View Full Version : Apology - Cy & Kerrin Taylor
Hi Guys
After some recent comments that I made here on this forum with regard to various tactics & styles used during the 2009 AFC barra series - I would like to extend a sincere apology to you both for any undue distress that may have occurred .
I feel that my tactless comments could have been presented in a much better manner, which could have provided a positive learning foundation rather than one of division.
My respect and admiration goes out to you both as fellow ABT competitors & as upstanding role models for our chosen sport.
Respectfully yours
Chris Nagiello
As my comments were originally made on the Freshwater chat section , could the mods please keep this here.
14-01-2010, 05:37 PM
Quite unecessary in my view,we don't know that Cy and Kerrin were offended.The ones that were need to man up and accept this is a public forum and not everyone is going to see it the same way.Its no different from sitting in the bar down the pub or in the smoko/crib rooms at work,people have a different point of view,thats how it is.The use of the emoticons could maybe have been curtailed,but no-one should have to apologise for having a different opinion. IMHO!
" a noble spirit embiggens the smallest man" Mrs Krabbapple-The Simpsons.
14-01-2010, 07:15 PM
I too only took your comments as your opinion and not critacism (spelling) to be truthful i was wondering why all the strikes like setting the hook and after someone pointed out it was to disorientate the fish i could see the advantage as to why they were doing it,and any one who knows you in the flesh knew you meant nothing against the twins after all they are tops at the game and you gave them credit for that but in the intrest of of learning you put the queston out there and we can all learn from different styles and tatics and i think if we stop asking the queston we will not learn as much as we could
regards Shane
14-01-2010, 09:36 PM
Needed or not it certainly is a righteous gesture.
Better to make peace when you suspect you may have offended some one than to leave it unresolved and wonder on both sides even if it was not your intention to offend.
15-01-2010, 06:54 AM
Chris, I think your original message was lost in the delivery and other historical issues, but give you full credit for the above apology in such a public forum to your fellow competitors. I have already admitted to making the same observations and wondering why, but as Shane said, it was great that Scott weighed in with some insight as to a technique to disorientate the fish.
Well done.
18-01-2010, 01:51 AM
Hi Chris,
That's fine. Your post about fish fighting techniques wasn't offensive at all. Thanks for the apology although you didn't need to - that's good you put up your opinion.
The reasons we choose to fight barramundi using the approach seen on the AFC Outdoors is because of a couple of reasons:
Johnny as well as some others explained it very well in the other post about AFC.
Everyone has different styles & ideas which work for them in fishing - this fish-fighting style works best with us for landing fish in tournaments.
The rod movement during the fight with a fish sets the barb well into hard places of the fish's mouth, the motion also disorientates them during the fight. We try to use this motion when the fish is stopped or coming towards us, not when it's charging away from you.
We usually use this rod motion with a thumb on the spool for more power - try to get someone to make a hook-set while you hold the lure (careful!), then feel the difference in power of a hook-set with a thumb tight on the spool.
Going hard on fish has many advantages in tournaments - getting the fish in as fast as possible doesn't disturb other fish in the target area, as well as fish sitting out slightly deeper which could move into the zone to be caught.
A big fish jumping around can easily spook others and make them not interested in feeding. On Awoonga in the daylight where the fish are quite wise it can have a big effect.
Making the most of bite times is also why the fish are worked in fast. Sometimes the bites can only last for a short time where 2 to 4 fish stike in 20 mins and the next hour is followed by very little action. Getting as much points on the scoreboard when a bite time is on is the idea.
This 'go hard' style of fish-fighting also means a you land a less tired fish which should power-away on release.
We've found success with this approach for tournaments - when you're social fishing it's a lot more relaxed though!
Cy & Kerrin Taylor
Thanks Cy for taking the time to reply.
Whether there was a need to Apologise or not I felt it was important to clear the air in light of how I wrote my original post.
Its great to hear what your mindset is during a tournament & the tactics used to optimise your opportunities. ....... There is some great tips there for not only tournament anglers but social anglers alike - well done
18-01-2010, 07:44 AM
Cy & Kerrin thank you very much for the guidance on your techniques. I wish I knew those tips before the ABT Monduran round, as they would have been just the ticket when fighting them in the sticks.
I was the one who caught one straight up on day one as you were pulling up to your first spot near me. I lost another 5 in there over the comp. Your tips would have worked a treat in that area.:-/
I lost too many doing exactly what you described, coming towards me then either throwing the lure or wrapping under submerged logs.:'(
Anytime you boys want to provide any more tips they will be greatly recieved:P
Naggs it's always good to clear the air, well done for having the maturity to do so in such a public manner.;)
poddy mullet
20-01-2010, 12:34 PM
Hi Chris,
That's fine. Your post about fish fighting techniques wasn't offensive at all. Thanks for the apology although you didn't need to - that's good you put up your opinion.
Cy & Kerrin Taylor
How good is this! I can sit here on my P C and watch the big boys of Aussie sports fishing talk tactics and explain their differences of opinions and tactics!
Well done to Nagg, Cy and Kerin on a couple of really interesting threads, along with all who had a say and put there two bobs worth in a mature way.....
In regards to the fishing questions presented and answered, I reckon Good judgement comes down expeirience, AND expeirience comes from bad judgement.
Expeirience is also the worst teacher, as it gives the test before presenting the lesson.
Great to see you blokes ask a few questions and in turn the answers presented.
23-01-2010, 06:10 PM
i am only new into barra fishing and ive watched cy and kerrin on afc, and i have noticed their unusual fighting method, however in saying this i also notice that it works for them and they are some of the best barra anglers going around, so whatever works well for you do it.
and naggs very sportsman like putting your hand up although it was might not of been needed.
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