View Full Version : North Harbour
12-11-2009, 08:28 AM
For those who are interested, the government has given the green light to Northeast Business Park's North Harbour development on the Caboolture River. Google it up if you want to have a look, it's huge. 900 wet berths and 500 racks and all the fruit that goes with a marina plus a massive industrial estate, I'm sort of glad it's on the other side of the river to us.
Have now read a bit more:
I find it interesting that the co-ordinator general can assess the aquatic plant life in the dredging area (straight through moreton bay marine park) as being of "little value" when only a mile or two away is a marine national park zone so declared because of it's valuable seagrass beds, must be that underwater garden edging that stops the grass running down the front of beachmere to the river. The co-ordinator general's report is an astounding read, he's basically saying that a 600Ha industrial/commercial/residential development is going to improve the water quality in the river because it will use recycled water from the caboolture south poo farm ............. tops! The double speak out of our government is incredible.
3rd degree
12-11-2009, 03:02 PM
I think yesterdays announcement on the dam and the response from Bligh suggesting that the Federal Govenrment were wrong in their assesment, shows the complete lack of care and science that this state governement uses when assesing enviromental impact on anything.
Further I think it casts doubt on any changes to regulations or projects they have been involved in as it is now proven their "science" is completely flawed.
I hope you have an opportunity to object to this project Paddles.
Hell Boy
12-11-2009, 04:34 PM
What a huge project, it look like it going to be on the land where the old Caboolture River Boat Club was. i wonder if they are going to try and set up the club again there.
13-11-2009, 08:03 AM
i'm not actually too sure whether i object to all of the project itself, responsible development is something we all need to keep food on the table. the runoff from this will be huge although hopefully they'll have to treat it, and it'll all be going into our one little river. the dredging i'm neither here nor there about.
i guess the thing i really object to is some of the content/comment in the co-ordinator general's report that contradicts all the stuff that we were fed when the marine park was rezoned. when it suited them, the bay was a sacred cow to be protected at all costs and that sits ok with me, but if you're a big construction company with the right contacts then the bay and marine park can suddenly have areas of "little value"
13-11-2009, 09:59 PM
I think that this development is going to be a great asset to the area ,compared to the crap that runs into the bay out of the Brisbane River this will be a drop in the ocean.I can`t see that it will cause any more problems than the other marinas or developments in the bay area.
Mrs Ronnie H
14-11-2009, 10:25 AM
Hi Paddles
Maybe the only truely positive thing I can put my finger on at present is it may get rid of all the ugly boats cluttering up the river and boat ramp. They will hopefully be moved to the Marina.
I can't say I am for or against this but agree that when it comes to development there are plenty of things that hold "Little or no Value'. I am trying to see the development as a good thing and only hope that our river as it is now is preserved as much as possible to benefit everyone who uses it.
I find it disturbing though that when it suits they say one thing and then turn around and say another. Thats lying in my book but if it gets everyone what they want then there is no problem??????
So we get recycled poo and a few other places get desalination. How Wonderful is the state we live in.
14-11-2009, 11:08 AM
Boat club has a new location and is re developing facilities, new campng ground is close to the boat ramp.
14-11-2009, 11:48 AM
high, who has won the tender for the dredging, as I might apply for a position. if the money is right, as Captain Bligh is selling the job I have now from under me.
which has put me in a awkard position and need to feed the family. Love to fish, so get paid set a line and bring home a feed maybe and best sell up and move back to the island, unbelievable for me.
But I do feel for the people against it , and I have seen both sides around Aussie-land and over sea's but the voice of a few does not work I'm afraid and thats everywhere!
Laz 8-) :)
14-11-2009, 08:49 PM
I`ll be giving a big wave to every Riviera etc that goes past me as I`m spinning for tuna at the mouth of the Caboolture River.
15-11-2009, 01:53 PM
I`ll be giving a big wave to every Riviera etc that goes past me as I`m spinning for tuna at the mouth of the Caboolture River.
Man love to join yah ;D
15-11-2009, 04:01 PM
No worries mate, ....come home wash the boat, then walk up to the new golf club for a drink .....glad i live on this side of the river.
15-11-2009, 09:00 PM
No worries mate, ....come home wash the boat, then walk up to the new golf club for a drink .....glad i live on this side of the river.
:) , I was up bribie way today and wasn't there some boats out, man they where all over the park at the main boat ramp sandstone there, ended up at toorbul for a flick, fantastic day. ;D
16-11-2009, 08:15 AM
absolutely ronnie, i'm amazed that something like this hasn't happened in the caboolture river years ago. when you look down from overhead it really is a perfect setup for boating.
hopefully you'll get some work down there then dredger, i hear it's pretty slow in the shire at the moment so there'll be plenty of blokes like you lining up for the opportunity.
hoodunit, you won't be waving champ, you'll be needing that hand to hang on, have you seen the bowwave those things chuck up?
16-11-2009, 12:07 PM
Nah paddles I`ve got a bluefin,I won`t spill any of my beer.
16-11-2009, 01:24 PM
a bluefin, that's one of those aluminium floating cork things isn't it :P
you wait till thurston howell the third comes steaming past at 15 knots in his 45 foot riv, you'll be wishing you'd grabbed ya mal for a quick surf up the uhlmann road ramp ;D
16-11-2009, 02:36 PM
Wow ..there`s another positive,hope they put in a bowls club as well...might get a few old timers from Beachmere interested.
16-11-2009, 02:47 PM
apparently the beachmere one's re-opening if you believe the local gossip. no-one here would be silly enough to swim the river to go to a bowlsy on that side.
Mrs Ronnie H
20-11-2009, 09:24 PM
We don't need a bowls club we have a tavern. At least I can go there and play the pokies. I play bowls at bribie too so thats another reason we don't need the bowls club.
Golf club-- I don't like golf so what use is a golf club-- Think I will join hoodunnit and watch the rivs come in.
PS-- Paddles where did you move to????
22-11-2009, 05:05 PM
I see see in the local paper the bowls club is up and going again...good to see.I`m with you Mrs Ronnie, a golf club is about as much use as a tavern to me!
24-11-2009, 10:20 AM
not too far ronnie, just around the corner down the end of james road. we finally saved up, got organised and built on our block we had down there. we're not moving away from here in a hurry.
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