View Full Version : can't listen to Nugget on 4BC

17-07-2010, 01:39 AM
Gday Viewers having an issue with listening to Nuggets show (not listening rather).
Got a new comp with windows 7 but buggered if i can get it to work. I can listen to the interviews with who ever they have but can't get the bloody live stuff.

Have got latest media player. Suggestions??? Missing plug in???


17-07-2010, 07:24 AM
Have you tried plugging in your radio??

17-07-2010, 09:25 AM
Have you tried plugging in your radio??

Oh Scotty you're so old skool ;D ;D did Phill find the missing piece of jigsaw YOU dropped in his can of paint??????


17-07-2010, 03:37 PM
To listen live u have to go onto 4bc web site
To listen to pod casts go to Nuggets web site
Ps Dave sometimes takes till Monday to put the shows on the web site
I think fishing sometimes gets in the way of his work which means he has his priorities in to right order
He then takes them off before Friday sometimes

17-07-2010, 05:48 PM
Oh Scotty your're so old skool ;D ;D
Yeah. I might be old school ya little whipper snapper but at least it works.
Does yours??
Oh no. I forgot which can YOU taped that piece of jigsaw under. :-[

PS what's a your're??

17-07-2010, 06:00 PM
Shortcut to the podcasts -> http://www.nuggetfishing.com.au/audio/

17-07-2010, 06:48 PM
Not after podcasts, as it says above I can't listen to the live show.

Thanks Scotty had a late night so was a tad bleary when I posted.

Think it was taped to the 3rd can on the left 2nd shelf. Or was it the 2nd on the right 3rd shelf :-?


17-07-2010, 06:50 PM
I thought it was from the right...
Gees I hope those pizza's come out of the oven soon. I'm a bit peckish tonight.