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11-01-2010, 10:41 PM
I am really starting to wonder whats gone wrong in the Condamine River. I grew up at Chinchilla and fished it for 28 years and it always used to clear up thru the winter, depending on freshes off course.
If you get a big fresh thru the winter it would take longer to clear, but even in droughts it would still clear up.
I moved to Cairns in 1987 and go back almost every year to visit family and almost always go out and chase some yellowbelly.

BUT FOR ABOUT THE LAST 5 YEARS IT HAS NEVER CLEARED UP. All the local fishos know it too.
Has anyone got any solid info as It is a cryin shame.


kevin jackson
12-01-2010, 06:11 AM
CARP CARP BLOODY CARP, that is the problem i feel, i live on the condamine and in the last 5 year there has been a large increase in numbers. i have notice that some of feeder creeks to the condamine will clear charley and rocky, but they don't have any carp in them. if you could get rid of the pest it may help the whole system.

12-01-2010, 06:25 AM
I must disagree the creeks around here clear up and they are full of carp. I belive it is farming cotton the wetting agents they use and drought in the higher catchment where the clearer water comes from that use to flush the dirtier water out of the system.
cheers rossco

12-01-2010, 07:23 AM
Could well be the cotton farming, as I have been fishing the Condamine at Ellangowan, west of Warwick, and before the recent rain the water was not very dirty, and we certainly have heaps of stinking carp, but no cotton farming upstream of here, that I know of. Not having fished the river till recently I was very saddened to see just how many carp are in the river, so I go on carp slaughter missions to get rid of however many I can.

Cotton farming must be one of the worst for adding copious amounts of chemicals to our streams.

Cheers Eleanor

12-01-2010, 01:09 PM
This is intersting. Especially as the river still clears above the cotton. can anyone else confirm clearing conditions upstream of most of the cotton?

I'm going to contact the EPA and DPI and ask if they are aware of it or have an opinion on it. Rudd and Co seem to be trying to restore the Murray - Darling, and the Condamine is the most northern tributary of this massive system.



12-01-2010, 03:30 PM
Clearing of natural vegetation right down to the water line adds to the mud colour.

No natural grass plants and edge vegetation to filter the rubbish.

good luck with the rudd thing mate.

13-01-2010, 05:16 PM
I spoke to a guy from the Dept of Natural Resources who is a water Ecologist and he was quite interested. He has referrred our conversation to another Ecologist who works more specifically in that Condamine area west of Toowoomba.

Another thought is that the Condamine runs thru the heartlands of some of the best farming country in Australia ans has suffered silt erosion from such for almost a century! It cleared up seasonally thru all those years, so What has happened now??

13-01-2010, 05:18 PM
Is anyone following this thread who has observed the Condamine above Dalby or below that can witness its condition these recent years?

13-01-2010, 06:23 PM
I also remember when it use to rain that much in the black soil country the water ran clear that hasn't happen for over 10years, I think it is a combination of all these factors mentioned so far.
cheers rossco

PS the yella's and cod have been on the chew at Surat weir, a mate of mine has caught over 80 fish in the last couple of days and yes he did the right thing and released them.

13-01-2010, 07:24 PM
I also remember when it use to rain that much in the black soil country the water ran clear that hasn't happen for over 10years, I think it is a combination of all these factors mentioned so far.
cheers rossco

PS the yella's and cod have been on the chew at Surat weir, a mate of mine has caught over 80 fish in the last couple of days and yes he did the right thing and released them.

Tell me is that above the weir or below? And does the water clear up down there still?

kevin jackson
13-01-2010, 07:27 PM
It may have something to do with the drought, as the run off, is coming straight off cultivation instead of crops or grazing country with grass on it, i do have some proof that if the weir fills from the country around kogan that it take long to clear if it clears at all, as there is far more suspended solids in the water. if that get you further in your investigations.

13-01-2010, 09:13 PM
Grew up at Condamine and spent 90-94 fishing the river endlessly. During this time the river cleared during some years of very little rain above the yulabilla area, but below Yulabilla/Riverglen, towards Glenmorgan, the water did not clear. THis is around the point where the Dogwood joins the Condamine at Warkon, and becomes the Balonne. This turbidity gradually worked its way back towards Condamine township in the following years. The situation now is that water around the town of Condamine rarely clears, even at times of minimal flow. I can't really account for this. THe Dogwood never clears. There is very little farming in the Dogwood catchment, and stocking rates would have changed little over the last twenty years in the mid Condamine catchment. There is cotton farming east of Condamine but there is none down toward Yulabilla and Warkon. It's almost like the river picked up non soluble sediments that refuse to settle. Assumed it was the carp but at the time the river began to become more turbid, carp were well established through the length of the river. My assumption at the time was that it was related to carp quantity. Once enough carp were in a volume of water, they stirred things up enough to precent clearing of the water.
Around this time, old timers were saying also that the cod were feeding on the carp and that they hadn't seen as many big cod around for years. NOt sure if that was true then, or still true now.
For what it's worth, that's my story.

14-01-2010, 07:28 AM
Inreresting what your raising here kevin and Shiek about turbid Creeks
I know three tributaries in the Condamine catchment around Chinchilla that never clear, namely the Rocky, Wambo and as mentioned the Kogan. Im also not sure about the Undulla down Meandarra way but all these creeks still didn;t stop the Condamine clearing up as a general rule. Your absolutely right tho in saying their waters, if sitting in the Condamine, stop it learing in that reach for that season.

Now last summer there was a fresh that camr down the river all the way from Warick which peaked at 9 metres at Chinchilla. This was a good run and I watched all the records on river heights on the BOM site, bit sadly to say this still didnt get the river clear, Unless the dirty Kogan emptied its guts into it at the last moment?

14-01-2010, 07:32 AM
I asked the guy from the Dept of Natural resources as well about the impact of big runs thru the River and he said the Condamine had not had a major flood thru it as a system since 1998.

I'm hoping that we can see one of these come thru again soon as it could refresh the river or give it a fresh start.


14-01-2010, 08:42 AM
odes20, it is below the weir where they are biting, no the river hasn't cleared for over 10yrs now at Surat came close a few years ago than we got a dirty fresh. Gundy's lagoon clears most year, fills from the condamine river in a high run and it is full of carp. Also you never see the small springs that seeped out of the river banks that helped clear the water due to extreme drought.
cheers rossco

14-01-2010, 08:50 AM
undulla still clears up John, and there's a heap of cultivation down Meandarra way. Also heaps of carp, esp in the creek behind Meandarra town, which clears up OK. Maybe teh Condamine does just need a good fresh through to clear out the mud and silt. Often found down near Arubial and Myall Grove downstream from Condi town that water from the Wambo was dirty and would muddy up the river but that seemed strange at the time, as it's mostly coming off the goanna country towards Tara - belah and cypruss country.

14-01-2010, 01:51 PM
What has changed in the last fifty years?

More cultivations.
Less big floods.
Possible different additional chemicals.
Less grass lands to filter the water.
Faster overland water flow.
Less water weeds to filter the water. (Chemicals, Carp)
Levee banks to confine streams to a set channel with a faster run.
Clearing creeks of logs etc thus increasing the run..
Altered watertable.
Human intervention.
Dams, Weirs, Levees, Ring Tanks, Channels, Irrigation.

A whole host of things have changed, some good, many bad for the river.

Many creeks feeding the Condamine all ran differently, Wambo was red mud,
Dogwood the same, Charlies Creek was generally clear, Nudley milky, Wilkies Creek milky, Undulla clear.

The river in early years was generally clear after a flood or later in the winter.

The one thing nobody has mentioned is the fact that some of our creeks have not had a run for decades.

I wonder why? It has little to do with the lack of rain.

That river to me as a young lad was sacred, now it is only a sewer.

Have Fun Haji-Baba

14-01-2010, 02:02 PM
One thing I didn't mention, at the junction of Cobble Gum Creek and the River at Xmas time 1957??? the water was crystal clear and way too salty to drink.
The only drinking water that day came from a muddy hole in the creek.

Yes too salty too drink.

There must be some big S.W. springs in that area some where.

The river was very low and not running at the time.

So why is the river muddy, think about it.

Have Fun Haji-Baba

14-01-2010, 02:39 PM
Hi All,
I have fished the same piece of the Codi for the last 35yrs, each year and sometimes twice. We camp on the river north of Condamine. I was 6yrs old first trip, river was muddy and has always been the same, exept once, approx 20yrs ago after a lot of rain and the river was flowing clear. Not a huge flow but was running continually for quite some time, this has been the only time i've seeen it flow like that.

The fishing has been up and down over the years as the carp population. Our last couple of missions fishing has been good, last 3 trips only one carp per mission. Also i have noticed that the red spot or fungi on the fish has nearly gone, which is a great thing.

was there in the floood a couple of years ago 2008 see attached pic, chinchilla wier 08 and same spot 09, plus couple of the river 08 then 09. great to see that amount of water going thru the old system.

I think its just the river, lots of sediment, but i still love it and hope we get some rain in the catchment for this years trip.

15-01-2010, 05:58 AM
undulla still clears up John, and there's a heap of cultivation down Meandarra way. Also heaps of carp, esp in the creek behind Meandarra town, which clears up OK. Maybe teh Condamine does just need a good fresh through to clear out the mud and silt. Often found down near Arubial and Myall Grove downstream from Condi town that water from the Wambo was dirty and would muddy up the river but that seemed strange at the time, as it's mostly coming off the goanna country towards Tara - belah and cypruss country.

Jeepers !! you guys are taking me back a year or two !! I have fished all these creeks over the years gone by. What is the name od that creek behind the town at Meandarra? Ive also fished the Cobblegun over at Glenmorgan with an old mate Phil Lasren who has since passed away. It was clearish and full of yellas.
I thrilled to hear it still clears. Ive caught goon yellas in it with celta type spinners and lures. I have fished Arubial and all that country as well. Many great memories from childhood thru to the late 1980s. Youre right about the Wambo water but only thing is is comes in way up near Chinchilla. Another creek that runs in below it is the Weimbilla which clears as well! But I have never seen the Wambo clean all my 53 years!

Thanks heaps Sheik.

15-01-2010, 06:07 AM
Hi All,
I have fished the same piece of the Codi for the last 35yrs, each year and sometimes twice. We camp on the river north of Condamine. I was 6yrs old first trip, river was muddy and has always been the same, exept once, approx 20yrs ago after a lot of rain and the river was flowing clear. Not a huge flow but was running continually for quite some time, this has been the only time i've seeen it flow like that.

The fishing has been up and down over the years as the carp population. Our last couple of missions fishing has been good, last 3 trips only one carp per mission. Also i have noticed that the red spot or fungi on the fish has nearly gone, which is a great thing.

was there in the floood a couple of years ago 2008 see attached pic, chinchilla wier 08 and same spot 09, plus couple of the river 08 then 09. great to see that amount of water going thru the old system.

I think its just the river, lots of sediment, but i still love it and hope we get some rain in the catchment for this years trip.

Interesting info Chong! I always fish around Chinchilla and then below Condamine where it always cleared. Around Chinchilla it always cleared as well.

You have been fishing that section which is directly below where the Wambo flows in so maybe that could explain it being mostly muddy there. Another thing is it only takes a spit of rain to make the Wambo and Kogan Creeks run as they do come off that hard bulloak goanna country as previously montioned. Ha Ha ! sounds like my old Dad talkin. They are the terms he uses to describe that mongrel country.

Thanks heaps

15-01-2010, 06:20 AM
What has changed in the last fifty years?

More cultivations.
Less big floods.
Possible different additional chemicals.
Less grass lands to filter the water.
Faster overland water flow.
Less water weeds to filter the water. (Chemicals, Carp)
Levee banks to confine streams to a set channel with a faster run.
Clearing creeks of logs etc thus increasing the run..
Altered watertable.
Human intervention.
Dams, Weirs, Levees, Ring Tanks, Channels, Irrigation.

A whole host of things have changed, some good, many bad for the river.

Many creeks feeding the Condamine all ran differently, Wambo was red mud,
Dogwood the same, Charlies Creek was generally clear, Nudley milky, Wilkies Creek milky, Undulla clear.

The river in early years was generally clear after a flood or later in the winter.

The one thing nobody has mentioned is the fact that some of our creeks have not had a run for decades.

I wonder why? It has little to do with the lack of rain.

That river to me as a young lad was sacred, now it is only a sewer.

Have Fun Haji-Baba

Hey how old are you Haji ! And boy do you know your'e country! You described all those creeks perfectly from my experience. Takes a real local to know and talk about the Cobblegun. Great little creek tucked away in the back blocks!

I think your overall analysis is on the money. No river could remain the same with all you wrote about going on. My thoughts are that the river seems to have been able to put up with all the man made stuff you mentioned over the years, but with so little runs in this last decade it just hasn't got the capacity to fight back. I think we should all be prayin for big rain to flush her out right thru. She needs a major flood like they just had in NSW I think.

The old Condy is sacred to me and my clan too mate.

15-01-2010, 06:21 AM
Hey are any of you ever been involved in restocking the river or creeks anywhere?


15-01-2010, 09:59 AM

Odes 20,

Seen the "Cobblegum" fill up from the river running backwards over the weir on "River Glen" in 1956.

That was sight.

Same time, "Undulla Creek" was low when we camped on a reserve and over night it flooded the little bridge on the back road to Glenmorgan.

It sneaked up on us overnight. Apparently they had 13 inches up at
Warwick / Killarney 3 weeks before.

The river ran down and backed up all the creeks.

It was a river then not a drain as it is today.

Still a few fish in it if you know where to go.

In 1952 (I think) The river ran 3 feet deep for 6 months
and every Yellowbelly and all the Cod finished up at the Cecil Plains Weir.
No ladder.

Other than the St.Ruth Weir further down I don't remember any others below that.

People were coming from The Gold Coast to catch the fish. Absolute slaughter.

They could get over the St.Ruth weir but not the Cecil Plains weir at the time.

I do know that fish are still trapped there at times.

Have Fun Haji-Baba

kevin jackson
15-01-2010, 08:15 PM
odes20, i have not been personally involve but i know that chinchilla fishing club has a yearly release for the pass 3 year very consistently for condaime alliance funding, and before that they had there own brood stocks, they release 3 to 1 yellowbelly to cod, as far as i know. in all creeks and river around chinchilla.

15-01-2010, 08:49 PM
I was just out at Toowoomba and spoke to my wife's uncle and he told me of a place on the Condamine at Cecil Plains. He said it clears up OK there so thats interesting.
I see on TV there's a big row going on now about all the water heading down from the heavy rains in NSW. Three states are fighting over it, in my opinion noone should keep it, open all the gates and let the river flow!
The comment then was made apparently by Abbot that Krudds obsession with climate change has left them practically ignoring the Murray Darling crisis.
Im Odes20 brother, I also remember the Condamine would clear up after a fresh, and some freshs ran almost clean. We have photos of the river below Condamine in the spring that would bring tears to a glass eye! Lovely green colour, and make the best cuppa you could ever hope for boiled on Coolibah twigs.
Bring back those days I say, I hope, I pray...
Like mentioned above, the river is not a patch on what it was like years ago, its actually very disturbing.
Cheers all great thread boys

17-01-2010, 07:36 AM
I lived of a farm on the outskirts of Pittsworth. We had a gully that ran a 2 meter banker after a good downpour. When tracing the flow the water of the cultiuvation and contours was like mud. The water running from the grasslands was just about crystal clear. Whot more proof is needed.

17-01-2010, 07:53 AM
I lived of a farm on the outskirts of Pittsworth. We had a gully that ran a 2 meter banker after a good downpour. When tracing the flow the water of the cultiuvation and contours was like mud. The water running from the grasslands was just about crystal clear. Whot more proof is needed.

Its a good point, but the river has been carrying that kind of scenario for almost a century. Thousands of hectares of cultivation. But it still cleared up.


17-01-2010, 12:20 PM
Makes us all think a bit.

The water that fell at Pittsworth years ago took weeks to reach the river when those areas were mainly dairy farming. It had to travel through grass and timber
land and was filtered on the way to the river.
It now takes just hours for the same journey.

Most farmers only had a 10 acre lucerne patch for the horses in those days and
that was mostly covered with growth too.

No levee banks and little erosion then.

If you want to look at what causes some of the river problems follow The North Branch of the Condamine down to where it joins the River at St.Ruth.

Have a good look at the feeder creeks and the answer is there.

Last comment from me.

Have fun Haj-Baba

17-01-2010, 03:44 PM
Makes us all think a bit.

The water that fell at Pittsworth years ago took weeks to reach the river when those areas were mainly dairy farming. It had to travel through grass and timber
land and was filtered on the way to the river.
It now takes just hours for the same journey.

Most farmers only had a 10 acre lucerne patch for the horses in those days and
that was mostly covered with growth too.

No levee banks and little erosion then.

If you want to look at what causes some of the river problems follow The North Branch of the Condamine down to where it joins the River at St.Ruth.

Have a good look at the feeder creeks and the answer is there.

Last comment from me.

Have fun Haj-Baba

With respect for your comment that this would be your last comment, could you kindly add an encore by describing what you have seen of those feeder creeks?

Would be greatly appreciated

17-01-2010, 04:28 PM

Take Jinghi Creek at Warra / Brigalow now a drain and levies along the main channel.

Jandowae Creek levied to increase the flow and confine it to one channel.

All the "Little Plain" country starved for water, trapped and taken for Ring Tanks.
Just have a look at the dead box trees near Wyobie.

"Dead Mans Gully" levied and trapped by weirs.

"Nudley/ Burra Burri Creek", pumped to a standstill.

"The Nudley" flowed through in January 2009, for first time in years.
I actually had a drink out of it. Beautiful flowing water.

"Charlies Creek" hasen't had a run for ages above the junction of "The Nudley".

"Pelican Lagoons" pumped.

Holes I fished in as a boy dry, never been dry before in the history of white man, why??

"Branch Creek" had a small run just before Xmas 2009.

I saw "The Condamine" on a Monday afternoon 5-6 years ago 3 meters deep at Cecil Plains. By wednesday afternoon it was a trickle.

I suppose that water went down a big hole in the river bed.

Ask your self why a lot of the big river gums are dying.

Enough, I am getting as mad as a hornet just thinking about it all.

Maybe you younger blokes can get it back on track, I have tried but lost out.


kevin jackson
17-01-2010, 08:05 PM
i am happy to inform that 7000 cod finglings got release around the chinchilla area today, by the chinchilla fishing club.

17-01-2010, 10:21 PM
Thanks Haji- Baba for your very sobering thoughts. Your knowledge of this river amazes me!
Its sad that so few have woken up to the fact that this great land is a dry continent and that ambitions of wealth thru irrigation have proven to be destructive in massive proportions right thru to the Murray mouth in Sth Australia.
I have no idea how long it will take anyone in politics to get the will and then how determined they must be to buy back the lion share of water allocations, licenses, permission to pump on all her tributaries.

Thanks Haji


17-01-2010, 10:24 PM
i am happy to inform that 7000 cod finglings got release around the chinchilla area today, by the chinchilla fishing club.

Great news! A
Are you in the club? Hope they can do yellas as well

Thanks for the info

18-01-2010, 10:34 AM
i am happy to inform that 7000 cod finglings got release around the chinchilla area today, by the chinchilla fishing club.

Hi Kevin,
that is good news and great work, any down stream of the weir?

kevin jackson
20-01-2010, 07:32 AM
odes, no not part of the club but give them access to the condmine river on our place,

chong, they went every where any where there is water at the moment,

20-01-2010, 08:39 AM
i am happy to inform that 7000 cod finglings got release around the chinchilla area today, by the chinchilla fishing club.

So Kevin are you upstream of the weir at Chinchilla or downstream?

I know one bloke in the fishing Club their . Bruce Wedrat , He is my cousin. Been in it for years. Do you know him?

Little grey men
20-01-2010, 06:03 PM
There's been no good rain out there for years, and any water that does get down there gets sucked out quick smart.

kevin jackson
20-01-2010, 07:16 PM
upstream of the weir and yes i do know of bruce,

21-01-2010, 10:04 AM
odes, no not part of the club but give them access to the condmine river on our place,

chong, they went every where any where there is water at the moment,

thats great hope the little buggers do well, does the club need access to other parts of the river? We will be coming out end of April, coming thru Chinchilla from Maryborough to Condi, will be at Condi pub a couple of times welcome to come for a coldie or three;)

kevin jackson
21-01-2010, 08:23 PM
i don't think that it is problem getting access more having enough cod and yella to release, and water to put them in.

25-01-2010, 03:47 PM
I see the condi had a flow of around 1.500 at tummaville a week or so back. I crossed the river a few days later at Ceicel plains and they tell me it was only up around half a meter for a day or so. You can guess where the water went hey.

25-01-2010, 05:46 PM
Hi there guys. Been away from the forums for a while and just noted this important topic.

The Dawson has suffered the same fate over the years. I remember when I was a kid, watching yellas taking my baited hook in the, then, clear water of the Moura weir. Near Duaringa we would fish in tanin stained waters.

Now days ... mud ... mud .. and who knows what else. No carp as far as I know.


27-01-2010, 01:39 PM
Hi there guys. Been away from the forums for a while and just noted this important topic.

The Dawson has suffered the same fate over the years. I remember when I was a kid, watching yellas taking my baited hook in the, then, clear water of the Moura weir. Near Duaringa we would fish in tanin stained waters.

Now days ... mud ... mud .. and who knows what else. No carp as far as I know.


Sad to hear that freshie. I fished in the Dawson near Taroom occasionally with my Dad and uncle when I was a kid. Saw Platypus and also Dawson River Barra were plentiful. (Saratoga) Was great stream then.

I think one of the problems is Goverments allow Water Resource Beurocrats to see our rivers as just a conduit to carry water, which they decide is a resource to sell., so water is sold with no proper respect to the river itself. So really the River itself as a living ecosystem has not been valued enough. I have no idea how this will ever be turned around when one considers the huge part played by irrigation in the rural economy these days.

We have water harvesting policies in place now that are unsustainable by a dry continent. So when droughts occurr the river dies, as they never stop irrigating or harvesting with a coming drought in mind. If water harvesting was set to a more realistic dry time stats, I think all our rivers would stay alive.


28-01-2010, 05:54 PM
Yes its not only out west. Im originally from Caboolture. We lived on the edges of Lagoon Creek. The water was clear as back in 70`s.
I often visit the place we called home and and the lagoon we swam in for over 10 years. The place now looks like a polluted hole. It had a fresh in it early in the year and it is still filthy.

01-02-2010, 09:29 AM
Hi to all contributing to this thread

Don't know, but am hoping that this big weather system at present from Olga may kick some serious water into the system. It is raining right thru the downs and Granite belt. Here's Hoping!!


04-02-2010, 10:07 AM
Hi to all contributing to this thread

Don't know, but am hoping that this big weather system at present from Olga may kick some serious water into the system. It is raining right thru the downs and Granite belt. Here's Hoping!!


Hi John,
My mate at condi says the river was running until end of Jan, not a big flow but toped up all the holes;) . Bit more rain from the system you mentioned, looks like river is getting a bit8-) . hope it gets some more before May.


Outdoor Guy
07-02-2010, 07:17 AM
Im in Tara just had good rain yesterday ( 6th ) 60ml at my place,still clouds and thunder around.Tara fishing club stocks Undulla creek nearly every year,should be another batch going in soon(feb/march) friend of mine in chinchilla recently went fishing where he wasnt suppose to and got carp after carp just below the wier he had a great time fishin but didnt get the fish he wanted,they were big fish to.
The lagoon in Tara has carp in it and it is very muddy looking has been for years apparently ( ive only been here couple of years )if you follow the creek down stream in different spots it is clearer looking but still dirty, need to get all the city fishos out here one weekend at the same time and fish the f@#* out of it and get them bloody pommie fish out of here and send em back LOL

07-02-2010, 09:15 PM
Interesting info on the Undulla Outdoor Guy.

I love that creek Have fished it down around Meandarra/ The Gums way a lot years ago. I found a website today all about the Condamine River with some amazing stats about river flow etc. I will post it up tomorrow with some info and the link. This info will really add some thought to our whole discussion on the Milky Condamine.

12-02-2010, 11:05 PM
Yeah as I was saying, I found this sight which has flood records for the Condamine catchment which shows the Condamine has not had a Major Flood level at Condamine township in 13 yrs! Several moderate levels but no broken banks for that long is pretty amazing. Have a study of the records on this website and tell us what you think.
As I read it, sounds like the long dry particularly in the catchment of the inner Downs could be proving to be a major contributor to the milky Condamine.

http://www.bom.gov.au/hydro/flood/qld/brochures/condamine_cotswold/condamine_cotswold.shtml (http://www.bom.gov.au/hydro/flood/qld/brochures/condamine_cotswold/condamine_cotswold.shtml)

PS.. Note the records at Tummaville right at the headwaters. There is no major flood there for a long long time either.

12-02-2010, 11:23 PM

Note the lack of floods in the last 15 years.

It has a run now but mainly below Condamine I think.

Not real big as I remember them as a kid.

Have fun Haji- Baba

Outdoor Guy
14-02-2010, 05:55 AM
The Wambo is flowing at the crossroads and the Chinchilla weir is getting some water in it as well but the level isnt getting any higher cause Sun Water in there infinate wisdom is letting the water out for irrigation down stream.
a lot of rain came down around Kogan so were getting the run off Tara lagoon is brimming as is Undulla creek,more rain expected sunday monday here monday tuesday on the coast so will see what happens

also i dont believe Dalby weir got much at all and last report was there water supply was empty

14-02-2010, 05:46 PM
i live a warwick and tho river here is pretty average. very dissapointing when you see the council cutting down four trees 30-40cm trunks down to pull out a larger tree that has fallen in the river. they have no idea.

heres some picks from the flood in 08 and a tool that drove through it with a kid.
we need floods like this every few years, the waters usually about 1m deep, by 2~m wide at the crossing.

heres another pick from the condamine right in town after a half decent flow.
shrimps crawlling up the the weir just out of water after dark.

all the turbity in the water means theres very little food for the native fry when they breed hence a lot of places have to rely on stocking even when there are heaps of adults around, its not all about over fishing.


14-02-2010, 09:19 PM
Great pics and info Batters! Hope we see more of this during this summer. Did you look at the flood records and the info on the web site? I put up a link. Also how far from Warwick is Tummerville and is it upstream?

14-02-2010, 11:18 PM
tummerville? never heard of it. are you talking about tannymorelle spelling*, warwicks not very far away from the headwaters which makes it so sad that the river is so bad so close to the headwaters. cod still breed naturally right up in the head waters tho, i assume is coz they get regular floods/half floods and it clears up well.

im actually studying aquaculture and ive been provided with a fair bit of info on the fishes themselves. the info thier getting on freshwater fish seems quite old when you compare it to what the info other groups have gathered in relation to what thier trying to achive in aquaculture.

i wont get into it here ofcourse unless someone feels the need for me to tell them. but one study in relation to breeding murray cod for stocking showed that fish in unstocked waters were in distinct size clases all aged to the years of decent floods. just seems to me that the people looking after the rivers (or at least have that title) dont have all the info, or they chose not to ackowledge it.


15-02-2010, 05:38 AM
Tummarville is a weather station on the Condamine but Ive found its way down stream from you. So the river still clears up at Warwick area? Also do you have access to rainfall figures for Warwick? like has your rainfall on the inner Downs been below average over the last 10 years?

15-02-2010, 06:07 AM
Tummaville is south of Brookstead near Pittsworth. If you spell it right you will find it on Google maps.

Odes20, I live on the Downs and we have had below average rainfall for two decades.

Regards Eleanor

15-02-2010, 10:43 AM
Dogwood creek has been three quarter banker this week. and last due to some rain up barakula way maybe but pretty much across all that country round Miles. Filled up the lagoons on our place which hasn't hap[pened for ten years or more. Just remember, ten days after the fresh, the mossies and sandies move in, and they're not these pissie little ones you get on the coast. THey ttake a lump out of you the size of an egg! SO at least that'll get down to warkon and put some water in the Balonne.

15-02-2010, 07:45 PM
Tummaville is south of Brookstead near Pittsworth. If you spell it right you will find it on Google maps.

Odes20, I live on the Downs and we have had below average rainfall for two decades.

Regards Eleanor

Hi Elanor

Thanks for that. Did you get to see the graphs on the website I posted ?

It certainly matches up with your claim. As I write I am watching big storm fronts on the radar further east to the catchment ares

15-02-2010, 07:50 PM
Oh mate those sandflies! I remember them as a boy at Chinchilla when the creek would flood and then go down they would hatch out of the mud and eat you alive. Also would be thick around the Condamine after floods, black mongrels! Used to stir up the dogs as well.
Great to see a good flood going thru south of Condamine from all the Roma. Yuelba etc and Miles /Dogwood water...but
There still is a huge need of huge rain in the headwaters and along the eastern downs to really wind up a beauty along the Condamine.
Especially in the never clear up zones Odes20 is on about. As i write there is some serious rain coming thru that area now. Looks good on the radar, but we need an unusual weather event to get over the range and do the job.
The last lot of heavy rain that hit the hinterland behind the Gold Coast was surprisingly close, but east of the catchment, so frustrating to watch on the rainfall reports.
"All the Rivers Run"

16-02-2010, 07:53 AM
Yes, John, I have viewed the site. Very interesting.

I live 20 minutes south of Toowoomba and we only got 14.5 mm rain from yesterdays falls, but I see Warwick got 26.6 mm. According to the weather bureau Warwick has had 32.6 mm this month with 90.4mm evaporation and in January had 78.8mm with 208.6mm of evaporation! How does that work? Is it evaporating out of the rivers & creeks? Toowoomba has had 59.6mm for Feb and 55.6mm for Jan. I have had 73.5mm this month. Not brilliant falls for this time of the year, but better than the last few months last year. More to come, hopefully.

Regards Eleanor

16-02-2010, 10:05 PM
Yes, John, I have viewed the site. Very interesting.

I live 20 minutes south of Toowoomba and we only got 14.5 mm rain from yesterdays falls, but I see Warwick got 26.6 mm. According to the weather bureau Warwick has had 32.6 mm this month with 90.4mm evaporation and in January had 78.8mm with 208.6mm of evaporation! How does that work? Is it evaporating out of the rivers & creeks? Toowoomba has had 59.6mm for Feb and 55.6mm for Jan. I have had 73.5mm this month. Not brilliant falls for this time of the year, but better than the last few months last year. More to come, hopefully.

Regards Eleanor

Ive been watchung the radar today, Sure hope it is as good down your way as it looks.
I checked the BOM Condamine River Heights Bulliten and there are rises in the river and some tributaries all thru the inner Downs. Hope it amounts to a decent flow



17-02-2010, 07:47 PM
I live at Pittsworth and often go out to the yarramolong weir. The water dosnt take long for it to clear up after a fresh, about two weeks or so.
I have fished the condermine at condermine and have wondered why it is so milky.
Just south of the township of condermine on the surat road is a lagoon. It is also milky and full of yellas I am told. I havnt fished there myself.
I know a guy that went there a few years back and filled a heshion bag in a few hours.
Maybe I might go out and have a go, seems I now got a broken ankle.(thanks to my violent neighbours)

17-02-2010, 10:53 PM
news on tv said we had about 40mm here in warwick in an hour yesterday, looked about right.

river got high enough to cut a few roads off so it all helps.


18-02-2010, 07:26 AM
HKCONC, good to hear that the river clears up up your way and yes there are some great lagoons sth of Condamine town.
I fished below that little town all my childhood and a lot since with my Dad. Great fishing over the years.

Hearing these reports of rainfall is encouraging. Hopefully ther will be enough water to flow out to Dalby. Then if there is another set of good falls we might get some to go right thru.

Outdoor Guy
26-02-2010, 04:38 PM
Wambo creek just north of the crossroads was flowing begining of the week went over it on the way homethis arvo and it is starting to clear by the looks so as it has been said on this post it looks like it clears up after a good flow. Thats the problem i guess its been very dry here for a long long time so after some decent rain and as long as we get more we might see it clean again then maybe i can get my lures out and dust em off LOL

27-02-2010, 07:22 AM
The yarramalong weir is over flowing once again for the past week. About a 1.500m fresh again. They had good rain around allora about a week ago.
Might be time to drop the tinny in again.
I guess the cockies will have to start their pumps up some day. They got to make a living some how.

27-02-2010, 09:30 PM
Hey have we all noticed this big low pressure weather system in central Australia at present?
The predictions are for big rain in the south east this coming monday and Tuesday. The pic attached is of the computer predictions and the millimetre range
What do you think?


01-03-2010, 04:01 PM
Hey have we all noticed this big low pressure weather system in central Australia at present?
The predictions are for big rain in the south east this coming monday and Tuesday. The pic attached is of the computer predictions and the millimetre range
What do you think?


Hi John,
just spoke with old mate at Condi, yep getting rain and predicitions went from 20 to 80mm in the next day or so... the river has been running at his place since x-mas a first since i cant remeber, water not clearing but still some more will flow down yet. Place should be as green as a bull frog ;D

Outdoor Guy
02-03-2010, 06:52 AM
It is its as green as not goin to work today flooded in at Tara, lagoon is over road about 500mm deep.since 2pm monday we've had 95ml its 645am tuesday and water everywhere,table drains are like lakes,hopefully this is whats needed to clean up the rivers

02-03-2010, 07:00 AM
Big rain in Roma as well local flooding around the town will get worse as the rain isn't easing up at all.

cheers rossco

02-03-2010, 11:56 AM
I wish I was down there to see all this .

I am living in Cairns at present but have been talking to my DAD at chinchilla and it pelting down at present all over the Downs. BOM site is saying major flooding already beginning from Surat down and also the site shows condamine river rises around Dalbly to chinchilla at present. Great News!

Please keep up the reports


02-03-2010, 02:24 PM
Photo's of Roma's floods

02-03-2010, 02:39 PM
Hi! Rossco,

Bit wet out there? Great stuff, hear the roads are closed in places.

Good to see the old river get a run. Wonder how far the water will get before it is pumped our or diverted.

Have Fun Haji-baba

02-03-2010, 02:40 PM
Out Out

02-03-2010, 03:22 PM
Water has risen since photo's were taken and still rainning, northside of town is cut off, no way out of town as the roads are cut in all directions, have heard the whole town of Amby is flooded, 7 feet over the bridge & just under the bridge at Mitchell.
G'day Haji-Baba water should make it to NSW as all the storages should be full up here by now, lets hope they don't suck it dry.

02-03-2010, 06:24 PM
The Condamine has rises occuring from Killarney all the way down and BOM has issued flood summaries on their website. particular note is the water coming in from the Dalby area. Looks like a good fresh will come down the river, and join the massive flow that will enter the river further south with all the water from Roma Mitchell Charleville areas. Charley Ck is rising at Seven Oaks as well.
A great input of course into the whole Murray darling system, lets hope it will get right thru?
Will the Milky Condamine get agood flush so we can see some clean water later in the year...lets hope so.

02-03-2010, 09:41 PM
Flatzie, you mentioned "Seven Oaks".

At about 1952 a man from Jandowae, whom I know jumped into the Creek and pulled out a 40 lb. Murray cod.

The Cod had chased a school of little fish up into a weed bed and became caught in the weeds. I think it was mentioned in "The Dalby Herald" at the time.

My father found a big cod dead, in a chook pen left behind after a big flood in
Burra Burri creek. I can't remember what year but probably in the 30's.

There is still good water in some of those big holes up there where the creeks have not been interfered with.

Have fun Haji-Baba

03-03-2010, 06:26 AM
They are great yarns mate, my Dad tells stories like that of big cod in the Rocky and Columboola Creek. Amazing what the creeks and rivers were like back then, and even more so if left alone would return to such a state.
Here's a poem for all you Condamine country lovers

Condamine Country

And out where river she oaks sweep and sway
And cattle seek shelter this rainy Autumn day
The land of creeks rejoices, drinks it in
The Cockies dam is full to brim

The Brigalow country often partched
neath sun and heat for seasons past
now cattle fatten, wheat crops thrive
The Bush returns.. its come alive

Deep down in mud the crayfish stir
Wet Butcher bird now sings a song he must
And down by Condamine's sacred bends
A wood duck swings and swerves at Dusk

Its bounty, life and romance hold
We love this river in our blood
Till dying day like old blokes past
We live to see her banks in flood


03-03-2010, 06:39 AM
Flatzie, you mentioned "Seven Oaks".

At about 1952 a man from Jandowae, whom I know jumped into the Creek and pulled out a 40 lb. Murray cod.

The Cod had chased a school of little fish up into a weed bed and became caught in the weeds. I think it was mentioned in "The Dalby Herald" at the time.

My father found a big cod dead, in a chook pen left behind after a big flood in
Burra Burri creek. I can't remember what year but probably in the 30's.

There is still good water in some of those big holes up there where the creeks have not been interfered with.

Have fun Haji-Baba

Hey Haji

Don't forget to start writing that book !?? These great stories should remain after all your days mate.

( Stirrin the pot!)

03-03-2010, 07:16 AM
Might do that and might finish up in Jail; too.


03-03-2010, 12:49 PM
yer great news of the rain in central Qld. I recived a sms from a guy working out at Chinchilla. He said that someone caught a cod at the KFC corner in roma.
That KFC must be good bait, or the cod were after the cockroaches that are in the shop.

03-03-2010, 04:33 PM
yer great news of the rain in central Qld. I recived a sms from a guy working out at Chinchilla. He said that someone caught a cod at the KFC corner in roma.
That KFC must be good bait, or the cod were after the cockroaches that are in the shop.

funny as,hkconk!!

Could have been a few around at the bakery too, as I caught cod years ago in mice plagues with daring mice in them that tried to swim accross the Condamine at night. Probably been waiting for a chance to get a few more off the flour bags!

03-03-2010, 05:22 PM
It was a yellabelly caught at the KFC corner as it was the overflow water from the railway dam which was stocked with 1500 fingerlings about 10 years ago, the photo will be in the local paper next week.

cheers rossco

03-03-2010, 07:12 PM
cheers rosco,
its a wonder they were still alive at that corner. I done work at the old mobil site some years back, (and never got paid for it, whats 60 grand)

04-03-2010, 06:20 AM
the water was about a foot and a half deep there so plenty of water there for them it is well known by the locals that when the dam overflows that there are a few fish about.
Whats 60grand, alot of fishing trips in my eyes.

cheers rossco

04-03-2010, 06:51 AM
yer, that would amount to about 120 deep sea fishing trips. The owner of that servo took me for $150k all up.

05-03-2010, 09:14 AM
Anyone got any more pics of the current water levels?


05-03-2010, 09:52 AM
I have been fortunate enough (I think) to be invited out to Condi by Chong over the last couple of years and what a place it is, I wouldn't really care if it had no water in it or it was muddy, it is just a fantastic spot.

I think that staying on private property out there is also a blessing. Nice to hear that fingerlings have been released into the system.

Kevin, if you have any left we could collect them from you, have a great little spot I know where they could be released.;D

I'm still a bit green on the Condi trips but love them and always look forward to them, probably at the stage I enjoy it more than going off shore.

Anyway, some good comments on this thread and valuable info.



05-03-2010, 03:17 PM
I threw a line in at the yarramlong weir on wednsday. Pulled 3 euros as well as a 2 lb jew. Still better that sitting around with a broken ankle in front to the tv & computer.
It had a .500mm fresh in it then, but now has risen to around 1.500.
Imight have another go tomorrow.

05-03-2010, 10:50 PM
I threw a line in at the yarramlong weir on wednsday. Pulled 3 euros as well as a 2 lb jew. Still better that sitting around with a broken ankle in front to the tv & computer.
It had a .500mm fresh in it then, but now has risen to around 1.500.
Imight have another go tomorrow.

So how big is the river up around there hckonc?? Never been up in those waters. Does it compare in size to say down a round Condamine town? And do you ever catch any cod that far up river?


06-03-2010, 08:25 AM
yer there are cod caught around here, few and far between thou. I do know a guy the has no problum in catching around here thou. He uses set lines but.
The river is around the same size of that around dalby. Take a look on google earth. I see that the weir has a 1.700 fresh in it today. Check the river hights on the BOM web page.

Outdoor Guy
07-03-2010, 07:38 AM
Here is some pics of the chinchilla weir and undulla ck in Tara last monday ish ( 1st march )
fist pic is of undulla ck at 545am at the lagoon 45cm over road ( i didnt go to work that day ) the last pic is coming back into town the next afternoon

Outdoor Guy
07-03-2010, 07:44 AM
the weir has risen about 15cm since those pics the log on the wall has since gone

07-03-2010, 11:02 AM
Thanks Outdoor,

lots a water and more coming, still rising in some places according to bom.
Keep us posted if you get any updates, few very interested folks watching this thread. Keep your feet dry :)

07-03-2010, 12:21 PM
the weir has risen about 15cm since those pics the log on the wall has since gone

OG, that log has been there for a while, I have a pic nearly exactly the same with the weir dry, pic was taken on the 30th of September last year.

I dont know how to put pics up but will forward to Chong to put up.



07-03-2010, 02:16 PM
one log on chinchilla weir.

07-03-2010, 03:46 PM
Great stuff boys, those pics of the water flowing over the wall at Chinchilla are heartening! And to see the good water going down the Undulla, bring it on!

07-03-2010, 06:48 PM
The river is now above 10 metres at Brigalow just upstream of the Chinchilla weir so thats getting up into major flood figures and the river is still rising at Dalby. So there is a lot of water to come down the river albeit not at once, Incidently the river is rising even at Warwick!
Also for those in the Chinchilla area or who know those parts I am pleased to inform that the Round Water Hole is full and running ! MUst be 8-10 years its been virtually dry. Anyone at Chinchilla can you get us a pic of it and put it up on here or just email it to me at jjwed@internode.on.net and I will put it up.

This all should make for great fishing on the Condamine ans tributaries this winter and spring.


07-03-2010, 06:52 PM
Here is some pics of the chinchilla weir and undulla ck in Tara last monday ish ( 1st march )
fist pic is of undulla ck at 545am at the lagoon 45cm over road ( i didnt go to work that day ) the last pic is coming back into town the next afternoon

Hey Outdoor guy an ychance you can get more pics of the weir tommorrow as she is going to peak a few metres higher than these shots. I have family out there so I will try and get them to do it for me as well

07-03-2010, 11:31 PM
Good to see the rains out west again. How much of these QLD floods will end up in the Darling? Not too good on the geography sorry. Just interested to see it flowing near full in my life time.



Outdoor Guy
08-03-2010, 04:45 AM
no worries odes will take some this arvo on the way home from work,if i make it to work that is LOL

08-03-2010, 06:00 AM
The way I understand it Lovey80 all this water goes down the Darling so such a flow should push right thru to the Murray seeing it all got the big run thru from the Dec- Jan floods in NW NSW. Everyone should be happy hopefully


08-03-2010, 05:57 PM
Her are some pics of the Condy at Chinchilla today . It is still rising as I write so ir will probably peak over 9 metres. The picture of the grassy waterhole is in fact what is known as The Round Waterhole whish is a popular spot just out of Chinchilla town to the east. It is full and has not been so for 10 years. A lot of old timers have great memories of swimming races, fishing and picnics down thru the years. It is approx 25 ft deep.



Outdoor Guy
08-03-2010, 08:10 PM
they must have got there just after i did
1st is the chinchilla weir at about 6am 2nd is Charley ck walkway at about 830am 3rd is wambo ck about 10am

Outdoor Guy
08-03-2010, 08:13 PM
didnt get a pic of the picnic table early this morning but it didnt have any water under it at about 615am when i came through at about 10am it was under the table

08-03-2010, 09:41 PM
Hope this works, from property owner today just north of Condamine, we camp about 2 meters under the water;)

and a pic of the river crossing, some where under that water is a bridge::)

and another view up stream


08-03-2010, 09:48 PM

08-03-2010, 09:59 PM
they must have got there just after i did
1st is the chinchilla weir at about 6am 2nd is Charley ck walkway at about 830am 3rd is wambo ck about 10am

Hey great pics everyone. When I see that piuc you took of Charleys Crk, mate , does that take me back some years! In 1973 the previous bridge was a little lower and it went under twice in one month First fresh was dirty and second was quite clear sweet water. As kids we would jump off the bridge and float down to the train bridge and grab onto a big rope , catch our breatn and then cut for it to shore. Then we would walk up to the bridge and do it again.

When I started this post I was wondering if the Condy will clear up ever again. Surely after this flood we must have a chance of that?? I hoping so.

Hey Chong heaps of water at Condamine already by the look of your videos!


08-03-2010, 10:12 PM
here is another one, its the only vid i can find with no xxxx in it. Again in the 2008 flood.

Hey John,
yep plenty of water and still more to come, like you i would love to see her run clear again, been a very long time, we will be out there in 7 weeks so i will get pics and vids for this tread.

09-03-2010, 10:07 PM
3 decent rises in warwick in a few weeks, first n last had some roads cut off but the waters as dirty as it could be. think the farmers plowed the flood plains after the first one, now their losing thier soil. natural vegitation in all the flood plains and it not only stops the addition of silt but captures it from the water as well. i guess its food over the enviroment, but something needs to be done.


10-03-2010, 06:28 AM
Yes John its looking great and to see the Charley like that is wonderful.
Im sure the Rocky would have run again as well, it ran earlier and backed up the Charley.
If the river and tribs cant clear after a flood like this then we will all be baffled. Also its great for the fish to breed, we can stock all we want but these water flows are what really boosts fish stocks long term.
Cmon Yellabellies!!!

12-03-2010, 12:22 PM
Looking foward to hearing some fishing reports when this run goes thru the Condy and its tributaries, mind you you will probably need a slug gun to knock down those big sandflies that will be a round! (thats if you have one!)


Outdoor Guy
12-03-2010, 08:49 PM
never mind the sandflies these mozzies are as big as chinooks (the helicopter) and they will carry you away if your not inside by 6pm LOL
driving around you can see some of the water holes clearing
the wambo was clearing before this last run of water so heres hopein

Outdoor Guy
14-03-2010, 06:06 AM
just goin to bump this up

14-03-2010, 09:08 PM
So anyone getting out to fish the Condamine anywhere yet since the flood?

14-03-2010, 10:11 PM
here is another one, its the only vid i can find with no xxxx in it. Again in the 2008 flood.

Hey John,
yep plenty of water and still more to come, like you i would love to see her run clear again, been a very long time, we will be out there in 7 weeks so i will get pics and vids for this tread.

Chong that looks like one of the holes on Toston. Is that where it is?

14-03-2010, 10:28 PM
Good to see the rains out west again. How much of these QLD floods will end up in the Darling? Not too good on the geography sorry. Just interested to see it flowing near full in my life time.



Yep Chris, we have aplace at Condamine on Dogwood creek and it has been a full flood and filled tthe lagoons on our place, hevent been full for many years. The dogwood joins the condamine on warkin about 70-80km west of Condamine town and the river then becomes the balonne. The balonne joins with teh warrego and forms the darling. Our other place is on the moonie east of st george and the moonie has been in flood there as well as all the local creeks. Dams are all busted up on the place. We still haven't branded out there yet, normally done by January. The problem will be finding the calves; the grass is about two metres high!
first photo is dogwwod creek, the my nephew in teh buffel, then Kenilworth at Bollon, with the Sevil boys watching something good on tele, that creek is the teelbar, normally runs once every ten years or so, and the lagoons on our condi place

15-03-2010, 12:02 PM
My Dad at Chinchilla told me he has been putting ckook mesh around the house to keep the Mozzies out!

15-03-2010, 01:10 PM
My Dad at Chinchilla told me he has been putting ckook mesh around the house to keep the Mozzies out!

They are only small we are using concrete mesh here........... just for the sandflies;D;D;D;D

15-03-2010, 03:25 PM
Chong that looks like one of the holes on Toston. Is that where it is?

Hi Sheik,
pretty close to Toston;) .

we will be on the banks in.....42 days from today, but who is counting8-) hopefully sandflies and mozzies have calmed down by then;D


Outdoor Guy
15-03-2010, 07:23 PM
miles chinchilla and tara are all out of insect repelant, citronella candles, oil everything, all thats on the shelves are surface spray and cockie baits.
ive got chook mesh but its outside and i cant get to it LOL

15-03-2010, 09:33 PM
We went out to yalarbon on the weekend, and the mozzies took a couple of pints out of us also. They did dissappear after the old one two, aeroguard.
When we pulled up and stired the grass up, we were attacked. They even bite through our shirts. Maybe we should have used them for bait. We recon they wernt scotch grays, but murry grays.

17-03-2010, 02:23 PM
Cant wait to see some yellowbelly pics come up. If not soon I will have to fly down from Cairns, dodge the mozzies, and hopefully nail some ! LOL!

Outdoor Guy
17-03-2010, 07:31 PM
John let me know when you do come down maybe we could find some fish together

water is just trickling over the weir now so it should start to settle down soon and we can see if it made a difference to the water clarity

still cant get any repelant so no fishing for now but soon LOL

17-03-2010, 07:53 PM
Haven't you blokes ever heard of the old two 4 gallon kero tins half full of
Cow Manure set up on the windward side of your camp or fishing spot.

Get a good fire going in the tin drop in the dry cow s--t and enjoy.

Works well around your camp too, if you can stand it, guaranteed to keep the mossies at bay.

This other rub on spray on rubbish only taints your bait.

Heard of a bloke once who sprayed his arms and hands and his bait
(Blue Mountain Parrot) and caught a big cod.

Somewhere down from Condamine Township.

Enjoy The Mossies they usually only come after a good drop of rain.

Have Fun Haji-Baba

17-03-2010, 09:45 PM
John let me know when you do come down maybe we could find some fish together

water is just trickling over the weir now so it should start to settle down soon and we can see if it made a difference to the water clarity

still cant get any repelant so no fishing for now but soon LOL

That would be great we'll stay in touch

18-03-2010, 06:39 PM
The wier at Surat today

Outdoor Guy
23-03-2010, 05:20 PM
well the rivers have stopped flowin for now havent had anything from Ului either lot of cloud no rain
will take some pics of the flatend grass and stuff at the weir and Wambo ck

23-03-2010, 09:12 PM
River still flowing at Mates property, not a lot but still flowing.

24-03-2010, 06:06 AM
Sand flies are really bad, they go up your nose as you breath at Surat.

24-03-2010, 06:40 PM
Rossco Do you think you will get out to fish it soon or still too much water at Surat?

24-03-2010, 07:58 PM
A week ago (when I took the Photo's) there was to much water and I don't think it would have changed to much, I can find out for you if you are going out that way.

cheers rossco

28-03-2010, 07:20 PM
Anyone around Chinchilla who can give reports about water clarity in the winter? That started this thread and hopefully we will see a good outcome after the recent floods?

29-03-2010, 11:40 AM
Anyone around Chinchilla who can give reports about water clarity in the winter? That started this thread and hopefully we will see a good outcome after the recent floods?

we will be out there in 28 days for a week, will come back with pics and full update, or if you would like pm contact number and i will call you when we go to condi pub and give you the status on the river.

30-03-2010, 10:11 AM
we will be out there in 28 days for a week, will come back with pics and full update, or if you would like pm contact number and i will call you when we go to condi pub and give you the status on the river.

Will we be going to the pub though.........NO NO NO NO YES!!!!::)

Probably be able to give a few reports if you are going to do them from the pub!

27 days to Goodoo time.



30-03-2010, 05:34 PM
Hopefully you can produce a good goodoo tale Paul, I'd even be happy to hear of some nice yellas I wish you all the best for your trip. Are you going above or below Condamine town?

31-03-2010, 12:53 PM
Hopefully you can produce a good goodoo tale Paul, I'd even be happy to hear of some nice yellas I wish you all the best for your trip. Are you going above or below Condamine town?

we will be above condi town, about 8 klm give or take. hopefully we can produce a tail or two. last trip we got couple good cod and some nice yellas.

26 days till lift off

Looks like they are getting some more rain, and some to come....

01-04-2010, 08:13 AM
The fishing should be good with the flows that we have had, don't get to sick guys.

cheers rossco

01-04-2010, 11:16 PM
we will be right no no no yes :) and looks like they got another 70mm plus today, that should keep the river up and the fish will be busy before it gets to cold, fingers crossed.

08-04-2010, 11:40 AM
Bump!!! :-*

11-04-2010, 07:55 AM
With the usual geteway over Easter Im sure someone out there caught some nice fish from the Condamine. Tell me how you fared ?

11-04-2010, 07:09 PM
Bring your lures out guys there is alot of creeks clear enough for lures atm.

cheers rossco

11-04-2010, 07:55 PM

The lures are packed, I don't really have a lot of experience with freshwater luring but willing to give it a go. Have one hard body (Oar Gee) and another funny looking spinner bait.

Will be giving these a go in a few weeks time and hopefuly may get a hit or two or with any luck a fish.

We will generally be fishing the Condi but anything is possible, which creeks are you talking about?? We will be about 7k's or so north of Condi township.

We head off in a couple of weeks for a week, I'm sure that Chong will put up a report with selected pics and a lot of BS ;D to go with it.....same old story.....what happens on tour stays on tour. I have only been out a couple of times but assure you could write a book on the fishing, camp fires, camp oven cooking, shooting and other unmentionable goings on!!!!

Any tips Rosco on lure selection would be appreciated.



12-04-2010, 07:48 AM
I think you may be getting excited Paul. What is it now,,, 14 more sleeps.

12-04-2010, 08:15 AM
Cheech, I have been excited for three months.;D

Hopefully you will give me a go on your YAK, bloody great idea to take that, hopefully there will be enough water in the river to do a bit of exploring.

I think that they have had a bit more rain out there last week, so maybe a top up is on the cards.

Actually Cheechie, Iám packed, finished packing on the weekend, just waiting for my motorbike to arrive so i can see if it fits in the trailer or the ute, once that is done just a case of packing the trailer and car and LAUNCH!!!!


12-04-2010, 06:01 PM
All the creeks around Roma are very clear so i'm asuming that they would be around Condi as well. Any mid-small size lure should work as it has been that long since they have seen lures out this way (celta's, cheap jackal copy's, spinnerbaits & hard body work).
Here a pic of a little yella that i caught this morning.

cheers rossco

13-04-2010, 11:45 AM
Good stuff Rossco, nice little yella.

That is a fairly large lure you are using too by the looks of it, that little bloke must have been hungry.

With any luck there will be a few fat hungry cod hangining around the snags where we fish.

Thanks for the pic and lure advice.



18-04-2010, 11:29 PM
7 Days to go boys...get your gear ready8-)

20-04-2010, 04:18 PM
At this time of the day I'm going to call it for 5 days to go!!! ;D


432,000 seconds
7200 minutes
120 hours

23-04-2010, 04:05 PM
two Days To Go!!!!;d ;d ;d ;d ;d ;d ;d ;d ;d ;d ;d ;d ;d ;d

happy , Happy , Joy , Joy

23-04-2010, 04:11 PM
You chucking a BIG KEV ????????????

Careful ya don't weld ya jeans to ya............................ :-X


Peter Gerke
01-05-2010, 09:05 PM
Gday all,
Today I popped the boat in at the weir in Chinchilla and hooked up a few yella and of course the evil Carp.
pics to follow

Peter Gerke
01-05-2010, 10:49 PM

Note the orange on the fins ?
We caught 2 almost identical at the same spot within 30 mins of each other !

Milky Condamine ?? Hell yes with these pest slurping around!

These buggers are PROLIFIC !! :cry:

I think my May Day Holiday wil = Carp Kill Holiday

I used corn kernals as bait, 1.0 long shank chemically sharpened Mustard Hook, 4Lb line, no sinker and simply dropped the line in 2 meters from the bank.


http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sjc1/hs322.snc3/28708_1400456087996_1130122515_1188342_874308_n.jp g

02-05-2010, 06:18 AM
Thanks Pete
glad to hear you caught a few yellas?
Any pics of them and what did you catch them on?
Any pics of the river itself as well would be good or in the background


05-05-2010, 06:26 AM
Went fishing between Surat and Condamine caught about 20 yella's mostly bobbing in the shallow running water also about 20 big carp up to 12lb they were a good fight on light line lost a few bankside hate to see them get away.

cheers rossco

06-05-2010, 03:29 PM
Hi All,
well back from tyhe bush, trying to get back into work and stuff. I have not done a full report yet but here are some pics of the wier and river. Water was clearing slowly but still murky, temp on surface was high between 22 -24c so fishing was slow. We did manage a feed with a dozen or so yellows and one good cod 75cm. Two carp for the week plus 2 catties and one very stupid turtle. The river was still flowing only just but heaps of small fry in the river, give it a couple of seasons and the place will be rock'n.

06-05-2010, 03:59 PM
Well good on you Chong! Looking foward to the report. Hope you have a pic of that cod?


Outdoor Guy
18-05-2010, 07:37 PM
bump this up

20-05-2010, 06:05 AM
Anyone catching yellas or cos in the Condy. Love to see some pics.

Going out to the Barcoo and Coopers Creek next weekend to fish for yellas. 4 - 5 days relaxing by those grand old streams . The camping will be great fun in itself.


27-05-2010, 11:51 PM
Interested to know if there's any fishing in the river near Warwick? Up there the other day and the river through town has some nice looking spots but muddy water. Then some other parts that looked almost stagnant. Anyone tossed a line in near town or towards Killarney. Am going to retire there and am reasonably familiar with the dams but not the river.

28-05-2010, 06:53 PM
Sorry cant help there Grumpah seems like not much fishing happening or not many fishos on ausfish at present to report their catches. Im off to the Coopers and the Barcoo on Sunday to experience yellowbelly fishing in those real inland rivers


Outdoor Guy
09-06-2010, 05:37 AM
fished upstream from the Chinchilla weir on sunday John but not a bite have heard there catchin em furthur up near Archers crossing and below the weir couple hundred yards

09-06-2010, 04:46 PM
Dont let the stagnet water fool you. Quite a few years back, we went down to the condermine delow Cecil plains. The water was green as and only ponds around 50 meters long. When we threw the lure across and you could see the yellas push a bow wave to the splash of the lure. We caught around half a dozen or so before they went off the bite. I wouldnt eat them as they were full of sores and were in poor condition. It also proves that the more noise you make, the sooner they go off the bite.
We would walk up to the next hole and same again. We had a great time and caught about 20 yellas. And this was done in the middle of the day in the middle of summer. 40 degrees and a carton of stubbies later, we went home after a big day pouring concrete earlier in the day.

09-06-2010, 05:21 PM
My brother John and I went out to the Coopers last wek and the water there was pretty muddy too, although I think these waters are pretty much like this all year round. We caught heaps of small yellas, Barcoo grunter and a catfish that some guys were calling butter jew, very small eyes and little mouth right underneath, not like the catfish or jew further east. No sign of big yellas, not one over 32cm.

But we had a great camp etc and enough fish to eat while there.
So not too sure why the bigger fish were absent, we were visted by the local cop one evening and he told us he has confiscated 30 nets in 5 years since he had been there, all of them out of the water. Also told us he investigated one camp too late and found 200 yella frames on the bank in one spot. Unbelievable!

So the milky western rivers get a hammering no matter which way you look at it. And now people are pushing to plant cotton in the channel country....heaven help us!

10-06-2010, 05:30 PM
Work mate going out there this weekend I will let you all know how he goes.
Flatzie thats not good these people never learn, wish they would understand that there grandkids may want to catch some fish in years to come.
Cheers rossco

23-06-2010, 03:12 PM
Interested to know if there's any fishing in the river near Warwick? Up there the other day and the river through town has some nice looking spots but muddy water. Then some other parts that looked almost stagnant. Anyone tossed a line in near town or towards Killarney. Am going to retire there and am reasonably familiar with the dams but not the river.

Hi there Grumpah,

I threw a line in the river at the bend west of the bridge at Warwick a couple of weeks ago and only got a 41cm carp. Wish it was a 41cm yella. That would have made me happy. Dog enjoyed the carp, as usual. Caught a 57cm carp in Kings Creek, Clifton a couple of weeks earlier. Seems to be all I catch, except silvers in a different part of the creek.

The carp here are the same colour as the one in the picky Peter Gerke posted up, except more yellow under their belly.

Cheers Eleanor

13-07-2010, 07:21 PM
I went out to the Yarramlong weir the last few days. Reports of cod being caucht recently. Glad to see the water still flowing over the weir. The water is crystal clear also. The river does have a greeny tinge to it thou, but I guess that natural.
I did menage 1 yella around 4 lb.
Beats working.

13-07-2010, 07:27 PM
Also couldnt help but notice the amount of stubbies and rubbish building up on the river banks. I am gunna try and orginise a clean up/fishing comp soon.
Its no wonder the adjesent land owners restrict access to the rivers. Who would want their land permanenitly distroyed by other peoples rubbish.

14-07-2010, 05:41 PM
Yes and than them same people that make the mess winge that the land holder won't let them on.
cheers rossco

14-07-2010, 08:46 PM
Great to hear of some activity. I am of all places at Chinchilla visiting family. Went out to the river this afternoon actually and it seems to have cleared a little. Also the Charleys Creek at Chinchilla is clearing to that tea color which is natural and good to see. The locals are catching a few yellas in the river and the creeks here so thats good.
I may get a chance to get out and have a go. Hope so too.


15-07-2010, 07:40 AM
Was working at Chinchilla resently myself only chance I had to check out any of the waterholes was as I drove over them, seen quite afew interesting places as we get around a bit in my job.
cheers rossco

23-07-2010, 09:29 PM
I was down at CHinchilla last week for my dear Mums Memorial Service. Passed away at 76. Bless her heart.
I went out to the weir at Chinchilla and you guessed it , still milky.
But the good news was the Charleys Crk was a nice tea color and clearing. And yellas are being caught in it at various places. The locals say a few yellas being caught in the Condamine as well.

Oh well, some fish still there!


27-07-2010, 02:12 PM
I have followed the threads about the clarity and quality of the Condamine River.
I am keen to do some fishing in that general area soon. I have relatives at Chinchilla, Wandoan and around Miles and fished some waterholes a long time ago but have never seriously fished the river. My local knowledge of the Condamine and branches is poor.

I fish from a kayak (lures only) and am from Brisbane. I am attracted to this area because I can catch up with the relatives at the same time.

I was hoping to get some locations where I can launch the yak & investigate some new and interesting waterways. Would you locals be so kind to give a city boy some spots to try when I am in the area.

27-07-2010, 03:39 PM
I have followed the threads about the clarity and quality of the Condamine River.
I am keen to do some fishing in that general area soon. I have relatives at Chinchilla, Wandoan and around Miles and fished some waterholes a long time ago but have never seriously fished the river. My local knowledge of the Condamine and branches is poor.

I fish from a kayak (lures only) and am from Brisbane. I am attracted to this area because I can catch up with the relatives at the same time.

I was hoping to get some locations where I can launch the yak & investigate some new and interesting waterways. Would you locals be so kind to give a city boy some spots to try when I am in the area.
Hey mate, your best bet to my knowledge is going to be around Charlie's Ck at Chinchilla I would think. There were areas you could lure for yellas and cod in teh COndamine back in the early nineties during the big drought, but it's pretty cloudy through much of it now. Wandoan and Miles basically drain through the Dogwood, Drillham Ck and Paddy's Gully as well as the Tchanning and Yuleba further west. These are all pretty dirty, although the weir at Miles can sometimes clear up as can Chinchilla. Both would be great places to kayak but you'd need to check the regs on fishing there. SHould be OK.
YOur best bet would be to ask the rellies if they know someone that might have a lagoon on their place. SOmetimes these will clean up better than anything else.
Having said that, I have caught yellas in teh dogwood on lures when the water had the clarity of something that's not very clear at all.
Others may have different experiences about this part of the world, that's just my perspective.
regards jim

27-07-2010, 10:07 PM
Yep the Charleys would be the best chance at present.

You could start anywhere from the bridge at the norwest edge of Chinchilla and go upstream for a long way at present. The water clarity is tea clear at present and will already fish OK with lures. However the warmer months are better. This creek had a good run thru at end of summer and the locals are catching a few yellas from it.
I was there last week and checked it all out, but never had time to get out. I was born there and spent the first 30 years of my life in that country.
Many great memories of fishing from an infant . I started this thread out of despair for our old Condamine, but sadly in these reaches she is still milky. I remember it clearing every winter almost and always being able to lure/spin good yellas and cod from it.
I really hope to see those days return again. I an convinced its not the carp as another current thread about the Yarramalong Weir is running on here at presenrt and HConk caught yellas and big carp along side of each other in nice clear water there. Thats a fair way upstream from Chinchilla

Anyway all the best in your adventure

05-08-2010, 08:14 AM
So its August now and the Condamine at Chinchilla is still not clear. I fished a day with my Dad in the Weir section from the bank and never had a sign of a yella, only this huge carp which I estimated at 15-16lbs. You can see the colour of the water and so the question is, why is the river so clear upstream but not downstream?
One day the powers that be will have to pull theirhead out of the sand and take a serious look at a real problem.
A recent fishing competition on the Weir section which apparrently involved two clubs, turned up a few carp and one, yes,one yellowbelly!

08-08-2010, 06:45 PM
We spent the day at Lemon Tree Weir today. No fish but quiet relaxing. The river was right up and clear as.
My future son in law Shayne (I hope) said he was out there last weekend and the river had risen around a meter or two since then. He said he could see fish g from the banks (carp I guess) some around half a meter long.
No sight of them today. I had heard that the river had a fresh in it and was comming from the head waters above Warwick. Its the best the river has looked for years.

09-08-2010, 07:04 AM
We spent the day at Lemon Tree Weir today. No fish but quiet relaxing. The river was right up and clear as.
My future son in law Shayne (I hope) said he was out there last weekend and the river had risen around a meter or two since then. He said he could see fish g from the banks (carp I guess) some around half a meter long.
No sight of them today. I had heard that the river had a fresh in it and was comming from the head waters above Warwick. Its the best the river has looked for years.

So mate where is Lemon Tree Weir on the River?

09-08-2010, 03:46 PM
Hi! odes20

Just down stream from the Gore Highway on the Main River Branch.

Another good spot is up from The Cecil Plains Weir, or just down stream from the weir after a fresh. Still some good fish about there.

Haven't fished there for years but did get some good cod and yellowbelly further down towards St'Ruth weir.

Have been getting a lot of good fish out from Bribie over the last few months.
Tailor, Flatties, Whiting.

When the weather gets a bit warmer I will chase Estuary Cod.

Have Fun Haji-Baba

10-08-2010, 06:49 AM
The water looked to be flowing backwards. Maybe it was just the debris being blown by the wind. Looked to be flowing fairlly fast thou. Im sure the farmers wouldnt have started up them big pumps with that little flow, but then again, who knows?

08-09-2010, 09:05 AM
Hey Boys,
more water at condi (see attached), what a great year so far for the system, this is really going to help the fish and bring the old girl back to life:) .

Might have to organise a quick weekender very soon;)

10-09-2010, 04:47 PM
So Chong where on the river was that pic taken ??

16-09-2010, 03:54 PM
So Chong where on the river was that pic taken ??

I'm looking forward to seeing Chongs response of where this picture was taken ;D

maybe we have a comp to see who can guess where the pic was taken??



20-09-2010, 02:51 PM
So Chong where on the river was that pic taken ??

Ok, well its like this you go down :-X road and when you get the :o turn ;) then its not that far really cause if you get to the:'( you have gone too far, but you would know that as the ;D looks really bad so you would do a u turn head back a bit until you get to the :-[ as you just went passed it. hope that helps:D

22-09-2010, 04:35 AM
Ok, well its like this you go down :-X road and when you get the :o turn ;) then its not that far really cause if you get to the:'( you have gone too far, but you would know that as the ;D looks really bad so you would do a u turn head back a bit until you get to the :-[ as you just went passed it. hope that helps:D
Yeah thanks for the heads upon that Chong! Ive been there No! Just jokin.

Dont want to know your locations just wonderd like is it below Condamine, or below chinchilla, dalby??
Just a generalization . Im just curious about the river running backwards


22-09-2010, 09:26 AM
Yeah thanks for the heads upon that Chong! Ive been there No! Just jokin.

Dont want to know your locations just wonderd like is it below Condamine, or below chinchilla, dalby??
Just a generalization . Im just curious about the river running backwards


Hey John,
just jokes, its below Chinchilla weir. Not sure about the river running backwards, from my 35yrs of going to the one place and seeing the river run lots of times, it always goes one way. Its running now and i hear that Origin is going to let 20megs a day go some where near Weimbilla Ck. 8-)

I think we will be heading out with the old boys in about 4 weeks;D too good an opportunity not to go, keep you guys posted.

22-09-2010, 04:20 PM
Good stuff Chong

I will be at chinchilla for a week from the 26th so I am looking foward to getting out in search for a feed of yellas with my Dad.


01-10-2010, 08:59 AM
Good run in the river at present. Im at Chinchilla and there is 600mm running over the weir , so that translates to about a 6.5 metre run thru. It reached about 7 metres at brigalow just upstream. I was goint to go out on saturday but t will be a bit high so i will have to try the Charleys creek instead


01-10-2010, 09:45 AM
Yeah John,
i have been watching closly on BOM, we are supposed to be out there in three weeks??? hope no more rain and the river drops to about 1m would be good. Just waiting for an updatet from the property owner, i think he has been a bit busy::) .

10-10-2010, 11:27 AM
This should make for some interesting fishing in two weeks::) if it stops raining and we can get there:-?

the pic is from march this year

Might take the 6m platey for a spin:D

Outdoor Guy
10-10-2010, 08:13 PM
pics today of the Chinchilla weir and where i was fishing a week ago but 20 metres from the edge down the bank

11-10-2010, 02:20 PM
Man that looks wet:-? hope the ground at least drys out

11-10-2010, 08:15 PM
Charleys is getting pretty high too, and I see more water is coming down from the top of the Condamine from up Warwick way. All good.
Check this link


11-10-2010, 09:12 PM
yep, ive been keeping a close eye on bom. should have some pics in the next few days from the property so we can see what we are in for. I recon it will be similar to the flood tour in 08. Heaps of water....

Little grey men
11-10-2010, 09:31 PM
pics today of the Chinchilla weir and where i was fishing a week ago but 20 metres from the edge down the bank

When I was a kid I used to slide down that thing sitting on a hessian bag, when the water was running about an inch over. I've got a very nice scar running up my side from a piece of old rough concrete sticking out about half way down.....didn't feel a thing til my mate spotted blood all down my leg !!!
Doesn't look very steep in the photo but we used to really get some serious speed and make a huge splash at the bottom.

12-10-2010, 08:10 AM
When I was a kid I used to slide down that thing sitting on a hessian bag, when the water was running about an inch over. I've got a very nice scar running up my side from a piece of old rough concrete sticking out about half way down.....didn't feel a thing til my mate spotted blood all down my leg !!!
Doesn't look very steep in the photo but we used to really get some serious speed and make a huge splash at the bottom.

Hey I remember doin that as well, but we ended up using a huge tractor tube with at least 8 of us teenagers on it, especially when there was a bit of slime on the spillway.
We would all get on it and bounce on it at the top to get it planeing and then we would absolutely fly down! When she hit the water it would bury way deep and then bounce back and hurl us off in every direction.

Awesome fun! great memories.

12-10-2010, 11:24 AM
Here is the lastest pic at our spot, put in the one from march as well to compare

Little grey men
13-10-2010, 07:42 PM
Hey I remember doin that as well, but we ended up using a huge tractor tube with at least 8 of us teenagers on it, especially when there was a bit of slime on the spillway.
We would all get on it and bounce on it at the top to get it planeing and then we would absolutely fly down! When she hit the water it would bury way deep and then bounce back and hurl us off in every direction.

Awesome fun! great memories.

Yep we did the tractor tube too !!! having a couple of mates spinning the tube before letting it go over made for a hell of a ride. Going flat out with the thing spinning you didn't know which way was up .
Thanks for the pics Chong...there's some serios water going through there.
Could make for some tough fishing.

14-10-2010, 06:32 AM
Yep we did the tractor tube too !!! having a couple of mates spinning the tube before letting it go over made for a hell of a ride. Going flat out with the thing spinning you didn't know which way was up .
Thanks for the pics Chong...there's some serios water going through there.
Could make for some tough fishing.

Hey I wonder If we were on the same tube!!

Sounds dreadfully the same experiences to me . The whole spinning thing as well.
I will PM to you

14-10-2010, 08:51 AM
Isnt AF great, you two could be old mates8-) .
LGM, i will get some more pics when out on site and will post on return tue 26th.
Might take a tractor tube, sounds like a blast;D . (might end up in NSW:-? )

Outdoor Guy
16-10-2010, 02:48 PM
6 days later

16-10-2010, 07:16 PM
might be some more water coming from the top of condi, i recon will take 6-7 days from Warick to get to Chinchilla, so we should have plenty of water next weekend???

Outdoor Guy
19-10-2010, 06:46 PM
already started Chong up 3 foot since saturday

19-10-2010, 06:53 PM
Isnt AF great, you two could be old mates8-) .
LGM, i will get some more pics when out on site and will post on return tue 26th.
Might take a tractor tube, sounds like a blast;D . (might end up in NSW:-? )

Hey Chong

Not only are we mates but found out we are related as well thru marriages and know many of each others family members !!


20-10-2010, 08:47 AM
Hey Chong

Not only are we mates but found out we are related as well thru marriages and know many of each others family members !!


Six degrees of separation8-)


20-10-2010, 08:49 AM
already started Chong up 3 foot since saturday

mmmmm, ive been watching it, 1m up at brigalow since monday, so we should be at approx. 5m, thats 2m over bridge::) will make very interesting trip. Just hope the ground has dried out.

26-10-2010, 06:36 PM
John could have told you who LGM was, we have been known rellies on AF for a few years, he is my wifes cousin.
Yeah those were the days!

01-11-2010, 04:09 PM
Hi Boys,
well we went and had heaps of water, no fish::) , but a good time. here a couple of pics and a vid. Not much else to report, but river mud is slippery and sticky when it rains:-X .

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxM052Z81cE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxM052Z81cE)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brQpqBmgqXM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brQpqBmgqXM)

Outdoor Guy
03-11-2010, 05:37 AM
yeah gotta love that black soil Chong

05-11-2010, 12:49 PM
yeah gotta love that black soil Chong

It Sucks!!!!

05-12-2010, 10:40 PM
Bump! Anyone catching any yellowbelly?

05-12-2010, 11:38 PM
Bump! Anyone catching any yellowbelly?
Two weeks ago I was out at Condi and little Fin caught a 80mm cattie and a 120mm yellowbelly in a trib of the dogwood. We used to catch yellowbelly and catties there all the time as kids but for the last fifteen years it's been dead as. Fantastic to see some sort of life coming back into the creeks. Theyre obv breeding hard now. Wonder if they know something about the seasons ahead that we don't?

06-12-2010, 09:19 AM
Two weeks ago I was out at Condi and little Fin caught a 80mm cattie and a 120mm yellowbelly in a trib of the dogwood. We used to catch yellowbelly and catties there all the time as kids but for the last fifteen years it's been dead as. Fantastic to see some sort of life coming back into the creeks. Theyre obv breeding hard now. Wonder if they know something about the seasons ahead that we don't?

Hi Sheik,
i have fished the doghead before and as u say, used to fish really well. The system hasnt seen this sort of water since i dont know when, but its going to be farkn great for the old girl, i recon u r right and those fish are having a great time...cant wait to see the river come back to its former glory.

PS more water coming down as we speak;D

Outdoor Guy
11-12-2010, 11:05 AM
yeah your right chong a lot of water again

in the first pic there is a 6 under that m

Outdoor Guy
11-12-2010, 11:11 AM
Oh and Odes yes have been catchin a few yellas in a couple hundred yards from here ( the weir ) but not today cause we would be swimmin with them LOL

19-12-2010, 03:55 PM
Gees local Condamine country readers, surely the amount of water going and still coming down river at present will see the milky finally get clear again in winter????

20-12-2010, 09:43 AM
Gees local Condamine country readers, surely the amount of water going and still coming down river at present will see the milky finally get clear again in winter????

I think you r on the money, and as soon as it does, we will be there:D .

the river might crack 10m at Bedarra if this keeps going:o

going to be great in the future, and the fish will be lovn it8-)

Outdoor Guy
21-12-2010, 08:55 PM
some pics from this morning at 9am and this arvo at around 430pm Chinchilla weir.

Outdoor Guy
21-12-2010, 09:01 PM
With more rain forecast i dont think i will be fishin for a while well not before xmas anyway

Outdoor Guy
22-12-2010, 08:16 AM
mate of mine couldnt get to work this morning water over weir bridge pic taken from Tara end

Outdoor Guy
22-12-2010, 05:31 PM
this afternoon about 5pm about 350 m from the chinchilla weir bridge

22-12-2010, 07:27 PM
Last time Condamine was over that bridge was early nineties

Be good winter fishing after this


Outdoor Guy
25-12-2010, 06:05 AM
come on winter LOL

Merry Xmas all have a good one

( Just in case someone is lookin at this instead of opening pressies LOL)

25-12-2010, 07:56 AM
come on winter LOL

Merry Xmas all have a good one

( Just in case someone is lookin at this instead of opening pressies LOL)

Yep Hav a great day to all happy christmas!

You boys should go and dig some worms and go out this arvo! LOL

Cheers;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Outdoor Guy
25-12-2010, 01:58 PM
cant cookin a roast lamb on the rotiserie for xmas lunch well maybe early dinner lol

Outdoor Guy
25-12-2010, 01:59 PM
and am gettin fairly full of Xmas cheer dont think i could dig a thing LOL

27-12-2010, 09:58 PM
Condamine is getting a smash flood thru at present With the river generally rising and in moderate to major flood all the way from Killarney to Surat incl. tributaries, we are going to see massive flood heights in the lower Condy. I expect it will reach 13 metres at the Chinchilla weir in a couple of days. Its been in major flood there for almost a week now already.

Charleys Creek at Chinchilla will prob reach 7.4 metres tomorrow.
the 1942 flood there was 7.95 and the 1956 flood was 7.66 or 24 feet 6 inches!

I was there in '83 when it peaked at 6.6 metres and that was pretty amazing so who knows how it will look tomorrow!


27-12-2010, 10:17 PM
here are two pics of the Club Hotel Chinchilla. First one is today when flood height is 6.95 metres and the second is 1942! at 7.9 metres! notice the comparitive height of the flood up the verandah rails. Pretty amazing dont you think?


http://i866.photobucket.com/albums/ab223/odes20/167697_10150113312566214_527891213_7616579_1328888 _n.jpg

http://i866.photobucket.com/albums/ab223/odes20/167408_498621219920_680649920_5757261_4204088_n.jp g

28-12-2010, 12:26 AM
Holy snappn water world:o man you guys have some water out there, hope everyone gets thru ok. My mate is cut off in all directions at Condi:-? here is a couple of pics from there today. Still lots of water coming...:o if the river doesnt run clear after this, i give up;) stay dry people.

28-12-2010, 05:46 AM
Holy snappn water world:o man you guys have some water out there, hope everyone gets thru ok. My mate is cut off in all directions at Condi:-? here is a couple of pics from there today. Still lots of water coming...:o if the river doesnt run clear after this, i give up;) stay dry people.
Greate photos Chong... there's alot of water there. The fish will be loving it. Too bad the mossies and sandies will too.
In the mid eighties, maybe the early ninieties, I can't remember which, the river went over the bridge, and over the top of the bank. THe only reason I remember is Whale or Daryl or someone caught a cod from their verandah, across the highway from the pub. (to the right side of your first picture, if that makes sense.) I also remember Troy Z drove his Steiger in from South Dulacca Road around that time so he could get across the river to the pub. It was lower than in the photo, about a foot over as I remember. The Steiger incident could have been 83.

28-12-2010, 06:42 AM
I got a pic on my phone last night of 15 brand new houses, yet to be handed over, under 1.000 of water at Chinchilla.

28-12-2010, 09:17 AM
I got a pic on my phone last night of 15 brand new houses, yet to be handed over, under 1.000 of water at Chinchilla.

What street mate? I have been wondering if the low end of Soveriegn Park will go under?
Its my home town Chinchilla, but I'm in Cairns

28-12-2010, 03:40 PM
not sure what the street is but it is boyyle tree estate. I will get back with a street name later.

Outdoor Guy
29-12-2010, 07:24 AM
are you talkin about bottletree estate
im in there just behind the show grounds and its fine, dry as a bone here

#1 is the last street in Bottletree estate
#2 is Sovereign estate
#3 is about 3ks from the weir the marker on the side of the road read 13.7m

pics taken this morning 29th

29-12-2010, 02:19 PM
Update pic from west side of bridge at condi....apparently they are catching cod of the deck at the pub:'( ::) and i cant get there:-X

30-12-2010, 10:09 AM
This document with its graph clearly shows the lack of significant or major floods in the Condamine since 1996 which is 14 years ago. No wonder she is in a sad state. I believe we will see a wonderful transformation in the river clarity after this flood. Notice that at Condamine town the river reached 14.3 metres in 1942. It may achieve that again this year. There have been almost 4 x14 metre floods since 1940, but no major floods since 1996.

Major flooding continues to rise along the Condamine River downstream to
Cotswold, with the flood peak currently in the Ranges Bridge area. River level
rises will continue downstream to Condamine Township where a peak is expected on
Sunday or Monday of 14 metres. Levels may reach or just exceed the 1942 flood
record height of 14.25 metres.



30-12-2010, 10:35 AM
I recon your right John, new record on the way, and the river will be re-born after this lot;D

30-12-2010, 12:06 PM
Update pic from west side of bridge at condi....apparently they are catching cod of the deck at the pub:'( ::) and i cant get there:-X
Is that photo taken from the Redmarley Rd corner Chong? If it is, that's quite a large flood.
We've got cattle stuck out on the dogwood unable to get to them. My brother has had his boat for 3 years but last week lent it to my other brother to take to Tin Can, so he's trying to get the old jonno 6 going to put on mums father's 1965 fibreglass 11 footer. The jonno's 1965 too. Anyone got a fuel tank they can run down to Pine Hill crossing?

Outdoor Guy
31-12-2010, 04:09 PM
Water level is right up to the Greenswamp road turn off

31-12-2010, 05:20 PM
got these in today via german backpacker

31-12-2010, 05:25 PM
Water level is right up to the Greenswamp road turn off

Thats massive. All the floods I saw when growing up out these were pretty much in that gully further down the road. 15 + metres is a lot more water than 13!

31-12-2010, 05:26 PM
Thats amazing. never thought I would see the day of the water that high. On another note, just how did you extract them pics from the back packer. I have heard of them fishing trips before. lol

31-12-2010, 05:29 PM
Hey outdoor guy, I have deleted the photo of the new houses under water but I am told it was in Camron street.

Outdoor Guy
01-01-2011, 01:23 PM
first pic i took is Cameron street
i think he was pullin your xmas pud my friend
no water in that street and it is 2 streets over from me

Outdoor Guy
02-01-2011, 02:22 PM
you may be right John Charley ck is very clear at the moment still a lot of water runnin through it but very clean
as soon as i can get to the weir i will post some pics

Outdoor Guy
02-01-2011, 02:24 PM
The boss and a few of us are goin to head out to Condi pub in the next couple of days to give a hand in the clean up so will take some pics there as well

02-01-2011, 08:31 PM
you may be right John Charley ck is very clear at the moment still a lot of water runnin through it but very clean
as soon as i can get to the weir i will post some pics
As a young 14 yr old in the seventies, we had two floods thru the Charleys within 2 months of each other. The first was dirty like most floods, but the second was a good flood but the water was sweet and clearer . I believe this is the same now. We got on tubes at the older Chinchilla traffic bridge and floated the full flood down to the weir where the charleys and Rocky join. It was great fun, but by the sounds of it we would get arrested for the same act today.

Ha Ha!! cant do tubes, cant own a gun, cant shoot a shanghai, cant set off fireworks, pretty lame world we live in today!!

03-01-2011, 04:31 AM
As a young 14 yr old in the seventies, we had two floods thru the Charleys within 2 months of each other. The first was dirty like most floods, but the second was a good flood but the water was sweet and clearer . I believe this is the same now. We got on tubes at the older Chinchilla traffic bridge and floated the full flood down to the weir where the charleys and Rocky join. It was great fun, but by the sounds of it we would get arrested for the same act today.

Ha Ha!! cant do tubes, cant own a gun, cant shoot a shanghai, cant set off fireworks, pretty lame world we live in today!!
Can't help but agree with you John. I know it was silly but I had to laugh at those 3 littlebuggers that tried to float from Ippie down to Southbank on pool lounges. That's guts! And apparently they were about half way there when someone pulled em out. Spoilsports.

Little grey men
04-01-2011, 08:59 AM
I was speaking to the old man last night, he said he can't remember seeing Charlies Creek so clean. Like tapwater he said. This could be good, I might start bringing a baitcaster and a handful of spinnerbaits out there when I visit.
Speaking of the swimming in flood water thing, my brothers and I tell our Mum some of the things we used to get up to in the flooded creek out there and she goes white ! We were crazy little ferals with no sense of danger.