View Full Version : New 2010 Saltiga Spinning Reels and Lever Drags

11-08-2010, 09:04 PM
The new "mag seal" (like the 2010 Certate) Saltiga 4500, 4500H, 5000, & 5000H will be available some time between September and the end of November. No details yet, just a picture and a youtube clip.


The new Saltiga Lever Drags will be available in the US in August and October, depending on size.


11-08-2010, 09:39 PM
They look awesome. I may however try and snatch up an old model when these come out as there could be a price drop on them. I hope so anyway!

14-08-2010, 12:48 PM
Some more information on the new Saltiga spinning reel -

"MAG Sealed, High Endurance, High Rigidity, Improved Drag...
OLD Saltiga 4500 (max. drag = 10kg) NEW Saltiga 4500 (max. drag 15kg)
OLD Saltiga 5000 (weight = 825 gm) NEW Saltiga 5000 (weight = 600 gm)"

Surprisingly, the rotor is not aluminium. On the rotor the words "Zaion Air Rotor" are printed. Yes, that's right - the rotor is made of the same carbon fibre material as the Luvius (and the new Certate rotor, presumably). Daiwa must have tested the new Saltiga using the stated 15kg of drag, so surely this material is strong enough, given the design of the rotor.

How many people use more than 15kg of drag on any reel, without a harness?

The Saltiga Lever Drags are cheaper than what I would have expected. Hopefully, the new Saltiga spinning reels will be too (but I doubt it).


16-08-2010, 05:33 PM
Just get an AVET