010, 08:25 AM
The temporary eastern ramp is now open and the fishing hot.You need to take a bit of care reversing down the ramp and use handbrake to slow down because if you use foot brake your front wheels lock up and you have not steering.Also abit of drop off at end of concrete so try to keep trailer wheels on the concrete.