business class
20-01-2010, 11:33 AM
Hello Guys a report from the weekend Phencit 8Kg Tournament. Overall there was around 28 boats Fishing the Tournament With an overall stat of Around 85 Blacks Tagged over the 3 Days with around 135 Hookups. Amigo Won the Tournament with 7 tagged on day 1, 2 tagged on day 2 and 6 on day 3 all on Live baits. 5 Star was second with 2 then 6 then 2 and Ice man came 3rd i believe with 1 fish less then 2nd place. we also Fished the Tournament In Murphys Law and Tagged 2 from 5 on day 1,1 from 3 on day 2 and 1 from one on day 3 and took out Champion Boat under 8m with 4 blacks tagged and 1 dollie and the lead changed a few times between us and AddiXtion. We used lures all weekend except for about 2 hrs and 30mins was where we snagged the last black to win our boat class. We also won last tagged billlfish for the Tournament which was a tow cam.
A quick story of our last billy as it is a cracka.
Our last bill fish experence was awesome as we pulled in lures as we couldnt raise a fish we bolted over and pulled up becide the gun live baiters (amigo, five star and cabolero and num nuts) with 30 mins left of the tournament and needing to tag one Bill fish to beat Addixtion. With 3 livies left the first two went down with one going off instantly only to pull up a nice 3kg Pearlie but sadly not what we were after. SO up we go again to the bait school with only 2 livies left and down they go. Suddenly the old boy feels a tug only to pull up a perfectly sliced Slimey taken from a hoo. With one livey left and 3 mins left we did one more drift. Slimey goes down and seconds count away, suddenly the drag starts to peel off with us asking weather its bottom or fish, i start backing down and drag still continues to slowly peel, we gave her a good minute to eat then i knock the boat outta gear to get tension on the line joey sets the lever drag to strike and bang we are hooked up. I call Murphys Law hooked up with a minute left still not knowing weather its a Black or rubbish, i start backing down and line starts to rise, we are praying then suddenly around 200m away we see a nice 50kg black leap outta the water and do the dance, I call it in sayin Murphys Law Hooked up to a Billy. Next we were informed from game base we only have 30 mins to tag her on 8kg so pressure is on. After the first 15 mins of fighting going up and backing down a few times and me have n the old boy and joey soaked from backing up into the slop we see the fish, we get one shot and the old fellar misses as he couldnt see from the angle of the glare, we cry noooooo as the black heads deep once again, so we drive off and back up another 2 times to no luck. I call game base requesting time check, the reply is 3 minutes, so i call to joey to up the drag as this is our last go. Drag goes up to around 6kg on only 8kg line. We start backing down hard as we have 80m out and tag needs to be in in 3 minutes. With around a foot off water slushing on the deck and boys copping waves over the back constintly i persist in going hard doing around 6 knots. We agreed if we get another chance ill tag her as the younger eyes are able to see a little better lol. suddenly the fish starts to rise with 20m left, hear she comes we all start screaming, then suddenly shes around 15m on the surface away we quickly swap as i grab the tag pole and i see the plat come on the reel, now she is close...... then there she is, i am on the duck boards with tag pole in hand when i go for the shot, i loose balance as i lean out and end up jumping in to the water and taggin the fish in mid i pop my head up i say tags in tags in, the old boys calls it to game base tags in, and with 30 secs left on the clock we were informed, as i get back on the boat from outta the water we carry on yahooin like pezest men. with the fish layin there still beside the boat and tag in her side we cut her free to live another day and thank god she wanted to play the game. we get all cheers from the boys and a congrats from Addixtion who we over took with that last billy. We were stoked to take out the under 8m class and also win the tow cam. Overall in was a fantastic comp and everyone who fished it was great company. Cant wait till the next one. Hope ya liked our little episode with our last billy as its a story we will never forget. Also Congrats to smithy who fished on tenaces as they came 4th overall i believe.
A quick story of our last billy as it is a cracka.
Our last bill fish experence was awesome as we pulled in lures as we couldnt raise a fish we bolted over and pulled up becide the gun live baiters (amigo, five star and cabolero and num nuts) with 30 mins left of the tournament and needing to tag one Bill fish to beat Addixtion. With 3 livies left the first two went down with one going off instantly only to pull up a nice 3kg Pearlie but sadly not what we were after. SO up we go again to the bait school with only 2 livies left and down they go. Suddenly the old boy feels a tug only to pull up a perfectly sliced Slimey taken from a hoo. With one livey left and 3 mins left we did one more drift. Slimey goes down and seconds count away, suddenly the drag starts to peel off with us asking weather its bottom or fish, i start backing down and drag still continues to slowly peel, we gave her a good minute to eat then i knock the boat outta gear to get tension on the line joey sets the lever drag to strike and bang we are hooked up. I call Murphys Law hooked up with a minute left still not knowing weather its a Black or rubbish, i start backing down and line starts to rise, we are praying then suddenly around 200m away we see a nice 50kg black leap outta the water and do the dance, I call it in sayin Murphys Law Hooked up to a Billy. Next we were informed from game base we only have 30 mins to tag her on 8kg so pressure is on. After the first 15 mins of fighting going up and backing down a few times and me have n the old boy and joey soaked from backing up into the slop we see the fish, we get one shot and the old fellar misses as he couldnt see from the angle of the glare, we cry noooooo as the black heads deep once again, so we drive off and back up another 2 times to no luck. I call game base requesting time check, the reply is 3 minutes, so i call to joey to up the drag as this is our last go. Drag goes up to around 6kg on only 8kg line. We start backing down hard as we have 80m out and tag needs to be in in 3 minutes. With around a foot off water slushing on the deck and boys copping waves over the back constintly i persist in going hard doing around 6 knots. We agreed if we get another chance ill tag her as the younger eyes are able to see a little better lol. suddenly the fish starts to rise with 20m left, hear she comes we all start screaming, then suddenly shes around 15m on the surface away we quickly swap as i grab the tag pole and i see the plat come on the reel, now she is close...... then there she is, i am on the duck boards with tag pole in hand when i go for the shot, i loose balance as i lean out and end up jumping in to the water and taggin the fish in mid i pop my head up i say tags in tags in, the old boys calls it to game base tags in, and with 30 secs left on the clock we were informed, as i get back on the boat from outta the water we carry on yahooin like pezest men. with the fish layin there still beside the boat and tag in her side we cut her free to live another day and thank god she wanted to play the game. we get all cheers from the boys and a congrats from Addixtion who we over took with that last billy. We were stoked to take out the under 8m class and also win the tow cam. Overall in was a fantastic comp and everyone who fished it was great company. Cant wait till the next one. Hope ya liked our little episode with our last billy as its a story we will never forget. Also Congrats to smithy who fished on tenaces as they came 4th overall i believe.