View Full Version : Hong Kong Trip

24-06-2010, 04:10 PM
G'day all. I am going to Hong Kong shortly and was wondering if anyone had bought tackle there from a reliable dealer and could make some suggestions of places to visit? My wife will be doing a deal of shopping and I would like to do some of my own too - and shopping for tackle is definitely better than what she has planned!!!!

25-06-2010, 11:05 AM
Most of the main tackle stores are out of the tourist districts. Grab a phone book when you get there and have a look. There is pretty much one main retailer in a few different places. can't remember the name - you will understand why when you go there.

As for the street markets and stuff - you might as well buy from crazy clarkes excatly the same stuff.

Make sure you check out the wet markets on Hong Kong Island absolutely amazing. You can buy any type of live fish, prawn, crab, cray fresh and salt (all different sizes too). Unbelievable you can buy a live coral trout for about 3 bucks.

Stunning place

25-06-2010, 01:08 PM
Spent a week there last year with the kids and found a couple of tackle store on the island but not worth the visit - mainly Japanese hooks and lures - no Shimano for example. Shop online instead.

Go to Cheung Chow island (1 hour ferry from outer island terminal) for a look at old world HK and some fantastic and cheap seafood - no cars is a bonus!

25-06-2010, 04:53 PM
Spent a week there last year with the kids and found a couple of tackle store on the island but not worth the visit - mainly Japanese hooks and lures - no Shimano for example. Shop online instead.

Go to Cheung Chow island (1 hour ferry from outer island terminal) for a look at old world HK and some fantastic and cheap seafood - no cars is a bonus!

Thanks for the info