View Full Version : Diy wind on leader???

28-04-2010, 01:40 PM
Ok looking at making my own wind on leaders because what I've seen are way to big and way 2 expensive fore me. My rods have 10,20 or 30lb braid on them and would make my leaders 20,30 or 50lb.

I have read a few guides online but still makes little sence to me so I just wanna give it a crack were do I get the stuff mainly the darcron stuff. Even eBay had sfa.
And the fly fishing stuff as well.
I currently use Penn 10x leader will this do me.

Cheers boys

28-04-2010, 01:49 PM
Mate these guys should have all the gear you need:


Here is another link for you to look at for the making process:


There is also an Ausfish member that makes them and they are in the for sale section.

Hope this helps mate.


28-04-2010, 02:14 PM
Mate these guys should have all the gear you need:


Here is another link for you to look at for the making process:


There is also an Ausfish member that makes them and they are in the for sale section.

Hope this helps mate.

What Red said. I'm looking to do the same.

28-04-2010, 02:38 PM
kind of think you are on the wrong track looking on epray for specialised goods, you will need to go to a tackle store (as mentioned)

28-04-2010, 03:02 PM
isnt the ones advertised in the classified section supposed to be good ones?

Look here




28-04-2010, 05:24 PM
Yea I'm thinking about pming him but looks like he does much larger ones.

28-04-2010, 11:29 PM
ok, this may seem a bit daft (and not meaning to hijack thread) but are wind on leaders just so you dont have to tie knots? never used one b4 so thought id ask...

the baker
29-04-2010, 12:22 AM

what are you going to be fishing for Mate, you want to get the 80lb green spot dacron. And you will not want to go any heavier than that, if you are staying under 100lb with the leader or even go lighter to 60lb. the 10X is ok it takes punishment are you going to be trolling or casting. If you are going to be casting you might want to have a look at a twisted leader, they go through the guides much better if you are trying to get rid of the knot out of the join. I have used the twisted leader spinning for tuna and worked very well it still works on the loop to loop connection.

If you still want to make the wind on leaders PM me, I will give you some help as I make my own. It is good to make your own tackle and go and use it and reap the rewards.


29-04-2010, 04:43 PM
Paul, it is not so much as saving making knots as to have no knots as you wind your leader through the guides, it really helps in heavy tackle.

29-04-2010, 04:53 PM
I make my own and have them for sale.

6 bucks each for 100lb and 7 bucks for 150lb. 15 feet long.

There is a few little tricks that keep them from letting go.

29-04-2010, 07:02 PM
I make my own and have them for sale.

6 bucks each for 100lb and 7 bucks for 150lb. 15 feet long.

There is a few little tricks that keep them from letting go.
Little tricks? :huh:

A question to those that do it themselves - does it take a while before you get the hang of it or can it be picked up easily?

30-04-2010, 05:36 PM
Little tricks? :huh:

A question to those that do it themselves - does it take a while before you get the hang of it or can it be picked up easily?

yes it is fairly easy to pick up.
if you want to pay $30 ea for the needles to make them.it is worth it if your doing bulk lots.
the smaller poundage you go the more the pain in the ar#e they are.
the smallest welllsy has is 40lb flurocarbon.