View Full Version : what hb's for trevally?

20-07-2009, 06:07 PM
hey guys thers a mad place for silver trevally down te road and im really keen on buying a good lure for them so what hard bodies do you reckon please name the size (mainly looking for small since they arn't huge around the 45cm and smaller mark) if popper please tell me the exact name and size same goes for the diving lures

20-07-2009, 08:49 PM
I know you asked about lures but.....

I've had some success recently on small trevors whilst fishing for gar in 3M of water over reef.

Size 12 hooks on a two hook dropper rig with very light sinker (two split-shots or a tiny barrel sinker)

Often a gar will take one bait and a trevally will rush in to pick up the other hook. The movement excites them.

bait: a tiny bit of squid or fish flesh about 8mm x 5mm single-pinned.

Had them up to 600g on this size bait. I know that's only small, but great fun on a whippy light rod and very light line.

If you want them to come from far and wide - use chicken flavoured dog food as berley.

No run, no fun.