View Full Version : What Gun?

29-10-2009, 06:09 PM

Heading north in January. Considering taking a speargun with me. Have never used one or owned one.... where to I start? Looking for something quality with good value.

Also... what's the method for catching crays?

Will be mainly around the whitsundays and ye, i'm aware of the zoning.

Is this any good for the price? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Brand-New-Model-120cm-Spear-Gun-snorkeling-and-diving_W0QQitemZ220502240588QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_ Scuba_Diving_Snorkelling?hash=item3356f52d4c


30-10-2009, 09:24 AM
mate, it all deppends on what extent you want to go to.. when i first started spearing I started with a seahornet and its a good gun if you want to stick in the shallows chasing smaller reef fish teaches you to get close to the fish.. they are cheap (paid $120) and effective for the close range stuff, however now that i have gotten into it a bit more i got myself a 1.4 freediver rail gun.. now compared to the old seahornet they arn't in the same league but you pay for the difference (paid $340).. with the rail guns you eliminate probable 95% of the horizontal movement in the gun if set up right.. and you can put a lot more power into them and maintaining accuracy at a longer distance...


30-10-2009, 09:30 AM
problem I found wityh the Whitsundays is getting water clear enough, it is clean, but not clear, there is a difference, but I am sure there must be places that are OK, if you have never used a gun before at all, then I would suggest going for something at the lower end of the price range as well, the old Seahornet would be fine for you, then move up if the whole thing suits you.

30-10-2009, 09:04 PM
Rob Allen Caranx 1200.
You will need to put some time in with this gun before your trip, learn how to load it and how it fires etc.
Make sure you take some spare shafts, rubbers, bridles etc with you when you go.
As far as bang for your buck goes, RA is hard to beat.
This gun will kill most things that you will encounter and be in a realistic place to fire a kill shot at, given your skill level.
Crays, you look for their feelers extending from their hidey-holes...............and grab 'em best you can!
Cheers and enjoy.

02-11-2009, 06:13 AM

I'm looking at a Seac Sub Asso 65 pneumatic. Comments? Can pick them up for around $230.

What's the advantage with the standard spear head (folding barbs) vs. a cluster?


02-11-2009, 07:56 AM
while the compressed air guns have some appeal, they are small and not so powerfull, the spears are very specific, and you only need to lose or damage your pump or spear and your buggered, no such problems with a normal old rubber gun.

02-11-2009, 06:42 PM
Pneumatics are good for poorer visability environments where length of shot is not so large. That have quite a devoted following, but are more popular in Europe and the USA than here in Aus. They provide a good power to length ratio, and being comparatively short are easily manoevered. As Noelm states however, lose a part or have the pump fail and the gun is useless.
Where you are going, visability should be good, so you will need a gun which will produce a decent effective shot length.
Spear tips, the standard Rob Allen is one of the better ones, large single flopper which equates to faster spear speed through the water, better penetration and less tissue damage to the fish.
Forgive me for stating the obvious, but paying the extra $ for an effective, quality gun will prove far more satisfying down the track than skimping and finding your purchase less than ideal.

02-11-2009, 07:42 PM
What's your budget? rail guns with a good mechanism are the go and quite possibly the next size up or two from what you are thinking would suit- if you are new to this.

I used to like the prongs because of quick and easy fish kick off before hanging them on the float line, I missed fish because of the extra water resistance the prongs create but that was the trade. If you are new to this and therefore most probably will shoot your spear into rocks/coral often the prongs don't last all that long. Also the pneumatic guns do not take well to bent spears.

I bought myself a cheap gun a while ago and have only used it so far to shoot at targets in the pool, it's a sea hornet competition 1.2m pretty crap gun but typically ok for the beginner, interestingly it shoots quite straight just slow and lacking straight shot range, planed to modify it to improve it a little but had forgotten that plan till just now.

cheers fnq

02-11-2009, 09:57 PM
I used to like the prongs because of quick and easy fish kick off before hanging them on the float line, I missed fish because of the extra water resistance the prongs create but that was the trade. If you are new to this and therefore most probably will shoot your spear into rocks/coral often the prongs don't last all that long. Also the pneumatic guns do not take well to bent spears.

cheers fnq

When I first started I used a pranger head. Found that I use to kill more fish outright and it helped to learn to get close and shoot straight. I'm talking coral trout mainly. Putting a stainless ring on the head use to stop the barbs from spreading so you'd get more life out of them. Then progressed to the rig that Nigel talks about which is ultimately the best and quickest.

I always found gas guns a pain to load. All up there are a heap of guns on the market now and they make a great investment if you look after them. Hope you get some clean water at Whitsunday ... we've had mud here for two months or more.

03-11-2009, 08:14 AM
tbh i would purchse either a 1.1 rail gun RA or rabbitech or edge.. (if you dive rock hopping dirty waters often)
or a 1.2 if you boat dive in some decent spots..

just spend the coin $500 or so and you wont regret it

03-11-2009, 06:22 PM

Looking for something up to around $200. Sea hornet sabre/commando look the goods atm.

What's a railgun? the advantages?

I do think I will stick with a rubber powered gun.

Trip will be in January, can anyone suggest the best whitsunday islands for lobster and coral trout?


04-11-2009, 09:05 AM
There are only limited places you can spear. Ive found the western sides of the islands have crap vis. and not much fish life. Plenty of trout along the eatern side of whitsunday island. Just go into each bay and work along the drop offs.

04-11-2009, 10:04 AM
Railguns have a rail along their length to capture the spear an help stop flex works better tokeep the spear heading straight all of the way until it exits the gun, quietly too, other guns just have guides one or two of them like mine.

hey i like the commando, it does have a rail of sorts i suppose, I am now for all intents and purpose a beginner again I have owned various other guns way back and I know today that the cost of a quality gun will be wasted on me in the water as I will never be able to use it these days in the manner (depth, number of trips, time in water etc) I could have years ago...looking at your link I too probably should have bought the commando or equivalent to save me modifying this cheaper gun but still I don't know their price, didn't get to see the sabre.

cheers fnq

04-11-2009, 03:54 PM

FNQ... A commando is around $350 new I think. Have my eye on one for around half that price, as new.


06-11-2009, 02:10 PM
G'Day Blackened,
Adrenalin Spearfishing at 54 Deshon St Woolloongabba are having a sale from 14th-28th November. All there guns have been reduced.
Check them out on www.spearfishing.com.au (http://www.spearfishing.com.au).
I have no affiliation with this company. Just letting you know as I received their sales catalogue in the mail today.
Good Luck.

08-11-2009, 07:38 AM

Dropped into Adrenaline yesterday to gain some knowledge... and was blown away by the amount and quality of the gear and to be honest, the staff there were the best you will find anywhere. I will be back. (during the sale ;) )


08-11-2009, 05:23 PM
G'Day Dave,
Glad to see you were looked after down there. All the boys down their are very experienced and can't do enought to help. Make sure you get on their mailing list.

23-11-2009, 12:58 PM

Well..... I went an 1100 Rabitech Hunter. bought new from Adrenaline, during the sale. Their normal price is $435, I paid $199. Got to be happy with that!!


24-11-2009, 04:56 AM
Great choice Dave, and a bargain price! I'm sure you'll get heaps of enjoyment and fish out of it.

12-12-2009, 08:43 PM
Hey FNQ,

The guys at Rusty's Markets - that do the second hand gear (think they are there every second sunday) - sometimes have old rail guns they've done up - They had one for $50 with a spare spear (two spears, two tips, two rubbers and solid wooden rail - would have been 120cm) that for some reason i knocked back a while back - not much more that its going to cost me for a new rubber for the old sea hornet that its the shed now..................

Still kick myself i let that go (i did buy an old Abu (quality abu, not ABU Garcia from them though for $50 which still rocks - which i think was why i didn't get the gun)..


13-12-2009, 09:53 AM
Thanks Moffy, shame you missed out on it. I have seen that bloke but missed any guns for sale so far will keep an eye out, the old wooden guns where great and they can be refurbished back to brand new pretty easily often with bits better than original.

cheers fnq