View Full Version : When and how do you Flush

05-07-2010, 09:01 AM

Just got the new boat Evirude Etec motor and being relatively new to all this kind of boating. When I get home I tend to give the boat a rinse with fresh water and I got to thinking what about the water in the enging or possible salt build up.

Should I be flushing the engin after every trip and if so how exactly do I do this?

thanks to all the experience boaties that post on here you are all a huge source of info to us newbies.


05-07-2010, 09:20 AM
a few ways to go about flushing your motor, lets start at the easiest (and quietest) there is a "plug" that can be unscrewed and a simple hose fitting can be used to flush the motor without running the engine, then there is the rubber flushers that you can buy from any dealer, the hose is attached to these (after making sure it is on tight and there is plenty of water pressure) and the motor is started and run at idle for a bit, this works well, but do NOT rev up the engine, now there is the water bucket/tank setup, this requires a lot more effort and personally I dont think it is worth it, but others will use noting else, what it entails is a container large enough to cover your enitre outboard prop and gearbox, the motor is lowered into it and the motor started, this simulates the motor being in the water as it would be when running.

05-07-2010, 09:33 AM

Short answer is YES, you should flush your motor everytime you use it in the salt. I use the middle way mentioned by Noel. The rubber flushers 'earmuffs' are simple and can be done anywhere you have access to a hose. Just place the muffs over your water intakes and hook up the hose. You will see water coming out your telltale when the motor is fired up and Iusually run it for a couple of minutes after the water warms up from the tell tale. If in doubt, drop into any local dealer and get them to show you when you buy the flusher.


05-07-2010, 10:05 AM
I like the bucket method, the used water hasn't killed the garden yet, tho' this method may be problematic with water restrictions.
I flush after every usage.

05-07-2010, 10:05 AM
I lived in Papua New Guinea for 23 years and a mate owned an old Pride skiboat with a 100 hp Evinrude on the back of it.

For the entire life of the motor - about thirteen years - he never put a fresh water hose near it, never flushed it and never looked after it in anyway.

Prior to it dying, it was simply a block of corrosion and rust and the mongrel thing never missed a beat. Started first pop and dragged skiers up year in year out!

Conversely I had a new 115 hp Blue Band Mercury outboard that I took to bed with me every night. Lavished TLC on it 24/7 and after about five years. all the water channels were blocked up, the head full of salt and corrosion and yet I had flushed it religiously every time I bought it back from skiing!!

My present OMC 5.8L V8 OMC is now 18 years old, again I have flushed it without fail and the overhaul shop tell me it is in as-new condition internally.

Got me which to jump but I do know that adding Macs Lubricant in the flushing kit is invaluable in terms of keeping things nice and slippery inside!

Another thing is to flush the motor as soon as possible after use. Salt dries out very quickly and requires temperature as well as water to remove it. Once the crystals have formed after sitting for a long period unflushed - or even a day or so - they are much much harder to remove!

05-07-2010, 11:29 AM
Lots of info here:


Most people flush with muffs or drum for 5-10 minutes ASAP after coming out of the water

05-07-2010, 01:03 PM
yeah the muffs are prob the easiest method, i generally flush for minum 15 minutes to allow the engine to get up to temp, this generally flushes most of the salt build up out. As soon as possible when you get home flush the motor. If you leave it for 2 long no matter how long you flush it the salt crystals will harden and be near impossible to remove.

cheers Lee

05-07-2010, 02:02 PM
Make sure if you are using the muff method to NEVER walk away from the boat - keep your eyes on the telltale to make sure it is pumping water. Lots of people have cooked engines due to muffs slipping off unnoticed and the rest is history.
I have always flushed my outboards with muffs after evry salt use, not such an issue after fresh water use.


05-07-2010, 04:07 PM
I can never make up my mind about the benefit of flushing. The little 8hp on the back of the dinghy is flushed after every trip but the motor on the main boat (moored) hasn't been flushed in six years - not serviced either. Luck??

If the "plug" method (i.e., motor not running) is to be chosen or you want it to remain an option then it might be advisable to remove the plug and apply some grease. Without grease the plug will grow into the threaded hole in about 45 seconds. Why motors are assembled with dry bolts and screws is a huge mystery
as well as being very annoying.

05-07-2010, 04:35 PM
usually straight after i wipe and i just push the button.

Cheers for the concern :)


05-07-2010, 04:45 PM
i have a 135 mercruiser and in the manual it does say to run the engine past idle to 3000rpm. when flushing...? I thought it does sound strange so i never do....
Go the muffs at idle for as long as the neighbours can take it...

05-07-2010, 05:05 PM
I took my boat to a mechanic who did a proper service on the motor, and he showed me how badly the internal sacrificial anodes had corroded. They were just doing their job properly and were easily replaced, but I obviously wasn't doing such a good job flushing the engine. I had been just using the muff or plug method, but not running the motor for long enough to let the thermostat open and get salt water out of the top of the motor. Since then I have been using the big tub method, using collected rainwater in a wheely bin and running until the water is warm.
Definately flush after every salt (or muddy) water trip.

05-07-2010, 06:50 PM
I'm the same as most of the above posts. But what do you guys do if you come home late at night after fishing? the neighbours would be pissed if i flush the motor 10 at night hey. i'm flushing first thing the next morning and hope that will be okay.

also pink panther, how do you hook up that lubricant to the ear muffs? sounds good. anyone else use it or similar products?

also whats the best to give the motor a light spray under the cover now and again, WD40, inox/lanox, what?

cheers guys n gals


05-07-2010, 06:59 PM
My mechanic told me to NEVER use WD40. Said it makes the plastic on the electrical wiring go brittle. I always use Lanox now.
I always try to flush ASAP, while the motor is still warm so I dont need to wait for the thermostat to open, but as posted above, late at night its not possible. A tap near the local ramp used to be available so Id flush there at night but local council have removed it now. :(
Im interested in the lube while flushing option too.


05-07-2010, 07:15 PM
Mate I got a 20L bottle of fresh water with a high volume bilge pump inside (connected to garden hose), plug into a 12V socket on the boat and attach to Flushing tool, run till out of water!. I do it at the ramp while packing the rest of the gear away and preppin the boat for the road. Then stop at the carwash EVERY trip to wash inside and out $4 is all it costs for 8Min. all of my boats and motors have been cared for like this and all have sold for top dollar or if still owned are in pristine condition. However saying that, I have rented houseboats for 2 weeks and the motors on these recieve no flushing for weeks or months at a time.
Up to you I guess but for 5-10 min work I would do it........

05-07-2010, 07:21 PM
Anyone heard of noise suppression thingys from BIAS reduce noise by up to 55%
dunno if they would fit but worth a look i guess


gr hilly
05-07-2010, 07:24 PM
i use the drum method for two reasons 1st is you can run your motor till the water gets warm and the 2nd the most important is you can add a product like saltaway this is a top product i also have an old fish fertilizer bottle with a pig feeder on it and i put some saltaway in it and hose down the trailer.
cheers Hilly

White Pointer
05-07-2010, 07:38 PM
I took my boat to a mechanic who did a proper service on the motor, and he showed me how badly the internal sacrificial anodes had corroded. They were just doing their job properly and were easily replaced, but I obviously wasn't doing such a good job flushing the engine. I had been just using the muff or plug method, but not running the motor for long enough to let the thermostat open and get salt water out of the top of the motor. Since then I have been using the big tub method, using collected rainwater in a wheely bin and running until the water is warm.
Definately flush after every salt (or muddy) water trip.


This by far the best method. But add a bit of soluble oil to the water and it will coat the internals and prevent corrosion when it all starts to dry out. It also stops the salt from getting to the parts that will corrode.

The oil in the water stops the water from becoming a breeding ground for mozzies, but keep a lid on the tank to prevent evaporation.


White Pointer

Daisy Burnett
06-07-2010, 10:02 AM

I always flush ASAP after running in salt water and I use muffs just because I have not got a drum. I do think I will look for one though. As for under the cowling, I flush out with fresh water being careful of air intakes etc. then give it a good dose of Marine 66, I generally do this before running the motor (cowl off) on the muffs as the five minutes running time drys out any excess moisture from the motor. As for WD40 or CRC etc, yeah dont use it on wiring as it will stuff it up with repeated use.


06-07-2010, 04:15 PM
My etec has a plug/hose connection where the water goes in, according to the manual. which also says no need to run the engin. I understand that warm water would disolve the salt better but will it get warm if I use this method?

Does anyone else have an etec who flushes like this?


06-07-2010, 05:59 PM
Was always under the impression it was only required post being in saltwater.

I generally flush with earmuffs.

Before putting in the water (to avoid anything embarrassing at the ramp.. warm up etc...)

And after... generally to run out the fuel lines if in fresh, and to flush out the salt and the fuel if in salt...