02-07-2009, 07:24 PM
There is a neat gadget you can fix to your google home page called "Petrol Price Tracker"..
It is very easy to use, just put in your post code and most off you local petrol station will be displayed with there price and location...
I use this gadget all the time..
For example: My usual station which is normally with in 1c off being the cheapest was today $1.239c for diesel. The station up the road that I normally don't see because off my route to work was $1.159c. A saving off 8c.... That's was our fuel subsidy...
Fortunately my financial situation I can afford to pay more for fuel, but I simply refuse too...
Why should should I let the oil Co's give me a rogering every time I refill my 2 cars and boat..
Crude oil is selling for $82 AUD bbl and were paying up to $1.30up, at it's it peak it was $160 AUD bbl and petrol was $1.65ulp..
How is it crude cost 50% less but petrol has only dropped 25%...
Because were getting ripped and Caltex is making 250million in proffit, in Aust.
Start using the Petrol price tracker, start going out off you way to get the cheaper fuel, and start making those servos compete for your money..
Complancy won't make fuel cheaper.. Being a tight arse will...
Petrol Price Tracker
It is very easy to use, just put in your post code and most off you local petrol station will be displayed with there price and location...
I use this gadget all the time..
For example: My usual station which is normally with in 1c off being the cheapest was today $1.239c for diesel. The station up the road that I normally don't see because off my route to work was $1.159c. A saving off 8c.... That's was our fuel subsidy...
Fortunately my financial situation I can afford to pay more for fuel, but I simply refuse too...
Why should should I let the oil Co's give me a rogering every time I refill my 2 cars and boat..
Crude oil is selling for $82 AUD bbl and were paying up to $1.30up, at it's it peak it was $160 AUD bbl and petrol was $1.65ulp..
How is it crude cost 50% less but petrol has only dropped 25%...
Because were getting ripped and Caltex is making 250million in proffit, in Aust.
Start using the Petrol price tracker, start going out off you way to get the cheaper fuel, and start making those servos compete for your money..
Complancy won't make fuel cheaper.. Being a tight arse will...
Petrol Price Tracker