View Full Version : Crab Pots from the Tinnie Show

30-04-2010, 01:46 PM
G'Day all

Just wondering if anyone out there can remember the name of the Crab Pots that were for sale at the recent Tinnie and Tackle Show in Brissie.

They were the ones you can put on a fishing rod, with tension on the line the trap stays closed, when tension is released i.e. after you cast it out, the trap opens up.

Can not remember the name of them for the life of me, please help.


30-04-2010, 05:59 PM
I'm pretty sure this is what your talking about? http://www.craftycrabtrap.com/

crafty crab trap


03-05-2010, 12:47 PM
Cheers Russ

Those are the ones I was thinking of.

What ever they cost will cheaper then replacing dillies constantly. Went out Sat night and lost another two dillies! You never know if they have been pinched or currents / rays etc. take them away.

Thanx again.

03-05-2010, 03:22 PM
no worries, do report back if you end up buying and trying them out. I haven't heard any reports on this forum from people using them yet so will be interesting.


Scimitar raider
03-05-2010, 04:34 PM
If your in Queensland dillies are illegal

03-05-2010, 07:19 PM
It is only inverted witches had dillies that are no longer permitted in Queensland. Dillies are fine so long as they: have a diameter of no more than 125cm and a mesh size of no more than 25mm.