View Full Version : Daiwa Baitcaster - Alphas 103R edition

30-07-2010, 01:38 PM
Looking for some advice from all you expert tackle rats ;)

I am contemplating the purchase of a medium to high end baitcaster up to around $400.
Will be spooling with 10 lb braid to target Flathead, bass etc so it will be used in both Fresh and Saltwater. Large line capacity is not an issue, more interested in something lovely and compact, lightweight, smooth etc. The reel will be going on one of my new Kistler rods coming from the states

I am looking at various Daiwa products, especially Zillions and I really like the look of the Alphas 103R.

Will these models stand up to saltwater use. I know you can read brochures but would prefer to hear from owners and users.

Any advice would be most appreciated,


30-07-2010, 02:01 PM
Brilliant little reels mate,can't fault mine.

I have the earlier 103 model and use it only in saltwater nowadays.
The low profile body fits the palm nicely and is very durable.

The Alphas R edition is the newer model,and comes standard with carbon handle(less weight) cork knobs and is great bang for your $$

Kyle has one for sale that may be too your liking-

30-07-2010, 03:51 PM
The alphas 103,alphas R edition and the alphas 150H all have CRBB(corrosion resistant ball bearings) for saltwater use.

The alphas type F and the alphas ito don't have these bearings and are for freshwater use only.

30-07-2010, 03:53 PM
how bout the curado mate, not going for shimano? I got a citica, pretty good for the $.

30-07-2010, 04:19 PM
Alphas, your a champion ! Thanks mate, everything I wanted to hear. I have spoted the one on Fishing M, waiting to hear back.

JB, a Curado is on the shopping list for a second outfit. Some hot prices from the states for these !! The Tax man was good to me this year !!

Supporting both top brands !!
