View Full Version : Posting/Mailing rods

05-08-2009, 01:15 PM

I've got to send a fly rod to Launceston in Tassie from Murwillumbah in NSW. It has it's own hard case which is 1.45m long and 5cm in diameter. The hard case has a cotton cover and total weight is about 800g. I went to Australia Post but they wont touch anything over 1.05m.

Was advised to seek a courier and contacted DHL. They wanted $68 for the job. Thought that was a bit exy.

Looked on Ebay and most guys quote $12 to $19 to ship one piece rods up to 2m.

Who does this and how can I contact them?


05-08-2009, 02:05 PM
The guys on e bay would have a discounted rate due to numbers shipped. I guess you'll be looking at $50-$60.

Try google for couriers some have quotes online. Eg http://www.transdirect.com.au/

A post have that limit because everything gets put into steel cages for transport and can be stacked.


05-08-2009, 04:24 PM
Try fastways? We send all our rods by them and have no hassles with them

Cheers Foxie