View Full Version : Andrew Bartlett Returns As A Green Candidate

Derek Bullock
10-11-2009, 08:45 PM
Former Democrat Senator Andrew Bartlett is planning a comeback to politics as a member of the Greens in the lower House.

Those of you who were around a few years back would remember that he introduced a private members Bill called the Animal Welfare Bill 2005. http://austlii.org/au/legis/cth/bill/nawb2005216/

This was a very carefully worded piece of Legislation that in affect had the structure to stop fishing as a sport. This has already happened overseas.

If he is elected he will be one to watch and unfortunately the way major political parties do business this Bill or something similar could very well be brought up again to be used as a bargaining chip.

This is one to watch.

There was quite a bit of discussion about this back in the forum so if you are interested then do a search.

10-11-2009, 09:24 PM
bloody hell..can't these people realise when they are not wanted ???

10-11-2009, 10:05 PM
Why cant these drop kicks fall off the face of the earth >:(>:(

Having just read the act I find that most of the rubbish in it is already enforced by the RSPCA. Also there is a section in this National welfare act that if the inspector asks you for help you must help him or there is a penalty if you don't.

What a lot of crap. I wonder what the fishing charter operators must be thinking.

10-11-2009, 10:49 PM
I bet he'll be pushing the ETS scheme as well. >:(>:(>:(


11-11-2009, 08:36 AM
The danger is not this guy as he is intending to run for house of reps with zero chance of winning, he has always been a political opportunist and green to the core....part of the reason the democrats failed is that they ceased to be any different to the greens.

The real danger is Larissa Waters getting up as a greens senator, there is a very high probability that the greens will hold balance of power in the senate after the next federal election and despite people starting to smell a rat with Rudd, Labor and the carbon tax they will still be in Government.

At present Fielding and Xzenophon hold the riens and are voices of reason and are at least holding out on this stupid carbon tax issue. With the greens in that role there will be hell to pay.

At present the ETS is being stalled and we can only hope that voters continue to wake up to what is being shoved down their necks. An almost Orwellian agenda of unbelievable proportions.

I noticed Nick Minchem is copping a bit of flack for his 4 corners comments but wasn't it nice to hear a politician actually saying what he believed in rather than taking the politically correct party line.