View Full Version : Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?
06-07-2010, 11:43 AM
There has been a lot of rumours and reports going around up Monduran that over the Commitee Meeting weekend that a Eagles Nest on Lake Monduran was sent on fire by a Ausfish member. I do hope this is not true as not only are these nests are totally protected by law but they are used every year by the eagles to raise there young. If the indicent did occurr I can not see why anyone would do such a thing as the nests and eagles help make the magic places that we fish.
Cheers Foxie
06-07-2010, 09:41 PM
Agree Foxie - absolute dog act - whoever did it. Hope the blaming of an Ausfish member is just a rumour/payback and not the truth.
06-07-2010, 10:21 PM
I can't believe someone actually burnt a nest. What a joke. Some people have no idea>:(
I hope it is only a rumour of it being a member.
07-07-2010, 03:57 PM
remember seeing the smoke coming from the stump as we drove past. what kind of ###### thinks "hmmm might light that nest on fire next time i go past". I'd like to think no1 on here is that stupid.
07-07-2010, 05:25 PM
That sort of behaviour is a concern.
Even more concerning is that a local storeowner feels compelled to mention that an AF member may be involved.
Please let all know if you get to the bottom of it mate.
07-07-2010, 05:50 PM
Shame on anyone who would do such a thing.
Hrmm i wonder if it was in the first bay on the left as you get into south b.
If it was a ausfish member and proof is found i hope the moderators do the right thing and give them an instant life time ban, these types of people should have no place in this forum.
Steve B
08-07-2010, 12:48 AM
Shame on anyone who would do such a thing.
Hrmm i wonder if it was in the first bay on the left as you get into south b.
If it was a ausfish member and proof is found i hope the moderators do the right thing and give them an instant life time ban, these types of people should have no place in this forum.
I agree 100% its not a good thing if its happened..pretty disgraceful actually. I only attended one of the few bank side BBQ lunches, and promise to all nothing silly was done there by any Ausfish members... just a little fire (as you could see in some of the photos) to cook a few snags then extinguished .....all rubbish taken away too....left as we found it. I also know the property owner where the bankside BBQ was held each day so I personally would not let a stupid thing like that occour. I just wanted to clear that up for the record on behalf of the Ausfishos there.
Cheers Steve
08-07-2010, 07:09 AM
I find it very disturbing that someone would set fire to a nest. Any nest in fact.
I find it disturbing that someone knows enough about the person setting fire to the nest to know what websites they visit....but not their name.
Or is that someone spreading rumours just full of it??
I would hope its just a nasty rumour, if true, that would be the end of my participation with Ausfish for me
matt fraser
08-07-2010, 11:23 AM
Where there is smoke, there is fire, and this thread has continued to smolder away, fueled by silence from those that are generally most vocal here.
I'm sure whoever did this is feeling pretty low right now and trying to hide under a rock. Those in the know are probably doing the right thing and not dobbing in a mate for doing something pretty damn stupid.
But hey, we all stuff up now and again and make a bad judgement. Hard to admit sometimes, and we'd like to forgot all about it, and make it go away.
This fire might eventually die out, or the guilty party could put out the spot fires by manning up and then trying to make ammends.
I am only assuming here, but I don't believe there were any chicks on the nest at the time of this incident, and the Osprey weren't nesting?
Can an Eagles nest be rebuilt?
I've just spoken with my sister in-law who is has some sort of animal qualification and actually worked as a bird handler at Cairns Zoo for a few years.
Her advice on the Osprey is that they will have no problems rebuilding in spring as long as there is enough wood around, and they can find a suitable site. Which won't be a problem in Monduran.
She also suggested that they probably wouldn't have nested again at that site while the water level was so close to the nest. As they wouldn't have felt comfortable with the close proximity to the water and boats.
So although she was pretty disappointed to hear about what happened, fortunately she believes that that pair of Osprey will rebuild somewhere nearby this spring.
So although it doesn't take away too much from the stupid act, hopefully there will be a good outcome for this pair Ospreys.
I've added a pic of my sister in law handling an Osprey at the Cairns Zoo. And another of a Mondy Eagles nest back when the waters were low. I'm not sure if its the same one that was burnt.
08-07-2010, 11:42 AM
That is a mighty looking bird.
Nice work Matt.
The other bad thing that came from it, was the fact the two main limbs were floating around that area for the next few days.
Wouldn't want to collect one of them at speed.
08-07-2010, 12:59 PM
Hmmm, think you're spot on with your assessment, Matt.
We saw the smouldering tree in north B on the Saturday and wondered why anyone would want to burn a tree in the middle of the dam. There was no sign of an eagle nest at that stage...
If there was a nest there then let's hope we don't see anything like this again.
Pete & Kyle
08-07-2010, 01:20 PM
good to see the osprey are pretty versitile with their nesting i would presume there would be lots of birds of prey that would need to relocate after the filling the dam got, there are many places in the dam where you can nearly touch the nests which used to be 20 to 30 ft above our heads and some are even on water level,i rescued a couple of those black and white long legged birds early in the year that had just hatched and the water was in the nest i put them on the bank the the mother close by but i think the predators might have got those 2
Obi _ Wan
08-07-2010, 02:57 PM
This reported rumor is not something that anyone should be proud of.
Chris and I actually saw a tree, somewhere in B that was alight at water level, I can't remember what day it was, but what we saw certainly was not a birds/eagles nest.
I for one spend just as much time looking and photographing birds and animals as i do fishing and the whole experience would be nowhere as fantastic if they were to disappear.
snodger 08
08-07-2010, 08:00 PM
This reported rumor is not something that anyone should be proud of.
Chris and I actually saw a tree, somewhere in B that was alight at water level, I can't remember what day it was, but what we saw certainly was not a birds/eagles nest.
I for one spend just as much time looking and photographing birds and animals as i do fishing and the whole experience would be nowhere as fantastic if they were to disappear.
I saw the same tree on fire John. If it was one of our guys it would be nice to see him or them stick their hands up before it damages this group beyond repair.
Personally, if I knew who did this and it was going to damage the reputation of not just this site but individual fisho's as well, I certainly wouldnt let that happen just to cover for a couple of individuals.
Matty I agree mate. We all make some silly and spontaneous mistakes, but some times we need to face up to them.
Red. Yep I am glad we were taking it easy going in there after the fire. There was 3 large floaters there that I could see.
Brian. I wouldnt go throwing friendships away over something like this that was probably carried out by a very small minority, and something most here would consider an abomination and disrespectful to somewhere most of us enjoy going to.
08-07-2010, 08:36 PM
Let's get something clear, this act has nothing to do with Ausfish
Ausfish is a web site for fishing enthuists.
The act of an individual who may or may not post on here, does not reflect on the rest of us.
snodger 08
08-07-2010, 08:45 PM
You would hope so Daryl. Some times mud sticks.
08-07-2010, 09:31 PM
Sorry,but I disagree somewhat.
The first sentence reads"There has been a lot of rumours and reports going around up Monduran that over the Commitee Meeting weekend that a Eagles Nest on Lake Monduran was sent on fire by a Ausfish member."
Two glaring references are made to Ausfish in general,and the "commitee meeting weekend".
True,it does'nt reflect on the rest of the members not present at the time.
snodger 08
09-07-2010, 06:17 AM
Anyhow just my opinion. I'm stepping outta this thread.
09-07-2010, 07:23 AM
A Stupid act and not worth being branded so last post.
09-07-2010, 08:33 AM
A Stupid act and not worth being branded so last post.
Can't quite understand what you're trying to say. Did it happen or didn't it? There are a lot of the crew obvious by their absence on this post. You have to wonder who did it, and why it was done. Somebody knows but is keeping quiet. If the local Gin Gin businesses know about it, the Ausfish name won't be worth crap up there now, and sadly it probably will reflect on all Ausfish members.
09-07-2010, 03:27 PM
i was up at the committee meeting that weekend and there was talk around the camp fire about a stump on fire but no reference that i heard of a nest ,who set it on fire who knows but a few of the people saw it ,i didnt, but there were also a lot of extra groups of fishoes in the camp ground because of school holidays so hopefully this doesnt just point at the mob who were up there from ausfish >:( .cheers AL
A lot has been said over the last couple of days with regard to this subject - and It’s now time to set the record straight …….. I do apologise for the delay as I was waiting to speak to a couple of people on the matter. In addition to travelling.
The fact is that when this thread was posted , I immediately rang the author (Foxy) to clarify that at no stage was any nest set on fire - Embarrassed however I did confirm that an old trunk in the middle of open water was.
We spoke about how to best handle this issue as I felt remorseful & compelled to tell it as it was - a prank - though totally embarrassed at the same time . It was decided that we leave it be & see what happens …… in hindsight & had I been able to speak to John who was un contactable - I would have responded a couple of days ago once the negative comments were posted.
While this was meant to be a harmless prank , I regret that friends and fellow Ausfishers have been implicated by default . The reality was that most were not present when this happened & even fewer had any idea of what had occurred …… ‘The mystery of the burning stump”.
Such was the rouse that not even my deckie (John) was aware of what had taken place - he was bankside & indisposed at the time. John only became aware of it as we motored toward the smoke…... totally flabbergasted, he had no idea..
It was only late the following evening around the camp fire that any mention was even made …… still unaware of the truth though a couple insinuated that it was me…… .
The whole issue died pretty quickly.
I did receive a phone call on my way home from the dam saying that the locals were angry that an eagles nest was destroyed …… to this I replied that no nest was destroyed! - nothing more was said till 6 days later.
As I have stated above , I am embarrassed at was has occurred & the stir that it has caused. More so, I do feel sorry for anyone that has felt shame through association - It was never my intention to see anyone hurt.
Finally it needs to be said that I am in no way a malicious person or one that would want to see our wildlife or their habitat interfered with …… places like Mondy are special to me.
Sincerely yours
snodger 08
09-07-2010, 07:45 PM
Thanks for clearing that up Chris. I think some of us were being implicated purely because we were in that area around the time of the fire.
09-07-2010, 08:52 PM
What did you have to pour on it to get it burning?
09-07-2010, 09:59 PM
Fire Starters??????;D
09-07-2010, 10:12 PM
Yes, thanks for clearing it up Chris........nothing worse than innuendo, hearsay and Chinese whispers to turn what appears to be an "in the moment" bit of silliness into something far more sinister.
Yes, I was at the CM but any talk of Eagle nests, Osprey nests being set on fire certainly did not pass my ears and I am sure any one else's.
I am curious as to how the truth could be so far removed from the original emotive subject for sure but I would hate to see anyone crucified on here or anywhere else without substantiated evidence.
Sure, it was silly, and Chris has apologised. I certainly do not need to defend Nagg...he's a big boy, but from what I now understand, no nest of any description was involved, no living tree was involved, no animal was harmed....a silly prank at the end of the day.
For the sake of all on here, I am hoping this is not made into more than it really is. Perceptions and reality are an uncomfortable union at times.
No doubt there will be some wishing to burn Chris at the stake (no pun intended). I hope the ensuing comments and replies to Chris's response remain civil and fair.
09-07-2010, 10:15 PM
You certanly started a sh!tstorm with that prank nagg. I can see by what you wrote you are sincerly sorry so chears for clearing that up.
Lets hope you dont set fire to the kiosk at somerset at your next gathering.
Cheers Kyle.
09-07-2010, 11:12 PM
Chris-to-pher, not one of your better ideas(in hindsight),although glad to hear No animals were harmed in the execution of this Prank.Its funny how things get twisted around.Good man for clearing it up.
09-07-2010, 11:48 PM
What a crock of shit....
wags on the water
10-07-2010, 07:11 AM
A lot has been said over the last couple of days with regard to this subject - and It’s now time to set the record straight …….. I do apologise for the delay as I was waiting to speak to a couple of people on the matter. In addition to travelling.
The fact is that when this thread was posted , I immediately rang the author (Foxy) to clarify that at no stage was any nest set on fire - Embarrassed however I did confirm that an old trunk in the middle of open water was.
We spoke about how to best handle this issue as I felt remorseful & compelled to tell it as it was - a prank - though totally embarrassed at the same time . It was decided that we leave it be & see what happens …… in hindsight & had I been able to speak to John who was un contactable - I would have responded a couple of days ago once the negative comments were posted.
While this was meant to be a harmless prank , I regret that friends and fellow Ausfishers have been implicated by default . The reality was that most were not present when this happened & even fewer had any idea of what had occurred …… ‘The mystery of the burning stump”.
Such was the rouse that not even my deckie (John) was aware of what had taken place - he was bankside & indisposed at the time. John only became aware of it as we motored toward the smoke…... totally flabbergasted, he had no idea..
It was only late the following evening around the camp fire that any mention was even made …… still unaware of the truth though a couple insinuated that it was me…… .
The whole issue died pretty quickly.
I did receive a phone call on my way home from the dam saying that the locals were angry that an eagles nest was destroyed …… to this I replied that no nest was destroyed! - nothing more was said till 6 days later.
As I have stated above , I am embarrassed at was has occurred & the stir that it has caused. More so, I do feel sorry for anyone that has felt shame through association - It was never my intention to see anyone hurt.
Finally it needs to be said that I am in no way a malicious person or one that would want to see our wildlife or their habitat interfered with …… places like Mondy are special to me.
Sincerely yours
What would posess someone to set alight a stump in the middle of a dam. If it were a house/shed/dwelling it would be arson. Nest or no nest, setting fire to a tree is pure stupidity - (actually a word from Chongs' dictionary would fit well in here).
If you were to drive past anything on fire, why would you not try to put it out? :-?
More to the point, why not make sure it was out before you left the water.
Sorry, but any prank when something is set alight doesn't sit well with me.
10-07-2010, 08:06 AM
Go mate,and stay gone.
That way we don't have to endure the prattle between you and your mates about your fire obsession for weeks on end coming up to one of your"crew" sanctioned events..
"who's got the timber?"
"You'll need plenty with nagg around"etc etc...emoticon emoticon...
I am proud not to be"Mondy crew since 2009".with one of your major contributors acting in such a way.
So if branding yourselves as "Mondy crew"ers you have let the general public know now to expect-
endless,tiresome prattle on websites.
pranks that include setting fire to stumps in a waterway..
egotistical rantings and deft pack responses to those that have a different opinion
apologies and cover-up's.
Nagg,take your man-child,ego driven behaviour and leave.
The apologies have had to come from you too many times now...Taylor bros.,eagles nest's..etc.
And please those that have promised to fall on their own sword and go too if a member was responsible for this,shut the door on the way out.
IMO, enough said.
Time for a Mod to lock this tread.
I agree, lock the thread.
This is my final post on this, and will be my last post on Ausfish.
There’s no “falling on a sword”, I am just sick and tired of this crap.
Foxie, you know the majority of A.F. people who regularly fish Monduran, we have sat around a camp fire, shared a beer, cracked a joke, and discussed the ways of the world.
I hope, and trust that you believe that any purposeful vandalism in the manner described is both abhorrent, and totally rejected by those of us who post on this forum, camp, fish, and enjoy that amazing place.
I hope that as the focal point in the barra world up there, you can pass the message that not all A.F. members have a disregard for what they, and others, love so much. We camp and fish and enjoy that water way for multiple reasons, the scenery and bird life are an integral part of the experience.
I personally feel sick in my guts just thinking that this may be true, and that by association, people would think the majority of Ausfish members would condone this. I wasn’t there on the week end, I don’t know if any fires were deliberately lit. Naggs post confirms there was a fire, started by him self as a STUPID prank, although not to a tree containing a nest. It’s not why I fish, its not why I have a passion for Monduran, it’s not what I’m about.
This has been a great site, with heaps of potential, despite the often times ridiculous bickering that goes on I’ve learned a heap, made some great mates, you guys and gal know who you are, and at least one of my phones is always on, you have my emails, and I will fish and camp and share the track with you at the drop of a hat, because you are good, honest, caring people, simple as that.
wags on the water
10-07-2010, 11:03 AM
I grew up in Bundy and lived there for 29 years and visit the family regularly. I have fished just about all of the waterways in and around the district and enjoy fishing them when the chance pops up.
If a place is special to you ----> don't destroy it.
"Don't destroy what you came to enjoy."
10-07-2010, 11:18 AM
Could we please have the truth.
While your mate was taking a crap on the bank, you quickly drove out and lit an old tree stump. Yeah right. How the hell do you go about lighting an old tree stump in the middle of a lake. A drum of petrol may get it going, a dried eagles nest will too. Truth please Chris because you are going to wear this for a very long time. Snodgers post earlier about 3 large floaters in the bay point to a falling tree that was much more than a stump.
10-07-2010, 11:21 AM
Can't quite understand what you're trying to say. Did it happen or didn't it? There are a lot of the crew obvious by their absence on this post. You have to wonder who did it, and why it was done. Somebody knows but is keeping quiet. If the local Gin Gin businesses know about it, the Ausfish name won't be worth crap up there now, and sadly it probably will reflect on all Ausfish members.
Very simple Dale I have had enough. I have always been a simple fisho and want nothin more then that. So with no dis respect to anyone I feel that me personally will enjoy fishing on a much more by keeping it simple, and low key.My close mates will always have the heads up if and when I go for a fish but as a large group never again.
I am tired of being branded as some sort of clown because of idiots who pass judgement whom I have never met, it is weak! I would have no problem saying gday to anyone even yourself Dale. As for the continued school yard battle of mindless banter I hated it and also hated the fact I got involved in it. It's not me and am just not that type of bloke, so as for that I am happy to say it's over for me. I wont be posting anymore.
As to this latest fu!#ed up act Chris has come forward, and having shared a boat and time I am sure he is very sorry. Although it was a little to late my mind is set like Brian the A team will be loving seeing the destruction of the so called "crew" and the stage is yours boys.
Thankyou guys and girls. Now to enjoy the reson why we started on here in the first place... Fishin
10-07-2010, 11:57 AM
Ok, it was a silly act, someone has put their hand up to it & admitted it was silly.
We all know that it was done, it can't be undone. I'm quite sure the person involved is very embarrassed & remorseful about it & has learnt from it.
Nobody was hurt or killed. If an eagles nest was or wasn't burnt, they can build another one.
The topic won't be locked unless the original poster asks me to lock it (so please no phone calls). The original post did not name or defame anyone. IMHO is should be left as an example of what "not to do" to others, & allow others to give their thoughts on the topic.
Let it be a reminder of all of our duty of care as anglers, to act & to be seen to be acting in a responsible & sustainable manner.
Please folks, can we take a deep breate & let the bickering settle.
Kind Regards,
10-07-2010, 12:05 PM
Medic, Medic, could we have a medic over here. I think this man is choking on Chris's appendage.
Reread his post Dale, Brian has openly condemed Chris' action and wants to disassociate from it. Hardly the act you have described.
As expressed in my earlier post, I too can't agree with his action either. He posted up his apology and it is up to individuals how they want to accept that.
I have enjoyed the few M&G (both salt and fresh) that I have been able to make it to and mostly the company of those I have met there.
I agree with some points of view posted on AF, not with others and never with all, but that is ok. Shame some take it personal.
Take care
snodger 08
10-07-2010, 12:24 PM
Time to ease up a bit fella's. This fighting isnt helping things at all. If anything this thread should concentrate on the incident, what can be done to remedy the situation and not make it personal.
I think by putting 2 & 2 together we can work out what happened. It was a stupid act which has caused all this and whatever else comes from it.
I offer no excuses for Chris, but I will say that he has helped me quite a bit on this forum. That said, I am not condoning what he did, and have personally felt aggrieved about the situation and the position I and a few others where put in over this.
Like Nath, I probably wont be posting here any more and will be concentrating on smaller fishing groups in the future. I can here my Mrs screaming for joy (obviously too much time spent on this forum). ::)
I would like to thank the people at the CM as they were a great bunch to be around and I had a good time and hope to keep in contact with them. I would also like to thank those who have helped me as well, I feel I have become a better fisho because of the advice given on this site, and have enjoye my time here.
Someone asked why wasnt the fire put out? There is only so much you can do with a 1kg extinguisher and it wouldnt have done it (I have had some fire training). I also had the obligation as skipper to ensure the safety of my deckie, boat myself, and anyone who come to rescue us should it all go south. That was what was going through my head at the time.
Cheers for all your help people. But I seek an uncomplicated life, and fishing is my main way to get that, and I cant risk loosing Mondy as a spot to do that as I love the place for its beauty and the challenge it poses to the average angler.
Cheers also to my deckie who was the only one including me that had the balls to call a spade a spade in an earlier post.
I will catch up with a few mates I have made here, and seeing the house is booked, deposit paid and holidays arranged for the muster I will be there at that time. But after that smaller groups.
If you see the Galey, pop over and say g'day.
Cheers all
10-07-2010, 01:04 PM
Like Brians earlier edit to post,after a very open and honest phone call results in this post also being edited.
The machinations at work here are best left to political parties. Honestly, the whole "Tarred with the same Brush" scenario has never sat well with me but as I am not the kind of person to give a "Royal Flying #$@!" what others may or may not think of my character, I will make my opinions clear. Now I'm not about to make any grand gestures of peace on earth and goodwill to all men(and women).
> Silly thing to do. agreed.
> The gravity of it may not have been realised by those associated till much later on and after some reflection, it may well of been better nipped in the bud by those at ground central rather than on a public forum. By this I don't mean covered up and swept away, I mean those that thought it poor form, Myself included, should have made it perfectly clear at the time....I wish I did but I can't go back and change that now. Those that thought it something more sinister should have taken it up with the appropriate authorities. Simple as that. If you feel strongly enough then by all means do so.
> Airing of dirty laundry on this public forum does nothing more that cause a stink.
>Those that believe the way forward is to retreat, well, I'll be sad to see you go. I don't wish anyone to be banished from cyber space for being silly otherwise there would be few left. If lessons are learned then it is a positive. If one just steps aside then the message is not of becoming better for the experience. I believe we all can learn from this episode... Do say what you feel....Don't tolerate in silence....Learning from mistakes is human, it makes us better people.
I don't intend to alter my habits of association with like minded ausfishers. I have enjoyed gathering with all who have attended, old and new, and hope do do so into the future. I'm sure there will always be controversy amongst a larger group of personalities, the way you handle that is a true test of character. For mine, I hope to pass the test, But I won't loose sleep over others judgements.
Regards to all,
10-07-2010, 03:10 PM
I have met the “crew” once at Mondy last year and I have to say it was a real pleasure. I have also met other Ausfishers over the course of the last few years and everyone has been a top person. Ausfish to me has been a great source of information and friendship with like minded fishermen and women.
What Nagg did was a stupid prank and he has made it clear that he is sorry and it was stupid. Nagg and some others mentioned in this thread have been some of the most helpful and forthcoming in sharing information in posts. All of us have strengths and weaknesses and all of us make mistakes – we are all human and fail ourselves and others at times. How about cutting people some slack?
I can’t understand and I am totally surprised how quickly some people want to take part in character assignation. I’m wondering if there are some other hidden agendas here? Some seem to be excited about the opportunity to be judge and jury.
Aren’t we Aussies famous for giving people “a fair go” or have we forgotten that?
I heard a story once about this famous fisherman who said this really good line , “ He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.”
-cheers Richard
Barry Ehsman
10-07-2010, 08:20 PM
Fella's please don't let this turn into a complete mess with some member's deciding never to post again...
What Chris has admitted to have done (for which he has apoligised for) is not the big thing some people are making it out to be,,,(Silly but not the end of the world)...
I have never met any of these bloke's before personaly, only through this forum & have learnt so much for which i am very greatfull..& would love to meet any Ausfisher at Mondy or wherever..
As Richard said give everyone a fair go it wasn't that big a deal
Cheer's Baz
10-07-2010, 08:37 PM
I heard a story once about this famous fisherman who said this really good line , “ He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.”
-cheers Richard
He (the fisherman) must have stolen that line off that really really famous carpenter who said the same thing.........
10-07-2010, 08:56 PM
Can we have an explanation as to WHY someone would do such a stupid thing? Was alcohol involved?
Shame, shame, shame
10-07-2010, 09:30 PM
Well sounds liek we have alot of perfect angels on this site that are willing to hammer others when they dont know the full details . This was not a smart thing to do but in the other sense it takes a big man to admit he was stupid which he has done so what the problem now yous all want to put him on a stake and quarter him . I hope this is not the case he has provided some great discussions over time on here and i would hate to see it become a plain old bitch site
. oh my bad it just has , LET IT GO , its been discussed enough move on find something else to bag im sure there is something out there. Let the ones who need to deal with thisdeal with it how they see fit . Who are well all to judge im sure yous have gone out smacking a cane toad with a golf club in ya time well that is cruilty to animals no different as far as im concern you cant say protect nature and selevct parts of that you will protect but forget the rest all living and breathing things are parts of it
. I would hope we all are adults and can move past this and keep the great info coming .
Fitzy hit the nail on the head no one died there was no wild life hurt the tree sounds like it had no nest and like he said if there was a nest then they will build again . Sounds like yous wanted it to have a nest
I also belive that there seems to be alot that think rules need to be followed then tell me this why is it that there are some many blokes in flash big boats that go past you at over 6knots when they are within 30 metres of another vessel and think its ok is this different to a prank by one silly fellow i dont think so those that do it know who im talking bout and im sure will bite on it . I and may others belive that the speed they travel at is more dangerous then what he did(not that i condone burning down of anything ) . So i can't see what the hole fired up approach to this is all about . Seems to me some of yous all have ya own agendas on here now so im leaving ya with it . Enjoy ya selfs fellas and lets see how much knowlodge yous really share with the anglers who need it the most .
I joined this site to elevate my knowlodge on fishing from my point of view there are to many egos and that NOT what fishing is about, well for me that is . I fish cause i need a place i can go to relax from the day to day stresses of work and raising a family now .
10-07-2010, 10:18 PM
hit the nail on the head nipsta, we saw the DEAD STUMP smoking when we drove past. it was a dead stump. not a living tree or animal.
alphas, mate you have issues. have you ever put a piece of wood on a fire? set alight a match stick? driven your car up the highway? stood on an ant? burning a dead stump has no more impact on the environment or animal life than any of these things.
it was a prank gone wrong and he is obviously sorry about it. why those are writing on here that you will never post on this website again, over this, is beyond me. have a think about what stupid shit you have done in the past. i guarantee all of you have done something worse than burn a dead stump. there are obviously some previous issues here between members as i can not see how this has escalated to where it is now.
we had our first trip to the cm meeting a few weeks ago and looking forward to seeing everyone again at the muster. from what i can gather a great bunch of people.
cheers, aaran.
10-07-2010, 10:19 PM
hidden agendas ,egoes and awsome info it all goes with the territory,this site has some great info for me and will have in future there are some more important things in life than burnin a stump,like losing a beautiful person at 30 last month in my family to cancer, get over it all and live life ,you dont know when you will get the CALL .some people have not enough things in their life to occupy there time than bag and pick on useless subjects
11-07-2010, 02:43 AM
Nice one sport...
Not only have you tarnished your own reputation,Your actions are also having repercussions toward the crew,And to each and every member of this site.We all cop it when Ausfish is mentioned in conjunction with this act.When Ausfish gets mentioned,It's every member being dragged in.Freswater,Saltwater,Rod building,Modderators.Maybe even site sponsors.Weather they like it or not.Thanks!
And the thing that gets me the most,It's also the reputation of unattached,Innocent fisherpersons in general.People that don't even own a computer will be frowned upon.The discrimination won't stop here. That's NOT cool.>:(
It's my experience that locals know what's going on on their waterway,And if anyones really intune with what's happening there,It's them.For Magela to mention a nest in that tree.I'd think that one used to be present.
Shame if there were chicks in there.:(
I hope a bird flys over your house and drops a lit smoke on ya roof and it burns to the ground.8-)
Regards. B8.;)
11-07-2010, 07:42 AM
So nagg did you set fire to a dead stump or the local pub?? judging by the way some ppl are reacting here you'd think it was the pub!! "I FOR ONE WONT BE POSTING ON THIS SITE AGAIN" <------thats just laughable, talk about over an over reaction!
i for 1 wont be hanging nagg out to dry or "not posting" on AF anymore over something as small as this, aus has more important things to worry about ppl.
11-07-2010, 08:00 AM
Definately a learning opportunity, although unfortunately there will be many that will not see the lesson I am afraid.
While I am appalled at the action there is some shimmer of light in the apology, its the future actions that will really show whether there is truly remorse.
I can only hope those involved see the impact of such a decision and work hard now to foster some goodwill for us in the wider community.
We have enough bad (ill informed? extremist?) press already from those outside of our recreation without adding to it from within.
All of us have the responsibility of showing our recreation in a good positive light, by acting with integrity, by fostering the love of fishing and outdoors lifestyle in others especially the newer generations.
It is never too late to clean up the mess around us, be that the rubbish left in favourite fishing location or to work with words and actions on a political level, we all share the responsibility for this.
The past can not be change but we must make better decision for the future.
11-07-2010, 09:44 AM
Just remember who is at fault here.
Instead of throwing shit at me from behind a keyboard,call 0413022287
The flow on impact from this incident will be interesting.
I for one wish to not further sully this sites name,so please text or call if anyone has any issues with me.
Can't be any more clearer on concise than that.
11-07-2010, 10:02 AM
That is a mighty looking bird.
Nice work Matt.
The other bad thing that came from it, was the fact the two main limbs were floating around that area for the next few days.
Wouldn't want to collect one of them at speed.
Obviously we know a little bit more on the subject than most do we? No mention of floating limbs til this gem.Not condoning the act and from my point of view the floaters are the worst result,especially in low light.
Foxie,was there a nest in the tree or not???
11-07-2010, 11:05 AM
There will be full report on 60min tonight!!!
Come on you fools, it was a dead tree, he is an idiot yes but there is more important things to be concerned about. Another digger dies in Afghanistan (RIP Private Nathan Bewes) but you guys are more concerned about stringing up someone who has admitted setting a dead tree on fire and that it was a stupid and senseless thing to do. Let it go.
Stuart Adcock
11-07-2010, 04:57 PM
It seems people are happy with the version it was just a stump in the middle of the Lake , So its all OK and a bit of fun to boot , and that others are just over - eacting.
I have been told by Ausfish members that the nest was checked and it had no Birds in it , so was then deemed OK to burn.
I was told the act was fuelled by alchohol and petrol to get it going , I was also told that photos where taken and a few other members got a few laughs from it ( as far we are concerned all as guilty as those who lit the match).
Now if this was not true why are other AF members saying it ?????????????????
All the locals up here are really PISSED OFF
There has been thread after thread written by you Aus fish guys on how people should behave up at Mondy and there has been plenty of bagging of us Locals ,whether it be the Pub owner who guides ,the guy who runs the camp grounds or a local who also has a Bass boat , who supposedly runs a backyard guiding business ( yeah that's me according to some of you guys ).
EDIT by Fitzy. The line with the link has been removed. Warning given.
The person/s who did it , those who support it and those who deny it and try to smooth things over have just reinforced that view.
I know all members shouldn't be tarred with this brush. To those I would suggest you consider peeling the AF sticker off your boat , as it has become a target and anyone with one, will watched like a Hawk ,pardon the pun.
I won't go into how wrong this all is and what I think now of those involved.
A very sad event that has damaged AF maybe beyond repair.
It now seems the Boomerang of bagging and preaching has returned and smacked a few heads.
>:( >:( >:( >:(
11-07-2010, 07:56 PM
Some things will never change. The dumb just seem to get dumber.
To those just finding their feet on our Barra Dams - Welcome to Impoundment Barra in 2010. What a f*#king joke. You can all have it.
Theo Davis
Lake Tinaroo, FNQ
11-07-2010, 10:44 PM
What did you have to pour on it to get it burning?
2 Options
To get a solid mass surrounded by water burning without a huge pile of kindling would only leave one option.
Several litres of accelerant like Petrol to be spilt over a tree and in the water.
Then set alight.
Option 2
If you had a pile of kindling a couple of metres high which tapered nicely from a narrow base to a wide top with air pockets in between to fuel the fire this would work a treat. One or two structures come to mind.
Under the forestry or local council act is this habitat degridation?
Like chopping down a tree without a permit?
Anyone here know the law of the land?
Can people be charged for these Bogan acts?
Cheers Lyndon;D
Dick Pasfield
12-07-2010, 10:27 AM
Was it an unlawful act? In Western Australia the answer would be yes, my guess would be that it would also be the same right across the country. Hardly in same vein as Deepwater Horizon, more an act of petty vandalism. However vandalism as a crime is not as socially accepted as say exceeding the open road speed limit by 10kph, it does have a stigma attached to it hence some of the posted reactions.
What I do find concerning are the views that the tree being dead had no environmental value, therefore no harm was done. That’s not having a shot at anyone in particular it’s more about lamenting the fact that too many people who should have a better understanding because of their association with the water still do not appreciate or fully understand the environmental basics that surround them whilst on it.
The dead tree is one of many on the dam as a live tree is one of many in a forest. Individually of little consequence but in numbers they amount to something very significant. Dead trees in a dam are a finite resource; funnily enough try as you may you can’t grow a new one as you can replace a live tree on land. They provide roosting sites for birds and refuge and feeding sites for fish and other lake squirmies blow the water. Your lakes as a pubic environmental asset are much better off with them than without them. On that basis there should be given due respect. If one needs to be bowled over, let it be for some justified purpose rather than a prank.
My last point would be to look at it from a local perspective as Stuart has been able to contribute. We have two lakes in our backyard. I could imagine the din something like this would stir up if it happened up here.
12-07-2010, 11:16 PM
As has been said in earlier posts, i think people are totally missing the point. Whether it was a stump, tree or eagles nest doesn't all of a sudden make these actions ok.
Have a think about it from this point of view and see if the long term ramifications on our Australian lifestyle don't make you say "Oh shit i didn't think of it like that, i never thought about how these actions would affect our Aussie way of life, my kids future way of life and thier kids".
As a person living in Central Qld i love the opportunity/gift to fish a great region and it's dams. We have great fun at Awoonga. I enjoy using my fathers old camp ovens and the trusty 30 year old Billy. I've used these to teach my neices and nephews how to cook on a fire. A good dose of fire safety is thrown in with the odd marshmellow roast. I really enjoy this side of camping/fishing, in fact there is no better way to take the ice off and meet strangers than around a fireplace. All of a sudden people from all walks of life are even, relaxed and sharing of thoughts on all topics. On a recent camping trip to canarvon those that sat around the fireplace included future rocket scientists from uni (fact),
team orange (Council & Queensland Rail) some rednecks, travellers from Yeppoon, team yellow (power pole climbers) Brisbaneites and touro's from afar. All united each night around a communal fireplace, shared bush cooking tips, recipes and stories from travels far and wide. Gold.:)
If you don't camp much, and don't travel around Australia you might not know that hundreds and hundreds of parks have banned fireplaces as a result of acts of Derro-Stupidity as listed in this thread.
Fact: At Awoonga we have been able to have fireplaces around the campsite for the last 6 years i've been going there. We have our old faithfull spots we have sat around for years. However within the last 2 months, just one person, i repeat, just one person burn't some grass in an area the size of the cut off 44 galon drum that was given to him by the managers to use for their fire. Well the burning of the grass under the drum didn't go down well, and now we have a total ban on fires unless in a designated area, which stops me, my family, my friends and thousands of travellers a year from enjoying the right to have a fireplace where they choose overlooking this great lake.
FYI: Lake Awoonga is about 150km's from Lake Monduran.
So if it hasn't clicked yet i don't know if it ever will. It's acts like burning stumps/eagles nests in the middle of a dam that result in a tradition like being able to enjoy a fireplace being removed from our Aussie Outdoor Culture. All from the low IQ acts (Below room temperature or shoe size) from 1 or 2 people which result in thousands of people being affected over generations with another fire ban to add to the list. Thousands of enjoyable hours deleted from history.
Our Future: Imagine never driving into a park and smelling the smoke, the onions frying, the sausages and steak wofting over the park on sunset, the laughter and good times wtih best mates or complete strangers. Imagine having this deleted from our lakes history/camping history, hell you can't even call it camping without a fireplace, it may as well be motelling.
Imagine if you could be the person with this as your Outdoor Fishing Legacy, your gift to thousands of good Australians? This is one of the reasons why acts like the one listed in this thread are terrible. It could affect our current way of life, and our future generations way of life, for the worse. Food for thought.
Regards Lyndon:( :(
13-07-2010, 12:07 AM
Interesting post Stuart, it's great to hear from another local. It sounds like a lot of you have had enough. Enough is enough.
Up here near Awoonga we have it nice and quiet (tournament guys exempt*), we always look south and shake our heads with all the trouble your great dam seems to attract and we do say "Thank christ they are not up here bothering us". I even went to the ramp 4 times in a row the other week and didn't see a single boat. Hooooraaaayyyyy....
Community: Getting a bad name?
I wonder if the Mayor or the Local Council thinks the actions of a few at Lake Monduran over the last year is a good advertisement for the Gin Gin community?
It's only a matter of time before they start hearing about this type of behaviour.
Fact: Like it or not Lake Monduran is getting a bit of a reputation.
To think that the disrespect to fellow campers (See 2009 Mondy Muster) which resulted in the caravan park managers receiving complaints which had the managers as angry as all cut snakes with a couple of 5am revellers that kept the whole campsite awake with colourfull language & more.
Then followed the burning of a stump/nest/tree incident in 2010.
Again from someone that doesn't live locally, they blow in and blow out ever so often and leave the local Gin Gin community to deal with their carnage. (1 or 2 people not all).
Does the caravan park chain think this is a good advertisement for their business as their business is directly linked to the dam, like the whole Gin Gin community is?
Can they ban people from their park like football grounds when they
Ban a Yobbo for unruly behaviour etc?
Does Sunwater want people acting like this on it's waterways?
Will acts like this force Sunwater to make rules that affect everyone?
Can they ban people from fishing all their dams around Queensland?
Should the Police check on how much some people are drinking on the dam's as surely these acts cant' be done sober. There is no better time than now for this old chestnut;
"Your either Drinking or Your Thinking, but you can't do both at once." ;D
At the end of the day it's the locals and the community that have to live with the carnage. It would be interesting to hear from a few more locals regarding this subject. You may as well take the opportunity to lay it all out on the table now so things can hopefully improve in the future as silence doesn't always get the message across.
Regards Lyndon
13-07-2010, 12:11 AM
However vandalism as a crime is not as socially accepted as say exceeding the open road speed limit by 10kph, it does have a stigma attached to it hence some of the posted reactions
One small issue here is that if you have an accident and speed is the determining factor, no matter how small that 10kph seems, if the result is manslaughter then I believe that the tables will turn and vandalism pales into insignificance. I guess a small tip in the balance or a different outcome or even a different view on things can result in different actions people take.
Without leaning to either side of the fence there seems to be alot of assumptions here made by people who were not there and I think people need to deal with the hard core facts and not sugar coat things nor should hidden agendas come into play. I am also not posting here to defend the person in question as I believe they should be responsible for their own actions and last time I checked I think that had already done that.
We all make mistakes and we all learn from mistakes but at least the person in question has told the truth and has not tried to down play or hide the fact about what was done.
What’s done has been done and the action cannot be undone.
Lydon I totally understand the concept of the campfire and camping etc and agree of its importance but even small things like that can have an impact without us even realising. I see in your avatar pic you have a nice freshly dug pit on the bank of what looks like a dam. I can assume that you dug the hole yourself, and that it might or might not be on private property and I hope the hole was filled back in as if a hole like that left bankside could fill up with water and potentially start to erode the bank. The point I am getting at is that I have made a heap of assumptions about something I totally know nothing about because I was not present at the time, hence maybe I should at least listen to people who were before I start making assumptions.
The only 3 facts I can see from this are – A tree was burnt, the burner has identified themselves and they have acknowledged that no nest was present.
I am also pretty sure that if my memory serves me correctly that there is another eagles nest within 100m from the burnt tree and I am pretty sure that birds of prey do not nest so close together. Something to do with territory etc. I maybe wrong but maybe food for thought
13-07-2010, 12:26 AM
Hi Lee yes all is good on the fire front and i hope the future of a fireplace at a barra dam is too. If you want to fight fire with fire, i could ask for details on those fires on the bankside lunch meetings and so on, but i haven't..
If we want to go photo for photo i could ask for the burning tree/nest photo's?
But i haven't. How far do we want to go? You-Tube Clips?
You and a few have had their opinions over thousands of threads. A few others can have their say too. I don't post that often.
On a side note.
Did you have a web name on a WA internet fishing site a while back?
Anyway i'll say Gday and offer a handshake when i see you at one of these dams and soon we can share a yarn, hopefully around that fireplace. I'll be more than happy to chat about a thousand concerns/fishing topics with you then mate as it will be much more relaxed.
I'm off for a fish now, take it easy & Happy Fishing.
Cheers Lyndon.
13-07-2010, 12:36 AM
Hi Lee yes all is good on the fire front and i hope the future of a fireplace at a barra dam is too.
You and a few have had their opinions over thousands of threads, i and a few others can have ours too. I don't post that often.
On a side note.
Did you have a web name on a WA internet fishing site a while back?
Anyway i'll say Gday and offer a handshake when i see you at one of these dams and we can share a yarn, hopefully around that fireplace mate. I'll be more than happy to chat about a thousand concerns/fishing topics with you then.
Take it easy, happy fishing.
Cheers Lyndon.
Lyndon what I said was in no way a cheap shot at you nor Dick, but just more of a take on the fact I guess we should not make assumptions without knowing the whole truth and the fact the way everyone see's the world is much different then the next.
I totally agree that people are able to voice their opinions and concerns and after all it is a free country and last time I checked we did still have freedom of speach.
Everyone is entitled to have thier say, but I guess we should not wander of the path and should stick to the facts.
Happy to have that chat when I can finally manage to get back up to the dams and chase those silver beasts.
13-07-2010, 08:04 AM
If nothing else, this is as clear as clear an example of what I've said many times past.
"Now, more than ever, Recreational Anglers need to be squeaky clean."
This incident, regardless of whether a nest was involved or not - and since I don't know the FACTS, I'll leave it open - but this act needs to be held up as an example to all how things get out of control so damned easily. I can just hear the Greenies:
"Recreational Fishermen are arsonists." And Joe Public will believe it!
You can bet your backside that the radical left already have this one, and are busy figuring out what to do with it. We have enough on our plates trying to keep our sport alive without people who just... don't... think.
If alcohol was involved, then the Law was broken by operating a boat. If it wasn't, then I don't know whether the Law was broken, but common sense had certainly left the building.
Please, to you folks up there who are (imo) righteously p!ssed off, when you see me going past with Ausfish Offshore stickers on my next boat, please don't lump me in with people who practice this sort of behaviour.
edit - Many seem to think that because "we've all done dumb things" this one is OK because there was an apology. That DOES NOT cut the mustard. I would never have done anything like this, and for those out there who admit they would, well, think about changing. I object to the idea that all of us are being cast as capable of committing such an act of environmental vandalism. - end edit.
Many thanks,
13-07-2010, 09:15 AM
Hooly dooly. Go away for a few days and look at what happens.
Gees I'm glad nobody has found out about some of the stupid things I've done over the years. I reckon I would have been hung from the nearest yard arm 392 times over. Maybe I'm just lucky yardarms aren't real common any more??
I have to admit I've never set fire to a tree standing but I've cut a few down in my time to burn in fires.
The cook and I did one 2 week-ends ago so we (and the 2 pooches and puss) can be warm.
I've even had to destroy birds nests too. It was my job as an overhead line worker for North Power. I've also built structures for birds to nest in. One is still at the newer boat ramp at Evans.
One thing I cannot work out though is in one post someone was complaining about some large limbs floating about for days and hoping they didn't hit them.
If you knew they were there did you pull them out of the water??
It's been mentioned before and I'll say it again. Let he was has never sinned cast the first stone.
Nagg has shown a lot of backbone in fessing up and I'm sure he's learnt from the experience as other will have as well.
The rest of us should have a quite thought and ask yourself a question. Would I have fessed up or would I have slinked off into the background like the dog that stole the sausage off the BBQ??
Nagg could have slinked off because not even the decky knew of his exploits. But didn't.
Personally I find the reports of camp site behaviour just as disturbing.
Upsetting or disturbing others in their time of relaxation is just as wrong in my books.
Now. Who's going to fess up to that??
13-07-2010, 11:22 AM
Nagg has shown a lot of backbone in fessing up and I'm sure he's learnt from the experience as other will have as well.
The rest of us should have a quite thought and ask yourself a question. Would I have fessed up or would I have slinked off into the background like the dog that stole the sausage off the BBQ??
Nagg could have slinked off because not even the decky knew of his exploits. But didn't.
Personally I find the reports of camp site behaviour just as disturbing.
Upsetting or disturbing others in their time of relaxation is just as wrong in my books.
Now. Who's going to fess up to that??
I was not going to be drawn into this argument i was there that weekend i heard about a tree on fire out in the middle and thought someone just lit it as a joke to have people wondering how it caught on fire.
There is a lot more going on here if it was another person be it Ausfish or not it would of got 10 or 20 responsor's but there are 4 or 5 people who are keeping it alive for reasons of there own due to a things that have happened in the past and they are like a dog at a bone ,with it.
Yes what he done was wrong and if there was or was not a birds nest there
What they need to think about is how many times have these same people collected fire wood off a bank of there local dam and burnt it ,basically it is the same thing.It is a animals habitat and protection dead wood on a bank is home for bugs and lizards and snakes ect and if it is left on the banks when the dam's rise like has happened this year these same logs become home and protection for the fish life in the dam so taking this wood would be no different than what has happened here yet they have all done it in the past themselves to take wood off the banks or treeline ect when camping.
As to the noise at the muster i believe the compliant was from the 2008 muster not the 2009 muster as steps were taken to keep the noise down and hold the event away from other people and as for the CM meet ans greet i was on site 12 and was in bed between 11-12 pm both nights and could hear any noise at all and i even spoke to a fellow camper not connected with ausfish who had 3 young kids and he or they heard no noise, so bringing up the noise at a muster 2 years ago gets back to the issues of these other people having an agenda to crucify someone who has admitted it was him doing wrong on this occasion.
Finga i know you did not bring the subject on noise up so no offense mate i just think it has nothing to do with a tree set alight brought up by others on this forum to stir the pot
Regards Shane
13-07-2010, 11:33 AM
Can we end it?
Steve B
13-07-2010, 01:31 PM
how ya going mate.
You asked a few questions in your post that I can answer. I am defintely not trying to argue or be smarty pants..please believe me!! etc...I just have some factual info for you, and all. The rest I have no first hand info or reliable knowledge on so I will stay out of that.
1. bankside BBQ. I was at the one friday, and it was little (there is even photos on here in the CM photos thread)....I witnessed its extingushment (is that a word!!) was barely enough to cook the snags!. The area was cleaned up by all...not that there was any mess really.
2. Locals? the few I have spoken too, are not happy. Stuie was one as you can see from his post...and rightly so. There a a few other concerns of his (not about this issue) that I know more about, but its not my business to post. I haven't had a chance to speak with the local guides etc but they told me about this incident last friday week and were pretty mad.
3. Campfire noise. Last week I spoke directly to the standin park manager about this years gathering, and she was HAPPY with our complaints whatsoever. Thats a fact.
2010 Muster??? - I doubt will happen ( I certainly wont be involved)...nor should it or any big gatherings for the future in my opinion. Like I said in another thread. These things are too big, and even on our best behavior, trying to be still makes unwanted noise and thats not fair on others. Having been a culprit in the past, I am all to aware of the consequences and ramifications.
Hope this helps... Hope its all going well for you. Good stuff & good luck
Cheers Steve
13-07-2010, 02:33 PM
Under the forestry or local council act is this habitat degridation?
Like chopping down a tree without a permit?
Anyone here know the law of the land?
Can people be charged for these Bogan acts?
Cheers Lyndon;D
Well Lyndon, after studying Conservation & Land Management for the last year and a half, as well as obtaining my Level 2 Fire training through DERM & being taught by one of Qld's most well respected fire trainers, Chris' dog act goes under numerous pieces of legislation. Possibly the most recognised is the Nature Conservation Act 1992, as well as the Vegetation Management Act 1999. Hell, you may as well as hurl the Qld Water Act 2000 in there too. Simple fact is that if Chris was a business owner, or even possibly a full-time guide and did such an act he would lose his job - no doubt about it.
Take time out to read this for a minute... if anyone knows what a prank is, then a 20yr such as myself should. Hurling ice or an egg on someones house is a prank. Getting a great big bag of horse-shit and lighting it on someones doorstep is a prank. Knicking the rear tyres off your mates ute is a prank. Pouring fuel down the guts of an ancient tree in the middle of a Lake and burning the ba-jesus out of it (not to mention the possibility of an eagles nest... some disclosure on this would be good) is NOT a prank. For the very man to come back and apologise here on the web after days of thought, and still come back and call it a PRANK is beyond belief. Why some of you are standing before him & trying to defend his outlandish actions is beyond belief. Let him take it, the whole lot of it. The more you try and defend him, the more you make Ausfish look pathetic. Why should we end the barrage of critiscm now, when his cowardly actions could have major implications on EVERYONE that fishes Monduran. Many stakeholders have most definetely been effected by this, none more so then AusFish, recreational anglers of Monduran, local businesses such as Foxies Barra Havoc and also Sunwater. If all that is going to happen over this incident is a big shit fight on a website, then that is nothing more then a slap on the wrist.
If you did manage to start the fire without the use of an accelerant, then I will however take my hat off to you matey. Top job. Never tried lighting a tree on fire in 40/80ft of water before... Tell ya what... if you can burn another (geesus, wouldn't that be funny!) I'll get you a job with us up here. Hows that sound?
Many good blokes out there are trying to do good things for this fishing scene, but when incidents like this, and dare I mention an incident involving a full time fishing guide at Awoonga last year, just destroys what is a unique Australian scene. Impoundment barra probably should never have happened, but because of pioneers here in FNQ, they made stockings work. Stupid, senseless incidents like this make their work look distant & tarnish history.
You southerners have a lot to learn.
Theo Davis
Lake Tinaroo, FNQ
13-07-2010, 03:57 PM
Take time out to read this for a minute... if anyone knows what a prank is, then a 20yr such as myself should. Hurling ice or an egg on someones house is a prank. Getting a great big bag of horse-shit and lighting it on someones doorstep is a prank. Knicking the rear tyres off your mates ute is a prank.
if you did any of those 'pranks' to me you'd find yourself in court.
The first is assault.
The second is vandalism
The third is vandalism (which could cause a house fire so it's also arson)
The 4th is theft.
Offences in which people have to face a Court of Law for every day of the week.
I cut firewood... to burn in my fireplace.
Do I have a permit?? No!!
Where do I get a permit from??
Exactly what laws, or what sections of what Acts have I broken??
You've done the year and a bit in studying Conservation & Land Management so you should know if you can quote Acts.
Exactly what laws or Acts are broken in burning a tree with no apparent nest in it as there are only reports of no nests been in this particular tree.
This is what I mean by he who has not sinned cast the first stone.
You may think your holier then though but when it boils down your a criminal in some peoples eyes...including mine
This particular act of the burning of a particular tree was silly, and admittedly thoughtless, but exactly what laws have been broken.
The acts (mentioned in brown above) that are seemed to be pranks by one person are illegal acts to others.
Getting a great big bag of horse-shit and lighting it on someones doorstep verses setting a dead tree on fire in the middle of a body of water. Who is the worse offender??
To me it's the pot calling the kettle black.
13-07-2010, 04:07 PM
Theo, Nagg states in his initial response that he phoned Foxy immediatly when he started this thread and explained that "AT NO STAGE WAS AND EAGLES NEST SET ON FIRE" so what exactly are you seeking disclosure on??
he's apologised and admitted it was an ill thoughtout prank.what more do you ppl want???
this would have went straight to the bottom of the pile had there been no mention of an eagles nest.
13-07-2010, 04:28 PM
if you did any of those 'pranks' to me you'd find yourself in court.
The first is assault.
The second is vandalism
The third is vandalism (which could cause a house fire so it's also arson)
The 4th is theft.
Common laws in which people have to face a Court of Law for every day of the week.
Well finga this is what I'm getting at!
The actions of this particular person is illegal, as are the actions as you have pointed out above. However, where do we draw the line in the sand as to what is and what isn't a prank? It's pretty obvious to me that settling ablaze a tree in the middle of a recreational waterway is not a prank, and is not only a dog act, but it is extremely dangerous, and thats where we draw the line. Throwing an egg on someones roof you could classify as harmless, but when lighting a tree on fire with boats passing by (not only holding fuels, but also batteries etc) then that must be seen as dangerous - agree? Persons passing by may have been effected, but fortunately there wasn't.
I'm glad you've mentioned the two words I was trying to stray from using - arson & vandalism. Take your pick. One of those two has occured in this incident. I'm sure we can make our own minds up on that matter.
13-07-2010, 04:44 PM
Well finga this is what I'm getting at!
The actions of this particular person is illegal, as are the actions as you have pointed out above. However, where do we draw the line in the sand as to what is and what isn't a prank? It's pretty obvious to me that settling ablaze a tree in the middle of a recreational waterway is not a prank, and is not only a dog act, but it is extremely dangerous, and thats where we draw the line. Throwing an egg on someones roof you could classify as harmless, but when lighting a tree on fire with boats passing by (not only holding fuels, but also batteries etc) then that must be seen as dangerous - agree? Persons passing by may have been effected, but fortunately there wasn't.
I'm glad you've mentioned the two words I was trying to stray from using - arson & vandalism. Take your pick. One of those two has occured in this incident. I'm sure we can make our own minds up on that matter.
Exactly what laws are broken??
If you can categorically state that the actions of a particular person are illegal you must know what the particular laws are.
If I see that a tree is on fire I don't motor towards it in the boat.
Same as in a car...ooh look. There's a bush fire. I better drive towards it.
That would be just plain dumb.
You might think throwing an egg at my house is harmless. I differ.
By throwing an egg at my home you have broken a law and if you missed the roof and the said egg went through a window and broke the urn holding the remains of my nana then is that a 'soft' law you have broken??
How can someone breaking one law be less offensive as compared to somebody breaking another law (if a law has been broken)??
It's been a while since I studied the various Acts you mentioned (or their predecessors) when I was studying towards a Bachelor of Environmental Science majoring in Policy and Management (seeing we're chucking courses of study about) and my memory may be faded a bit so could you please refresh my memory as the the Acts and the clauses of said Acts which tell us burning a tree is , for a want of a better word, naughty....really naughty....
13-07-2010, 05:07 PM
Hi Steve i haven't had time to read all the posts but i had a read of yours mate thanks for saying gday it's nice to hear from a local, as it's your community this has happened in.
Thanks for the phone call as well it's good to hear what you have been upto.
No stress with fireplaces at all, they are a special part of our culture. I just thought that the particular fireplace talked about on this site drew attention in the wrong way and did nothing for our future fireplace enjoyment. Atleast it being on the net has finally made someone accountable. If lessons are learn't we can all move on. Time will tell.
Anyway thanks again for the call, there seem to be some good ideas for the future floating around, i'll catch you on Awoonga, Monduran or the salt one day.
I'm off to throw some lures at some little tacker barra, i hope to get a surface bite in the next hour on video. It's Cool fun, why most of us went fishing in the first place i reckon. No fish last night, but i saw what i thought were a set of 12ft Gecko eyes, and proceeded to take a few more steps back from the bank...
I saw some big pigs last week too.
Life's good mate take it easy,
Cheers Lyndon.
13-07-2010, 05:30 PM
The full story,what exactly happened or those involved may never be known.
That we can't change.
Only those directly responsible have the answers.
The jungle drum let it be known that something had occured even before this post began.
But,where to from here??
The local community feels let down.For me,that is the biggest concern.
A quick apology on a website only says sorry to us.Perhaps to earn some respect back in the wider community,the same energy put into making these "muster/crew"events happen could be channelled into making something positive happen for the locals.
Perhaps donating a weekend to help the local fish stocking association program?
Organising and attending a bankside cleanup of Lake Monduran?
Organising a roadside cleanup of Gin-Gin?
Just some very quickly thought up examples to work from.
Start it as a sticky thread at the top of this section,bounce ideas around.Lead the way fella's.
Might help turn this negative into a positive...
I know,I can hear it is easier to argue for a mate who is in the wrong.Or to simply just not respond.
Actions do speak louder than words,and could really help in this case.
Any man can say sorry.But a real man makes things right.
> Airing of dirty laundry on this public forum does nothing more than cause a stink.
Well said Roo.
Reckon anyone anyone with a barrow to push - and it'd appear there's a couple - have had their fair share of a chew on his arse by now.
I know what the mod said, but this crap's getting embarrasing.
True story? People involved?
Is there a grassy knoll involved now or did a bloke set fire to a tree stump and admit to it?
What's that smell?
13-07-2010, 07:34 PM
Nagg you have ruined christmas........
13-07-2010, 07:37 PM
Nagg you have ruined christmas........
I'm sure if your a good boy Santa will still come.....
13-07-2010, 08:50 PM
theo (tinarootriumph)
just reading through this topic an found content of this post by yourself, could you clarify the implying statement of the guide involved in the incident in the below quote. i must have missed a beat with this one and have no knowledge of the case.
Many good blokes out there are trying to do good things for this fishing scene, but when incidents like this, and dare I mention an incident involving a full time fishing guide at Awoonga last year, just destroys what is a unique Australian scene. Impoundment barra probably should never have happened, but because of pioneers here in FNQ, they made stockings work. Stupid, senseless incidents like this make their work look distant & tarnish history.
snodger 08
13-07-2010, 10:17 PM
I know I said I wouldn't post again.
But seriously this banter is not doing anybody any good or solving anything, and in most cases is based on assumption with little knowledge of the facts involved.
1/ A guide was definitely not involved.
2/ A tree/stump was burnt down as a practical joke and it backfired.
3/ Yes I should have moved the floaters.
4/ Yes I should have had the balls to say something after the incident.
5/ I don't condone what Chris did, and I am not defending his actions.
6/ Chris stood up and has taken it fairly on the chin, and some more. In doing so he removed any suspicion from other AF members that were in the area at the time. Personally I feel he has taken enough, and that further sledging of him is counter productive. He has learnt a hard lesson and said he was sorry and I am sure he means it. How would you feel with what seems like the whole dam site smashing you continuously???
This incident happened and has been dealt with over and over again, and its not achieving anything. All those guys who want to know the truth... did this happen... did that happen... throwing the blame on people for stuff you probably have done yourself in the past.... For the love of Mike, Get over it and get on with it. It happened, now let it go. Enough damage was done at Mondy without it continuing. You have all had your say including myself. Now please...Live and let live...
One last thing. Apart from chatting on this forum, I had never met Chris until the CM. I wouldn't class Chris as a mate, just a fishing acquaintance, so my reasons behind this post are not motivated by anything other than a desire to stop this insanity before not only a tree is damaged, but also a person who doesn't deserve (and no one does) the treatment Chris is getting here at the moment.
13-07-2010, 11:25 PM
Ok folks. I think anything positive that's going to happen with this thread has had its chance.
Again. IMHO the facts are:
- A tree was set on fire at Lake Monduran
- It was a silly act
- Nobody was hurt
- Someone has owned up to it. He has copped a public flogging for it
- The topic is now getting off topic
- The topic will now be locked
Thankyou linesman, thankyou ball boys
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