View Full Version : Clear Fish Soup

05-02-2010, 01:16 AM
Here is a simple one that you can play with to your hearts content.

If your so inclined make up a fish stock. If your a lazy bugger like me, grab a litre of Campbells Chicken, or vegetable stock from your favourite/local supermarket.

Put a large saucepan on the stove on low heat and pour in the stock and equal amount of hot water and bring to simmer. teaspoon of minced garlic, teaspoon of minced ginger and a splash of soy sauce (about a tablespoon).

Chop up some seasonal veges. Carrots, zucchini, cup mushrooms are good. So is broccolli and cauliflower...but dont over do it...three types are generally enough. Chuck em in and simmer for a few minutes more.

Chop up your favourite fish fillets (try to stick with fish that have a course texture/medallions of flesh or it breaks up too fine). Best fish IMHO are any of the Cods, Macks, Flathead around the 65cm mark, snaps, Tuskies etc. You could also use some of those Banana Prawns that should be plentiful soon, or squid. Or if your like me...a combination of all of them. You want bite sized pieces. Chuck em in the pot and simmer until the fish is cooked. If you have pre prepared the fish and veges...the cooking process should be about 15-20 mins.

When you put the pan on the stove to start cooking.......get some rice vermicilli noodles and cover em with hot water in a seperate dish.

When the soup is nearly ready....drain the noodles and run them under cold water in a collander.

Get some noodle bowls and put some noodles in each of the bowls....acording to the number of mouths to feed. Put a few bean sprouts on each pile of noodles, then ladle the soup into each bowl, making sure that there is enough liquid to cover the goodies.

This is a simple, quick and easy dish to impress the family and guests.

It is basic and you can tart it up with all sorts of things to suit the taste buds of those indulging.

I like to garnish mine with Corriander and chopped chilli.

You can play around with different spices and garnishes to suit, but the basic one will appeal to those less adventurous, and the kids.



PS. If you are using Vege stock....ya may like to add some asian fish or shrimp sauce to it..about two teaspoons should do the trick.

07-02-2010, 08:59 AM
nothing like fish soup I reckon, yum yum