Obi _ Wan
20-10-2009, 02:00 PM
Hi All,
Just got an email from my sister with an attachment all about Barra Fever in the North West (Mt Isa).
Theres a barra comp on there this weekend with a tagged barra called Betsy worth a cool $25,000.00.
Hope i can get the attachment to attach here
Barra fever hits the North West region
19/10/2009 9:39:00 AM
MOVE aside Swine Flu, a “tackle pox advisory” has been issued for the North West as people everywhere come down with Barra Fever.
Symptoms include an avoidance of anything indoors, a compulsion to clean fishing rods and an uncontrollable urge to fish.
Victims may appear to vanish, especially on weekends, only to be found wandering the aisles of Tool’N’Tackle or daydreaming from the banks of Lake Moondarra.
But there is hope in sight - the $25,000 Mount Isa Water Board Tagged Barra affectionately known as Betsy.
Catching her may not be as hard as you think and who wouldn’t have a go, $25,000 could buy a new car, boat, the coolest dirt bike in town or take a nice chunk off the mortgage.
Mount Isa Fish Stocking Group secretary George Fortune said catching Betsy the Barra was within anyone’s reach.
“They aren’t a complicated fish to catch, children have been known to snag a barra or two, it’s a matter of knowing a bit about their nature and being at the right place at the right time,” Mr Fortune said.
The barramundi, or lates calcarifer, are predators and he said can often be found lurking near rocks and logs or hiding in hollows waiting for unsuspecting smaller fish.
“The trick is to read the area where you’re fishing – is there any feeding going on? What is the depth? Could there be a large submerged snag or a hollow in the lake bed?” he said.
Live bait is always a good choice, however barras take all different types of bait.
“They’re fussy eaters and love live bait, but will also take fresh dead bait if they are feeding well. Using bait native to the area may improve your odds,” Mr Fortune said.
“They also respond very well to different kinds of lures. Large surface lures work well in shallow areas and lures that get down to two to four metres are effective for trolling in deep parts of the lake,” he said.
If you prefer to fish at night, he said try popper or fizzer lures.
While in the warmer months barras are more active, they have been known to be lazy waiting for bait that swims directly in front of their heads.
“Sometimes it’s a matter of dropping the bait right in front of them. Their eyes see upwards at a 45 degree angle, so try to keep it just above their heads,” he said.
And that is the easy part.
“Getting the fish to take the bait is one thing, landing it is another,” Mr Fortune said.
“Catching a barra can be the most thrilling experience for any angler. They are incredibly strong, leap to great heights and have an uncanny ability to get off the hook, so expect a fight,” he said.
“Sometimes it’s just pure luck.”
If you happen to be lucky enough to pocket the $25,000 and your Barra Fever symptoms persist, please see your local tackle outlet for ongoing treatment.
The 2009 Lake Moondarra Fishing Classic will be held from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th October 2009 at Black Rock, Lake Moondarra. With this year brings the milestone 10th event coupled with a record prize pool on offer to competitors, the event is preparing for what will be its biggest year ever.
Anyone wanting to know more about the fishing classic should visit ( or become a fan of the Mount Isa Fish Stocking Group on Facebook.
Just got an email from my sister with an attachment all about Barra Fever in the North West (Mt Isa).
Theres a barra comp on there this weekend with a tagged barra called Betsy worth a cool $25,000.00.
Hope i can get the attachment to attach here
Barra fever hits the North West region
19/10/2009 9:39:00 AM
MOVE aside Swine Flu, a “tackle pox advisory” has been issued for the North West as people everywhere come down with Barra Fever.
Symptoms include an avoidance of anything indoors, a compulsion to clean fishing rods and an uncontrollable urge to fish.
Victims may appear to vanish, especially on weekends, only to be found wandering the aisles of Tool’N’Tackle or daydreaming from the banks of Lake Moondarra.
But there is hope in sight - the $25,000 Mount Isa Water Board Tagged Barra affectionately known as Betsy.
Catching her may not be as hard as you think and who wouldn’t have a go, $25,000 could buy a new car, boat, the coolest dirt bike in town or take a nice chunk off the mortgage.
Mount Isa Fish Stocking Group secretary George Fortune said catching Betsy the Barra was within anyone’s reach.
“They aren’t a complicated fish to catch, children have been known to snag a barra or two, it’s a matter of knowing a bit about their nature and being at the right place at the right time,” Mr Fortune said.
The barramundi, or lates calcarifer, are predators and he said can often be found lurking near rocks and logs or hiding in hollows waiting for unsuspecting smaller fish.
“The trick is to read the area where you’re fishing – is there any feeding going on? What is the depth? Could there be a large submerged snag or a hollow in the lake bed?” he said.
Live bait is always a good choice, however barras take all different types of bait.
“They’re fussy eaters and love live bait, but will also take fresh dead bait if they are feeding well. Using bait native to the area may improve your odds,” Mr Fortune said.
“They also respond very well to different kinds of lures. Large surface lures work well in shallow areas and lures that get down to two to four metres are effective for trolling in deep parts of the lake,” he said.
If you prefer to fish at night, he said try popper or fizzer lures.
While in the warmer months barras are more active, they have been known to be lazy waiting for bait that swims directly in front of their heads.
“Sometimes it’s a matter of dropping the bait right in front of them. Their eyes see upwards at a 45 degree angle, so try to keep it just above their heads,” he said.
And that is the easy part.
“Getting the fish to take the bait is one thing, landing it is another,” Mr Fortune said.
“Catching a barra can be the most thrilling experience for any angler. They are incredibly strong, leap to great heights and have an uncanny ability to get off the hook, so expect a fight,” he said.
“Sometimes it’s just pure luck.”
If you happen to be lucky enough to pocket the $25,000 and your Barra Fever symptoms persist, please see your local tackle outlet for ongoing treatment.
The 2009 Lake Moondarra Fishing Classic will be held from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th October 2009 at Black Rock, Lake Moondarra. With this year brings the milestone 10th event coupled with a record prize pool on offer to competitors, the event is preparing for what will be its biggest year ever.
Anyone wanting to know more about the fishing classic should visit ( or become a fan of the Mount Isa Fish Stocking Group on Facebook.