View Full Version : squid eyes and tenticles for bait

06-02-2010, 06:31 PM
after the recent success catchin squid just wonderin who uses the eyes and tenticles offshore for bait and what rigs and what sort of fish do u get on them,use to get kingies on the just off amity when i was 15 or so,got 20 odd in the freezer, and hopin to get a few more over the rous tommorrow,used them at mud but hooked up too unstopables

cheers rosco

06-02-2010, 07:38 PM
Not much better bait than fresh squid heads.........
I use a fairly large (8/0) circle hook with a running ball sinker just big enough to get you to the bottom. Just pin the bait at the top, so the point of the hook is well exposed.
If you are fishing rough bottom use a suitable trace about 1-1.5 metres long, for example down here the water is fairly shallow and the bottom is very rough so I use 80lb trace; a decent snapper makes short work of anything less.
Wouldn't be too many bottom dwellers that won't take a nice squid head, and the circle hook has a great hook-up rate, but remember, don't strike when the fish bites, just let it take the bait in free-spool and then click the reel into gear/throw the bail arm. The pressure of the drag will set the hook.

06-02-2010, 07:51 PM
comment deleted

07-02-2010, 10:53 AM
We used cuttle fish heads out the Banks for years. There one of the best dead baits there is. We use them on a patanoster on the bottom hook with a pillie on the top.

07-02-2010, 02:51 PM
I use cuttle heads and squid heads overseas - all bits of squids etc work as bait