View Full Version : Deckwinch setup??

26-07-2009, 08:58 AM
I need some advice from the deckwinch users here please.?

Im have set up my reefqueen so its fixed solid in the holder, meaning it cant spin from side to side, well it can probably 10mm at most.

What my problem is is that when the run is up and the line is running out on an angle the line is not running over the roller but is running out on the side and the roller isnt spining. Since this is happening it is damaging the line pretty badly scuffing it up and the last thing we want is a weakpoint.

My question is do you guys set them up so that it spins freely in the holder??? I cut slots in the ally tube to sit in the gimble I can easily cut that off or cut more out of it to allow to swing around more.

Foxy were are you????

Thanks for any advice, Dean.

A few pics of the bar and tube setup..

26-07-2009, 09:09 PM
Dean, ive pulled off the rollers and replaced them with home made guides. More or less like a tip guide on a rod.
Mine are just a single link of thick stainless chain welded in place where the roller used to be.
Ive also got threaded bar welded onto the bottom of the shaft with a stainless nut with wings welded onto it, i just move the winch to a comfortable position then tighten the nut underneath to keep the reel in place.
Heres a few pics of an old reefmaster i had lying around, its a bit different to what i use, but it will give you an idea of what i mean. The threaded bar is missing the home made wing nut ... foxy

27-07-2009, 06:53 AM
Look here for all mounting options these allow rotation and should be easy to make


27-07-2009, 07:20 PM

with that ring, does the line touch that plate before the ring?

or would i piece of bent tube do the same with more coverage?

dean i have nylon inserts in the holes which are extreamly tight and when in there stay straight unless forced to a position required.


27-07-2009, 09:13 PM

with that ring, does the line touch that plate before the ring?

or would i piece of bent tube do the same with more coverage?

dean i have nylon inserts in the holes which are extreamly tight and when in there stay straight unless forced to a position required.


It just misses justin, but on the kings and queens its simular but a piece of chain, the thicker chain holds it well away.
Saw you come back into spinikar in the new boat on sunday around 12 justin, how did you go, get a few ? ... foxy

28-07-2009, 09:37 AM
thanks foxy love your ideas thought i saw your cruiser do a lap

we bagged on pearlies between the 4 of us and got about a dozed mixed fish, parrot, moses, and snapps but those 30 odd fish came early in the morning, it didnt take long to shut down.


28-07-2009, 10:53 AM
You blokes are soft. Who needs winches lol
When was the last time we used them foxy? Must be like 4 or 5 years ago.

28-07-2009, 06:40 PM
Ah but Greg not all of us mortals are blessed with your powerful upper body!;) :D Roids????:-X


28-07-2009, 07:40 PM
Foxy - thanks heaps for those pics and ideas mate, it makes perfect sense now to have an eye instead of a crummy roller. I just got a roller changed to an eye on a live fibre rod dont know why they run them. I too thought the same as Justin as in does the line rub on the plate before the ring. The ring could be spaced up if theres was any issues anyway i guess. The threaded rod on the end with a wingnut sounds the go but id have to fully change the way its mounted. Cheers.

Justin - thanks as well mate but im unsure what you mean by the nylon inserts?? Have you put these in the winch/rod holder??

Greg - yeah mate soft as goats cheese ;D I havent had much luck with the winch yet still getting the hang of it. I think youll have to take me out for a run to show me how its really done on a rod ;) I'll works those reds out sooner or later they wont be beating me!! I thought Foxy regularly uses a winch?


28-07-2009, 07:57 PM
dean i had 30mm alloy tube welded into the deck when i had the boat built, i then turned up a boat roller to 30mm to fit inside the alloy tube and the centre of the roller is a little smaller than the winch pin which holds the winch tight and raised off the deck.


28-07-2009, 08:22 PM

would have to say that for catching 75% of the fish we catch in the waters here out of the sunny coast they are really over rated . for waters up to 100m do you really need them ? Go the sensitivity of a of a rod and reel and if your really hard pull out the 60pound mono on a handline.........now we are talking

caught 8 of these blokes in a row late last year on old faithfull!

cheers dale

28-07-2009, 08:57 PM
dale i was out in over 120m the other week and could feel them jumping on 150lb could count them on the hooks and then just pulled them in 5 pearlies a hit each at just over 4kg, with the lead needed to hold bottom the rod and reel is a struggle just to pull the weight back up as sometimes and need upto 3kg lead

but thats just me and many others prefer the rod and reel doing it all day long its hard to pull up for work the next day


29-07-2009, 02:50 PM
Agree with skipalong, when fishing multiple droppers, not much fun trying to pull 2 or even 3 reds out of 60m+ on a rod and reel or even on a standard handline, go the winch( saves the hands as well).

29-07-2009, 07:22 PM
And then add the men in grey suits into the equation and a rod is way too slow to get them up youll get dusted every time, a winch will be much more effective! Commercial fisherman benefit the most out of them..

31-07-2009, 08:10 PM
Dean heres another pic of an electric modified ...

31-07-2009, 08:39 PM
Hey Dfox, love it mate, is that a C40 lucas generator wired up to motor ?, never throw out an old generator aye, Cheers !!