View Full Version : Old Rods -help please
03-08-2009, 09:36 PM
Going through my late fathers rods and need some help matching reels please.
1. Ugly Stick GPG 2030 10-15kg
I googled but no luck. Wondering if this is overhead or spinning?
2. Penn Senator 591015 5'9 10-15kg.
I think this is overhead.
Anyone out there make some recommendations as to what reels to match please?
03-08-2009, 09:51 PM
I'm no expert, but I don't think there were too many spin rods rated 10-15kg years ago.
You can normally tell buy the guides if the first guide from the reel is a large one, it's a spin rod, smaller first guides are overheads.
I think overheads generally have more guides also.
I'm sure someone will give you some positive answers though!
07-08-2009, 02:07 PM
G'day Cindy,
You can usually tell if a rod is a Spin or overhead by the stripper guide. That is the first guide up the rod from the winch fitting where you seat the reel.
A Spin rod has a much larger stripper than the overhead - but compare the two rods - if it has quite a pronounced larger striiper guide its a spin stick. Once you've determined the Ugly Stick is a spin Stick - and I have a gut feeling it is as they were very popular as a spin set up, something like a Penn 560 slammer or a 5000 series Penn applause loaded with 10 kg would be a good match for it.
I think you'll definitely find the Penn Senator Rod is an overhead rod as the senator is an overhead reel - I'm not aware that Penn ever brought out a senator spin stick - so a 4/0 penn senator reel loaded with 15kg would be the go.
If in doubt with the Ugly Stck - take it to a tackle shop - the retailer whould be able to identify it or you.
all the best
07-08-2009, 03:57 PM
What length is the ugly stick?
The Penn overhead rod, Shimano TLD20 with 30lb mono if trolling, Shimano Tyrnos 20 with 30lb braid if bottom bashing. Stick to mono if using the rod for both trolling and bottom bashing.
07-08-2009, 09:47 PM
Thanks all for taking the time to reply.
Will check the Ugly Stick Lenghth over the weekend. Dad had an old Abu Overhead that I think he used on this for Swains Reef trips back in the late 80's
The Penn - I actually have a TLD20 but feel it is a little light for this rod?
I use mono in the big blue due to budget and habit.
Thanks guys.
12-08-2009, 02:27 PM
Hey there Cindy the GPG2030 is an overhead its lighter brother was a gpg2012. Used to sell truck loads of em both. The 2030 would match up to 30lb on a reel something along a tld 20-25. The blank was slighty under rated cos it was mostly used with up to 50lb. The 2012 was used up to 30lb yet rated lighter. And Rhys is spot on with the other stick as i knew he would be
12-08-2009, 08:46 PM
Thanks fir the clarity Ant - good to see you around - shoot me a PM as to where you're working now.
Cindy, the TLD would be a great match for the senator - very similar in size to the 4/0 senator- loaded with 15kg - braid or mono - perfect
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