View Full Version : Fin Fish Closure this Month

Michael Hughes
05-10-2009, 04:47 PM
Getting ready for our second trip to Stanage and High Peak .
have gone to the DPI site and found that the closure this month from the 15th oct to the 19th oct and 14th nov to 8th nov .
I believe that last time they gave us a storie that the fish all breed on the full moon and they [fin fish] congregate at certain sea mts and this closure will stop whole sale fish capture/limit .
These dates do not concide with the full Moon but do come in the neap tide dates in our experience with the big tides in this area the neaps fish the best .
whats going on ?
Mike Hughes

05-10-2009, 07:11 PM
that is the go, after consultaton with marine biologists they have actually reduced the period and taken out December totally
the majority of the coral reef fin fishes spawn at those times
like it or lump it they have at least taken a posative step


Scott nthQld
05-10-2009, 08:31 PM
this only closes the coral reef fin fish species, which a list can be found here:


This includes most tropical snappers, with the exception of mangrove jack and fingermark, all cod and groper species. However you are still able to target pelagics, including cobia, mackeral, tuna etc, the link above has a list of species you are still able to take during this period

05-10-2009, 10:25 PM
I will think you will find that the past closures revolved around the new moon. These closures were for 3 times a year for a period of 9 days.

Last year ( 2008 ) the December closure was canned for " economic " reasons, in that it fell within the Queensland school holiday period.

This excuse has still got me scratching my head. But, it appears that some more research has been completed and the annual closures have been reduced to 2 by 5 day periods.

It does only affect the Coral Reef Fin Fish, which does not restrict your time on the water, only certain species.

Always check the local tackle shops, or web etc for detailed info on local fish regs.

Below is the official guff from the DPI&F.

Coral reef fin fish

On 19 June 2009, Minister for Primary Industries, Fisheries and Rural and Regional Queensland Tim Mulherin announced he would seek an amendment to current regulations to implement two five-day closures for coral reef fin fish for 2009-2013. The proposed closure dates are:

15 October to 19 October 2009; and 14 November to 18 November 2009
5 October to 9 October 2010; and 3 November to 7 November 2010
24 October to 28 October 2011; and 22 November to 26 November 2011
12 October to 16 October 2012; and 11 November to 15 November 2012
2 October to 6 October 2013; and 31 October to 4 November 2013. Further advice will be provided following adjustments to the legislation.
A basic online guide has been developed to help identify fish listed under the Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management Plan. This reef fish web guide (http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/cps/rde/dpi/hs.xsl/28_8796_ENA_HTML.htm) groups fish into families with similar looking fish. For full details of the legislation visit the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel (http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/OQPChome.htm) website.

cheers Phill

06-10-2009, 08:09 AM
When U heading up Mike?

A few of us have grabbed a house for 21 through to 26. Yep....before barra closure....neap tides......between reef fish closure.............!

06-10-2009, 08:55 AM
Fits in with my holiday ok.

06-10-2009, 10:56 AM
Probably an obvious question but:

Does the closure apply to all of QLD?

Scott nthQld
06-10-2009, 11:29 AM
Probably an obvious question but:

Does the closure apply to all of QLD?

Yes, it applies to all CRFF species in Qld, no matter what part of the state they are caught

Michael Hughes
06-10-2009, 02:04 PM
My thanks to one and all .
We will now head up tp Stanage on the 19 to 20 Oct for a weeks fish will head to Island head creek near Cape Townsend and work our way back via High Peak and the Hexams We got some great fish last year and hope to repeat .I have left the boat up there and should be a good trip in.
I have heard that they could close the the whole area that is Shoalwater Military zone so I just have to get back to Island Head creek wich is some very beautifull country in case they close it to boating .I believe that they have had a problem with local crabbers.
If you see our big ugly boat come and say high or call sign Ocean Warrior on VHF
We stay with a local Pro Fisher and the story is a little quiet round the Percys but good fish around High Peak area
Mike Hughes
Tight lines

07-10-2009, 03:23 PM
Cheers for the info

08-10-2009, 12:53 PM
its the same area for this year? or
"Recreational and commercial fishers need to steer clear of coral reef fin fish north of Waddy Point on Fraser Island during the closure. The closure applies to all waters on Queensland's east coast north of a line of latitude 24 degrees 50 minutes south (near the mouth of the Burnett River and Fraser's Waddy Point).
