View Full Version : Meal worms for whitting ect

05-11-2009, 09:19 PM
Has anyone tried using meal worms for whitting and bream? I know this sounds a little bit out there.. But it does work. All you do is present the bait as if you would with regular worms.

05-11-2009, 09:59 PM
By meal worms do you mean Maggots raised on bran/pollard?

06-11-2009, 12:46 PM
greg they are a beetle larvae, ive used them for fresh water but never salt :)


06-11-2009, 05:02 PM
Greg, Jack is right they are beetle larva. You can buy them at most pet shop outlets. One small punnet will set you back $10 or so, still cheaper than worms, and can sometimes perform just as well. Just rig up and fish as you would normally. Thread the meal worm on as if it were a blood worm or yabby. And the plus is, it's a nice clean bait nothing like maggots for trout. If your a bass fisherman try using crickets. You can grab these at a local pet store also. Normally I'd fish pretty light and flick the cricket onto the lilly pads and slowly drag the cricket under. A light split shot for casting ease is all that is needed. I was ammazed at just how well bass can fight, let alone the speed at which they can strike at. Top little fighters and good fun.