13-01-2010, 09:20 PM
Saw a few posts on mud, so i thought i would put up my report aswell. After dealing with sick kids and babys stewie (tracing em) and i got out to mud around 930am, we know it was late but its all we could get after bargaining with the wives, stewie puts a few baits out, livies and slab mullet, and i thought i would stick to the lures and see how i would go. after a few drifts and changes of position stewie starts pulling up baby squire one after the other, i was starting to get a little frustrated i had only had 2 bumps and no hookups, just when i start thinking i should put some stinky stuff on my bozo curltail gets smashed, and starts peeling the 6lb line off my reel, i start thinking now this is better.after a few strong runs my first cobia comes to the net, not big at all but alot of fun on 6lb.
Back for another couple of drifts and flicking my 1/4oz vibe, gets smashed on its way to the bottom, and yes i finally get my first squire on a lure.
After calling it quits at midday we head back in to the pipeline to see if we could luckout on a threadie, stewie sets his baits out, and catches his PB catfish;D . well done champ.
Cheers BK
Back for another couple of drifts and flicking my 1/4oz vibe, gets smashed on its way to the bottom, and yes i finally get my first squire on a lure.
After calling it quits at midday we head back in to the pipeline to see if we could luckout on a threadie, stewie sets his baits out, and catches his PB catfish;D . well done champ.
Cheers BK