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20-08-2009, 03:01 PM

20-08-2009, 03:42 PM
I put a stradic, twin power beside a Heartland and a SOL to decide what I wanted, the shimano felt really cheap and nasty up against the diawa gear, I walked out with the heartland.

Time will tell tho.


20-08-2009, 05:52 PM
Clearly both Shimano & Daiwa make their best reels in Japan !


20-08-2009, 06:01 PM
Come on Honda, if the big dolphin fish couldn't kill the SOL I think your Heartland will be ok for all those small squire it might catch.;D ;D ;D

20-08-2009, 06:28 PM

try to fish
20-08-2009, 08:18 PM
MADE IN JAPAN reels are the ones to go for from daiwa n shimano.................altough the newer model boost more feature like this n that............it also means that the last production of say the sustain FD would be a bargain now that will be as good as new for a longggggg time.

20-08-2009, 08:49 PM
even the 2000-3000 size sols arent made in japan, luckily the 4000 is, same with the 4000 heartland. im a fan of alot of brands and an old blue stradic is VERY comparable to the 4000 sol in the same size but the new one doesn't come close.... i have an old model 6000 twin power and its awesome, new ones seem shit and heaps less line capacity....

20-08-2009, 09:16 PM
Gman, shouldnt you be in your shed working on something...::)

plastic_paul, as you say adam_G and I have the 4000 series diawas and they seem to be much better quality than the shimanos (at the moment) and the Gman did manage to pull a 14kg dolly on a 4000 SOL reel, which was a feat in itself..

P.S Dont ask the gman about his dolly or he will bring out the photos again.. :o


21-08-2009, 07:46 AM
Well, Adam. I always seen people who had "Shimano vs Daiwa debate" end up with "time will tell", but I never imaged it can be as short as 2 hours. I'm pretty sure now that Daiwa's Digigears is the only way to go without worry about wobble.
O/C, Shimano's japanese version reels are performen very brilliant too, but with a little bit wobble even on the NEW Twinpower SW and Stella SW. This is caused by the inherent manufacture flaw of dead casting pattern. Cann't blame it casue Shimano did really well on almost the extreme of a dead cast can reach.

Ok, back to the topic. This is not a "Shimano v Daiwa" arguement, but a critique on Malaysia models. They are almost the same price as the old japanese version but far away to justify itself. Shimano will have trouble if this situation stay. Nobody should pay higher than $300 to get a non-japan model reel.

I totally agree with your "made in debate" it's one of the reasons I chose the 4000SOL being made in Japan where as others have already said the smaller ones are made elsewhere.


Gee Honda have you lost that photo? I'll send it again no probs. I'll tell the story again if you like.8-)