View Full Version : Mondy - Must Haves, Dos

09-01-2010, 03:05 PM
hey guys,

My first trip to Monduran is fast approaching,
having never fished the barra dams before, or even for Barra for that matter i need some advice on the must have's (tackle/lures) and Must Do's for fishing Lake Monduran. Im desperate to get a barra on the board and wont be heading back to the camp until one has hit the deck! Ive read through a lot of the barra/ Mondy posts and it seems as though there are a lot of ways to do things. and to me its a little confusing and just hard to decide whats best.

any advice on lures, lines, and how to fish the place are much appreciated



09-01-2010, 03:10 PM
Get the Fish Awoonga and Lake Monduran DVDs from Johnny Mitchell productions and watch them. That should put you in good frame of mind and go up there to enjoy yourself whether you get fish or not.


09-01-2010, 03:17 PM
(wont be heading back to the camp until one has hit the deck!)

How much food and water you have on that boat did you say?
you might need more?

09-01-2010, 03:22 PM
you gotta have confidence boys,

09-01-2010, 04:50 PM
ben, enjoy your trip away with mates, hopefully catch a few fish, have a beer and a laugh, and enjoy your time on the dam..it is a beautiful place..if your there between the 6th feb and the follwing weekend, drop in and say hi...

09-01-2010, 07:19 PM
Ben, I think if its your first trip I wouldn't go less than 50lb with 60-80lb Leader could be the difference between getting a fish in the boat and getting busted all the time.The Barra go unbelievably hard so any advantage you can gain first up will be invaluable. Plastics? Slick Rigs, Drop Bears are pretty popular 110 and 130mm other colours Lorikeet and Black and Gold.Berkley Hollowbellys they are a bit exxy tho and you would need the Backbone Jig heads, Another plastic is the Storm Bait and Switch or the Boof Frogs.Hardbodies? Surface work I use Tango Dancers , Zara Spook. Casting, Bombers, Xraps,Classics don't be afraid to use the Predatek Vipers especially if you're trolling.Other than that be patient,be quiet(stealthy)call in to Foxies best to save up a fighting fund as he'll put you in the picture and probably save you some dosh by selling you whats working at present.Oh,grab a map while you're there.They're good.other than that Tight Lines look forward to your report.

09-01-2010, 09:05 PM
Grab a map off Foxie 8-)

09-01-2010, 09:13 PM
Yup,thats what I meant Chris,although 2nd read it don't quite sound like it does it?I picked up the Awoonga one as well.

09-01-2010, 09:28 PM
Yup,thats what I meant Chris,although 2nd read it don't quite sound like it does it?I picked up the Awoonga one as well.

I missed it ..... my bad

10-01-2010, 07:56 AM
Have a ball ben, try to keep a opened mind in the camp most will be fishless no dobt but dont let it put you off they are there just use basic info you already know grab those dvd's and crack em mate.... You will soon be a regular poster once ya felt the power and seen the beauty of these regal fish...


10-01-2010, 09:34 AM
if your not comin in till you land one better put your bed in as well ,have a kip when a bit tired then back into them i do it and it works great ,especially if your way up the dam .cheers AL

Barry Ehsman
10-01-2010, 10:51 AM
Gday Ben
Mate you will have a ball up there,,,,Great dam but a bloody hard one to fish...

I have had 17 days in 2 trips up there for 2 landed & many lost,, So i would pack plenty of food & grog for that first day..

When you do hook your first you will never want to fish for Yella's & cod again..
Hang on!!!
Good luck

Cheers Baz

11-01-2010, 06:47 PM
thanks for all the tips guys,
Im sure it will be a good trip regardless, but it sure would be nice to get a fish or two! am i best just throwing plastics/hardbodies or trolling..



11-01-2010, 07:01 PM
A bit of everything does ya good,have a cast Ben and when you want a break go for a troll

11-01-2010, 07:02 PM
Hi Ben that is a personal choice my last trip i cast my arm off for a few taps but the trollers were hooking up in the same area so i trolled and hooked 2 fish to the boat but play it buy ear see what conditions bring if you get a nice hot n/e fish the wind blown points in the arvo


11-01-2010, 09:28 PM
As some one said mate, save a few dollars and drop in to Foxies at Gin Gin on the way Either John or Jack will give the right drum and gear and the price is as good as you will get anywhere. If you can afford it get a giude for few hours and you will get a wealth of experience in a few hours. See Rob at the Mondy office.

Chartreuse garlic dip on the plastics tail helps. Foxie will have it. ;)

12-01-2010, 07:22 AM
thanks for all the tips guys,
Im sure it will be a good trip regardless, but it sure would be nice to get a fish or two! am i best just throwing plastics/hardbodies or trolling..



Hi Ben

Give them all a go ........ & mix em up

mondy is full of options ........ but a good starting point is wind blown areas ...... - If you can find shallows with a deeper creek bed nearby 8-) If you can find fish / bait on the sounder - even better. Some of the newly formed islands fit the bill perfectly (Bird bay , A - opposite wiggle bay) , Main basin , Entrence to B and also the opposite side... , South B and I'm sure there are quite a few more.
Points & bays too.
Stealth - particularly if you are casting - cut your main motor 100M + away & leccy in ( anchor or tie off quietly - no clangs bangs , thrown anchors etc ) - Lay on your rope & use maximum casting distances to your chosen area.
Hopefully the boat is sitting in 10-15 ft of water & you are casting to 3-5 ft - Throw plastics & hard bodies ( my favorites are the 110 slick rigs (pre boiled) , 5" hollow bellys , storm swim shads & for a HB the Rapala XR12 X Raps) ....... Work an area thouroughly ...... it may take time
Vary your presentation style , cadence etc - dont just change lures.

With a little luck you might get some action early & gain in confidence.

Best of luck with the trip


13-01-2010, 08:16 AM
Thanks heaps to everyone,
some awesome info here,
i cant wait now,

il whack a report up win lose or draw when i get home,

13-01-2010, 08:59 PM
just watched the mondy dvd by johnny mitchell,
awesome stuff, great food for thought on techniques and how to find fishy locations, cant wait to put it into practice,