View Full Version : Where to jig lives northern bay

09-05-2010, 07:03 PM
Hi all ,
Any ideas where to jig for live bait in the Northern bay,normally leave from Scarby head to Pearl channel with SP's, I'd like to drop some livies down there looking to pick up some good Squire.

Regards Paul

09-05-2010, 07:43 PM
Hi Paul,

It is difficult to catch bait around the beacons in the mid to Southernn part of the bay. You might find a few herrings, but you won't catch yakkas or silmeys in that part of the bay. The best beacons to work are those in the Northern bay in 15-20 m deep.the beacons at top end of bay are best for bait - yakkas and slimies. Also quite often can find them on the shallow coffee rock reeks at top end of Moreton. Early morning is best as as sun gets up the tend to hug the bottom.