View Full Version : Shocker Sun 14 th

14-03-2010, 12:52 PM
Young Jesse was telling me him and his lovely wife Nicole had a great fish saturday with a real mixed bag and about 15 bream up to 35cm so I spooled up my 2 light outfits with new braid last night in anticipation of a sunday session. Got to the ramp about 7 am ready for a solo trip. Launched the boat and found the sounder wouldn't work again. Not Happy>:( ,motored to my first spot and put the leckie down and guess what the foot pedal wouldn 't work so no auto pilot no foot pedal . Cleaned connections , went thro everything and couldn't get it working to its full potenial so used it like a manual motor and boy didn't that htrow me. A couple of casts saw me with a nice bream so on went the live well and guess what wouldn't work. Stuffed around and finally got that going but by now my patience was wearing thin. Scored 2 small estuary cod and had a bit of a run with fish then with about 5 bream , A small flathead, a few strange captures with another whiting on a sx 48 then a flounder ( that would have to be my first flounder on a HB);D and then I dropped a nice trevally he passed by the boat at a rate of knots as the boat was heading for the rock wall under the steam of the electric and me hitting the pedal with my foot trying to change direction;D No bloody pedal so I cut the speed Turned the leckie by hand while trying to keep some pressure on the fish and me and the fish parted company . If you were within 10 Klms you would have heard me curse>:( anyway finished off with a solid 60 cm lizard so it was a bit of fun. Run in to jesse and nicole out there again flicking lures. Jesse , you lucky bugger having Nicole so keen to go fishing. I had to laugh ,this girl is turning into an obsessed angler. I said to her she'll be fishing tournaments soon and she responded like a true champ by telling me she would have had her bag within minutes yesterday morning;D love it , Nicole your a champ..Cheers Hey the water clarity is looking much better

14-03-2010, 01:18 PM
Despite all of that, you would have to be happy with that flattie, Chief.

Well done!


14-03-2010, 01:58 PM
Bruce... That lizard went allright on the 2 bl braid 4 bl leader,Would have been happier with a couple of more flaties at least the same size. Anyway all fish were released to catch next time.. Meant to say also biggest bream went 34 cms. Cheers

14-03-2010, 03:06 PM
hi paul, do you think all the elect probs have something to do with the wiring on the boat or is it the units playin up? You got a nice lizard there, i didn't get out this weekend was doin some work on the boat. I walked the dogs 2day at the water front, it was dead flat spewin my boat wasn't going.

14-03-2010, 07:00 PM
Hey Kurt it was a connection with the leckie ,sorted it tosarf and its back to full steam ahead. That motor runs off a deep cycle battery seperate to the rest of the boat. Hey mate we'll have to do a trip , haven't seen you for a while champ. This bloody wheather has been pretty ordinary. and now we have a cyclone looming where we may get some effects from it. I wish we'd get a bit of time for the river to bounce back with a few nice squire

14-03-2010, 09:11 PM
Thanks for the kind words chief! She's pretty funny, I have to take the fish off for her so on sat she landed her first to crackin bream before I even put a cast in haha! We are lovin just gettin out there for a couple hours in the morn then home with still the rest of the day for doing stuff.... Didn't get much more after seeing you, had to get home. But looks like you landed a few more after the tide started running again.. Nice work!

15-03-2010, 03:32 PM
Thats the way jesse bugger sitting out there all day , target the right times hit it and home. Hey mate next time you come up behind me on the electric , maybe whistle or something ;D LOL I think I jumped 3 feet and sorry Nicole for the commentry , you guys scared the hell out of me ;D

15-03-2010, 06:38 PM
Yet another great effort from you Paul.
The Brissie River is certainly your backyard.
Weather permitting, I'm going to be on the river on Saturday morning, might see you out there.
Doesn't look good with the weather system closing in though.

Cheers, Jason.

15-03-2010, 09:16 PM
Would have loved a vid of you battling the trev and the leccy... funny stuff mate.

16-03-2010, 12:58 PM
LNB... I couldn't believe it, I'm so used to stomping on that pedal and I just clean forgot that it wasn't working . ;D

16-03-2010, 07:23 PM
Nice work again chief, nice lizard and bad luck on the trev, hope you get all your electrical drama`s sorted, nothing worse than getting out to find things don`t work, but as usual you managed ok without all the mod cons.
Cheers Andrew

17-03-2010, 12:42 PM
Thats a top effort considering the drama's for a morning chief.
Have your last few trips only been HB's?

Haven't been out on the river in about 7 weeks now, keen to get out n pull up some of them bream of the rocks.

Much debris still around chief?

17-03-2010, 03:52 PM
Mossy247, yeh mate only been using Hbs , haven't given the plastics a run and no debri around champ and the water quality has improved drastically. Cheers waiting to see how this cyclone approaching effects us . I want to have a crack at some squire

17-03-2010, 05:10 PM
Now everyone down the river is going to be sneaking up on ya chief, and saying BOO just to see you jump.....

Jesse that sounds like a great way to spend time with the missus to me, unless she consistently outfishes you!

If it were me though i would show her the net yourself, pliars to shake the hooks out and release technique, so that you can just keep fishing... ;)


17-03-2010, 08:36 PM
Haha yeh chief that's was frickin funny! Yeh Mick I do need to school her up on gettin the hooks out herself, she clearly outfishes me somedays! Chief squire session is sounding good!

21-03-2010, 06:46 PM
Whiting and flounder on HB,s boy its an open field on the river eh chief. Hey i know how you feel with all electrics going haywire and it aint fun when your onto a good sesh. I found a way of fixing my issues by selling my tinny and buying a plate ally with no cracks to hull this time. Good to see guys with keen women to make you feel good that your not spending time with them while we have fun. Cheers