View Full Version : Lure ID

11-08-2009, 11:20 AM
Hi all,

Can anyone help me ID these hardbodies? These are 2 of a about 8 that were in a tackle box I scored from a Garage sale recently.

They seem to be very well made timber lures with a high quality paint finish, without hooks they are floating with no internal rattles.

Cheer's Pete.

11-08-2009, 11:28 AM
Look like Salmo lures.;D

11-08-2009, 03:03 PM
that top lure looks exactly like a lure my mate brought back home from amercia i cant remember the name of it right now. ill try get on to him an see if he remembers the name of it! they certainly looks the goods though!


11-08-2009, 03:20 PM
that top lure looks exactly like a lure my mate brought back home from amercia i cant remember the name of it right now. ill try get on to him an see if he remembers the name of it! they certainly looks the goods though!


Thanks for that, they are to me both the same brand of lure, the top one has a bit more of a nose over the bib and a bit smaller but both the same in design and finish.

I have put hooks on some of the others, keen to see how they swim.


Mike Delisser
11-08-2009, 04:08 PM
I recon by the colour patterns and the fins painted on the sides they're from Europe or maybe USA, and are you sure they're wood? The towing point moulded into the bib makes me think injection moulded rather than wood. Is there a metal rib that runs through the bib and into the body of the lure to strengthen it? It's hard to tell from the photo.
I'm probably wrong though, I don't collect lures I just lose them. lol

11-08-2009, 04:15 PM
I recon by the colour patterns they're from Europe or USA, and are you sure they're wood?

Certainly feel like wood to me Mike, guess they could be moulded, not gonna drill a hole in em to find out though;D


11-08-2009, 04:16 PM
Timber lures hand crafted in Poland if my memory serves me correctly.

Similar in finish to Ugly Ducklings.;D

11-08-2009, 04:18 PM
Timber lures hand crafted in Poland if my memory serves me correctly.

Similar in finish to Ugly Ducklings.;D

Would that make them a rarity 2ML ??


11-08-2009, 04:24 PM
Pete, not really as you can still buy them although you may have to import the buggers. Not sure if there's a distributer in Oz.

I've got a few of them here and they're a beautifully finished lure.

Actually I think some are being sold on ebay at the moment.

Here's a link to the US website: http://www.salmofishing.com/lures.html

Hope all that is helpful.

Mike Delisser
11-08-2009, 04:26 PM
Timber lures hand crafted in Poland if my memory serves me correctly.

Similar in finish to Ugly Ducklings.;D

Yeh I was thinking Europe, they like to paint their lures up like little fish over there, scales, gills and fins ect.

11-08-2009, 05:02 PM
Thanks guys, these guys will be getting the Owner treatment and we will see if the Monduran Barra like them.


13-08-2009, 11:02 AM
if they are samo lures the importer is corico from sydney, i was just talking to him about a new flathead lure he is trying out