View Full Version : G.Loomis NRX rods released

Scott Mitchell
18-08-2010, 06:47 AM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs250.snc4/39852_1365449986320_1533751352_30890494_63832_n.jp g

Just back from the AFTA ( Australian Fishing Tackle Association ) trade show on the Gold Coast where Dunphy Sports fishing Imports released the new G.Lomis NRX rods. They are 15% lighter & stronger than the GLX - they also feel smoother/more progressive to cast. They are very forgiving & effortless - you will have cast one to make your own judgement , but I believe any die hard Loomis advocates will see beyond the binding colours. I recon they match my Abels in any case http://www.fishntales.com/forum/Smileys/default/grin.gif

I have never felt any thing like the spin & baitcast models either - it was as though you only had a blank in your hand !

More details @ http://www.gloomis.com/publish/content/gloomis_2010/us/en/fly/rods/nrx_rods/nrx_saltwater_rods.html (http://www.gloomis.com/publish/content/gloomis_2010/us/en/fly/rods/nrx_rods/nrx_saltwater_rods.html)

And http://www.gloomis.com/publish/content/gloomis_2010/us/en/conventional/rods/nrx_bass_rods/nrx_bass_spinning.html (http://www.gloomis.com/publish/content/gloomis_2010/us/en/conventional/rods/nrx_bass_rods/nrx_bass_spinning.html)

So many rods - So little time - Scotto

Shimano/G.Loomis pro-staff member

18-08-2010, 10:56 AM
Wat sort of guides did they put on them? Hopefully they have started using sics

Scott Mitchell
18-08-2010, 11:36 AM

The spin & baitcast have conventional stripping guides with ReCoils from about the middle to tip. They do look small - but the boys have trialed them with leaders up to around 40lb at this stage with out hang-ups.

Regards Scotto

18-08-2010, 09:37 PM
They would want to be good for the coin they are asking for them Scott ..... pricing will be above the GLX which locally would push the spin & baitcast rods up towards the $800 - $900 mark . .... :-X

Then you would want to also see improvements in the rod building standards :'(


Scott Mitchell
19-08-2010, 12:22 PM
Chris - I believe they will be approx $600- $800- & will put up the RRP's when released ;)

They are pretty AWESOME sticks - Scotto

19-08-2010, 12:54 PM
Too bad they wont sell like they would have if shimano aus/dunphy sports hadn't shafted all the previous loomis owners with their outageous new pricing on the loomis expeditor progrm when they took over..

19-08-2010, 01:29 PM
I'm still waiting to hear if the blank is made in the US, and also what the limited lifetime warranty really means. They're retailing at the $500 mark in the US so they'll be right up there in the price department too.

Hey Dicko. There's only three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.

Scott Mitchell
19-08-2010, 02:58 PM
I'm still waiting to hear if the blank is made in the US, and also what the limited lifetime warranty really means.

The blanks & finished rods are all made in the US factory - I watched the NRX DVD many times at the AFTA show ;)

The NRX rods will also be covered with a Wild Card service ( details to be confirmed ) as well as Xpeditor - which will allow the original owner to replace the rod no questions asked with a NEW rod at half the retail price if you break it.

I can't wait to fish some of these after playing with them last weekend 8-)

Regards Scotto